Tremble, Kim Jong-un: South Korea has found "eyes" over the sky of the DPRK


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The historic launch of a reconnaissance satellite finally brought the first results.

South Korea has made a breakthrough in military intelligence by successfully launching its first military spy satellite, which has already transmitted high-resolution images of central Pyongyang to Earth. This historic moment came after the launch of this satellite in December by SpaceX's Falcon 9 launch vehicle from the United States.

The satellite, which is the first military spy vehicle built in South Korea, was launched in response to a similar satellite launched by North Korea late last year.

The South Korean innovation allows the country to obtain images of North Korea's military capabilities and leadership independently of partner countries and their technologies. Among the transmitted data are images from an electron-optical and infrared (EO/IR) satellite, including a test transmission of images of various areas of North Korea.

The resulting images require detailed processing, but it is expected that in the near future the satellite will start transmitting images of even higher resolution. According to military sources, more detailed images will be available next month.

Although the specific objects in the photos were not disclosed for security reasons, it is known that the center of Pyongyang, where the headquarters of the Workers Party of Korea and the office of leader Kim Jong-un are located, was photographed, among other things.

The satellite is expected to fully enter the intelligence mission phase by June or July, allowing South Korea to reduce its dependence on U.S. satellite data on North Korea and strengthen independent monitoring capabilities.

By 2025, South Korea plans to launch four more satellites to improve surveillance of North Korea, including a second satellite with synthetic aperture radar, which is scheduled to launch in April from a military base in Florida.