Tricky tricks in psychology that are useful for everyone to know


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1. When several people in a group laugh, everyone instinctively looks at the one they like best. Or a person whom he would like to consider close.

2. If you are nervous and have a responsible task ahead of you, chew gum. This way you can calm down, because subconsciously the moment of eating is associated with safety.

3. If someone is yelling at you, remain calm. Perhaps this will anger your interlocutor even more, but after that he will experience a strong feeling of guilt for his behavior.

4. If the interlocutor’s answer does not suit you or you feel that it is incomplete, do not ask again. Just look carefully into the person's eyes. Then he will be forced to continue the conversation.

5. It turns out that not only emotions influence facial expressions, but also vice versa. So if you want to feel happy, smile as wide as possible. As a result, you will smile quite sincerely.

6. Where possible, try not to start sentences with “I think” or “It seems to me.” This is implied in your speech, but sometimes shows unnecessary uncertainty.

7. Before an important interview, imagine that the interviewer is your old friend. This will make you feel freer and worry less.

8. If you learn to express a little more joy when meeting someone, you will eventually become genuinely glad to see that person.

9. People tend to give you less if they have previously denied you something more.

10. The physiological expression of stress is in many ways similar to the symptoms of joyful excitement: (heavy breathing, rapid heartbeat, etc.). If you can look at a stressful situation as a challenge, the negative effects of stress will be reduced.

11. Most often, people do not distinguish simple self-confidence from the fact that you really understand something. And if you show with all your appearance that you are confident in your actions, people will be drawn to you.

12. If you have to work a lot with people, put a mirror behind you. Many clients will behave more politely - after all, no one wants to see themselves angry and irritated.

13. If you expect harsh criticism from someone in a meeting, try to sit next to that person. In this case, he will most likely soften and will not be able to give you a beating with the same force that he feels at some distance.

14. It is better to spend your first date in a place where you can get more positive emotions. Subsequently, pleasant experiences will be associated with you.

15. When meeting someone, try to determine to yourself the color of the interlocutor’s eyes. Making eye contact increases the likelihood of feeling mutual attraction.