
Reaction score
This article is for those who learned what Carding is relatively recently and still don't know how it all works.

Transfers and Cashing​

Now I will try to explain to you why you won't be able to work in this direction if you are a beginner and have never done this before.
  • It simply doesn't make sense for the pourers (those who do the pours) to transfer money to people who don't understand this at all and give away from 35 to 70%! And all because there are teams of specialists who will do everything quickly and efficiently for 15-30%, without any problems. And there are quite enough such “firms” to receive transfers. Not to mention the fact that you can buy a card issued in someone else's name for several thousand rubles and use it there. It will cost many times less.
  • Cashing out - the situation is similar here; on specialized forums there are many offers for cashing out cards. The people who do this have a lot of experience, and most importantly, they know where, how and when to pour. Their share is up to 30% of the total amount, often discussed individually.

Almost all offers with transfers and Cash Out on the Internet are aimed at deception! It is very easy for beginners and those who do not understand this topic to fall for the tricks of scammers. Everyone wants quick money, but remember one thing - the "LOOT" button does not exist, and if it does exist, no one will tell you about it! In order to make money in carding, you need to study a lot and subsequently work a lot! Yes, this is exactly the work that takes a lot of time.

Important! How to spot scammers?

1) They use regular mail (gmail, mail, etc.)!

Those who know even a little about carding know that the main method of communication for almost all so-called “cyber criminals” is Jabber; no one will use mail for such purposes.

2) They will require you to pay in advance or offer cash on delivery! After transferring the funds, you will be sent to the emergency room, or will be fed “breakfast”. And if you think that cash on delivery is a good option, then I hasten to disappoint you, it is impossible to check cards at the post office.

Intelligent people work only through escrow of proven forums. How is everything going? First, all the terms of the transaction are written down, then the funds are transferred to the guarantor's account, and only after all the clauses of the agreement are met, the guarantor will transfer the money to the second party to the transaction.
P.S. But even working through a guarantor is not a 100% secure transaction!

3) We don't live on forums

The administration of verified carding forums blocks such offers and services; the scammer will not be able to provide links to topics and reviews. Be careful because there are a lot of fake forums on the Internet! Almost all activity on them is fictitious and supported by several people from different accounts!

Selling DUMP+PIN​

I don't sell money for money! What's the point of doing the hard work and just selling the data? If you can go to an ATM and withdraw the maximum from each card!

Let's imagine that you are familiar with real carding and know all the nuances, pitfalls, etc. After purchasing expensive equipment ($1500-2000), look for a team, risking your freedom to collect data, you have nothing left to do, just cash out the bills. And then a truly brilliant idea comes to your mind! How about we sell all the data we've collected? And best of all, for pennies! Well, what is the logic?

-More often 201 dumps are sold (those with a chip) due to the fact that they are more difficult to work with than 101 (without a chip) and are sold to those who know how to work with them.

- Data for which the seller cannot be held responsible. Most, and maybe all, of the data will not be working (not valid).

- The seller has “excess data.” The receipt of data is much faster than the ability to cash it out. For example, you receive 1000 cards per day, but your team can only handle 800 of them, over time the data will accumulate, and when the cards expire, they will become useless. This makes it easier for you to sell them. But there are very few such sellers, or rather, at the moment, only one team is selling for this reason. They are also not responsible for the performance of the data and work only with experienced people who know what and how to do. If you're new, they'll figure it out right away and won't even talk to you.

I hope this article has brought at least a little clarity and helped you save money!

Learn, read articles, ask questions to experienced carders and don't give in to your emotions! The main thing in this matter is to think soberly.