Training in stuff carding (main nuances)


Reaction score
  • Work on stuff carding
  • System setup
  • Beware! Scam during training.
  • How much can you earn?
  • Work in the USA
  • Choosing a direction for beginners
  • Current trends in carding
  • Work long or don't work at all!
  • Work from phone or computer?
  • Taxes and Security
  • Don't go to ref, carding is easier!
  • Work on airline tickets. Is it relevant or not?
  • How often can you work?
  • Don't start with cheap goods!
  • Types of buyers and scams on goods!
  • Stuff carding is the simplest direction in carding
  • All roads lead to stuff carding
  • How partners cheat in carding
  • How often should the device be changed?
  • What is the problem with the WWH manual?
  • Maximum safety! Safety rules that cannot be violated!
  • Why do sellers sell material (Logs/CC)?
  • Killed branded clothes of the USA
  • Why isn't the FBI looking for carders?

Work on stuff carding​

Hello friend, with this article I would like to answer some questions regarding gear and dispel some misconceptions of beginners, because there really are a lot of them, if not to say a lot

Stuff carding is complicated.
I don't know where the belief came from that stuff carding is more complicated than merch, crypto, tickets, traffic... This shadow of complexity has been hanging over stuff carding since the distant 2000s, although this is far from true :). Stuff carding in the 2000s and now are absolutely completely different things, then you could ship anywhere and anyhow, but now, unfortunately or fortunately, we do not have such an opportunity. The main "difficulties" are: 1) Drops 2) Stashes 3) Waiting for goods 4) Shops

Let's go in order.

Drops. In the current reality, drops have long been in short supply, fortunately there are a huge number of services / drop panels and having access to at least 2/3 you yourself can become a dropper and resell services as a "drop under CH" and similar things. There are also a huge number of droppers - this is definitely not a problem.

Buyers. There are also a huge number of buyer-services, your eyes run wide with whom to work, check / test, in any case, you will quickly find the best, the only thing I will say is - Do not fall for the guys who offer 40-50% for liquid, this is an absolute scam that everyone, absolutely everyone, has fallen for. A good percentage for liquid is > 60%, anything lower is not even worth considering. For non-liquid (illiquid) they can certainly ask and this is quite normal. Also ask buyers to pay you with crypto, and then do whatever you want with it. A good option is Monero, throw it into disposable wallets and voila + Pure crypto that cannot be tracked in any way. This is an appeal to those who want to enter into crypto, what difference does it make to you to enter an incomprehensible exchange and catch a charge, or enter liquid and get the same crypto?

Waiting for goods. It makes no sense to ship to your place in the CIS or wherever you live when there are buyers, you can receive payment for the goods on the same day or the next day and not risk that your package will be turned away at the border, + you will not wait for it for a shitty amount of time. I would advise choosing buyers that work on "Payment upon receipt of goods", and not "Payment upon receipt and sale", the time to profit is reduced several times. There are not many such buyers, but not so few either. Shops A pressing topic for all "stuffers 2024", shops like shit, but no, for some reason everyone climbs into the most nerdy ones, why do you need Amazon? When there are a lot of other shops that have fraud and are not even close to the one that Amazon has - this is also important to understand. A shop test costs $ 5-10 at most, and finding one that gives is not a problem (In the training I show how to quickly and practically free of charge search for them and check)

In general, what I wanted to say with this article - Forget about crypto and other areas, you will come to the gear in any case, this always happens - this is the safest and most profitable area where there is a minimum of randomness. Randomness is the worst enemy that does not allow you to put the work on stream, if the work cannot be put on stream - there will be no big money, alas or fortunately :)In general, we work, and everything will be cool for us ;)

We are returning to combat mode.
From you:
1) For consumables $ 100-150, I do not sell anything! If you have your own connections or contacts - use them, I will only be glad.
2) Adequacy
3) PC or smartphone.

System setup​

Setting up a system for VB!


What do we need? And how to solve our problem?

I think the ideal option is a separate dedicated laptop with Windows 7 (eng)-10 + paid Sphere + proxy (you can change the variation, for each his own), but be careful, many proxies have started to cheat lately, so ideally private proxies (luxuries)

However, at first, not everyone can afford a Sphere for $ 100 and even more so a laptop for 40k. For this, we will analyze 4 options, the 4th is actually for the majority.

1. VPN based on + Proxy + virtual machine (WMware / VirtualBox) (the most basic)

+ Everything is collected in one place, you will not lose or get confused
+ You stop being afraid of "left eyes". You can delete a copy of the virtual machine at any time.
+ No extra expenses, you only need virtual + torrent and Windows

- Some shops, like Amazon, can detect virtual, which will add extra fraud points
- Get used to lags and slowdowns, there will be enough of them
- A matter of convenience, but here I have my own minus

2. VPN + Proxy + Base + portable browser (firefox / chrome)

+ You work from the base, no lags, no drops or crashes
+ You very quickly understand what and where. Turn on the sock, insert cookies and go.

- In particular, you will have to turn off WebRTC, because the very essence of portable browsers is not to let the site go beyond the browser itself. Affects fraud.
- A matter of convenience, it is very inconvenient to work with chrome (it is better to log in from it, according to rumors). You should install eng windows under it (IMHO)

3. VPN based on + proxy + base + antidetect (not a crack, stop saving)

+ Full system customization for CH. If the log is not from third world countries and there is a wide selection of good socks, then the % of input with such a machine flies up to 90
+ Convenience. Everything is collected in one place, only here it is already one browser.

- As sad as it is, but if you want to work on stuff carding, then get used to the fact that some shops can burn your sphere. (But there are very few of them, so it is not worth worrying about)
- The price tag for a beginner will bite + you pay per month, and not one-time.

I analyzed only 3 main options for work. There are also enough options, a la hard for work, other antiques, input from a phone, etc. But we will discuss this a little later.

4. "Economy option"
The option that we work with students most often is VB (virtual box) + a good proxy. Then it is obvious that you will need to buy a sphere from the profits, etc., from the first profits, an expense of $ 100 is a trifle, especially when it comes to security. On average, the first check is $ 400-500 in the hands of the student, so all expenses for mat + security are covered with interest.

Profit and strength to you my friend, I will try to go online more often with articles:)

Beware! Scam during training.​

Manuals = a scam!
First of all, I would like to say about the cancerous tumor of the whole direction, I am not afraid of this word, the guys who sell "self-written" shit manuals and pretend to be cool guys who understand the issue (they do not).

Remember once and for all - all manuals in text format, all trainings are prepaid when they tell you - "Training costs 15k rubles - pay and I will teach you" - so it does not work and they are trying to deceive you, someone who knows how to beat will not ask for $ 200. Manuals are useless for a simple reason, one sale = 10 hands, people resell information, leak it to their friends and the current manual yesterday becomes absolutely unsuitable for work today, it's true. Taking information from free manuals is good, with due ingenuity and desire you can combine schemes and seemingly outdated information becomes relevant, but this method is not suitable for beginners, alas.

Everyone knows that the carding industry is famous for its various scams and rip-offs. This article will shed light on some of the most popular schemes and may save you from losing your hard-earned money. Let's go! 1

) A banal attempt to sell you a manual under various pretexts and names. They will try to shove information into you and rip you off for a conditional $10-100 (even at this stage it's funny). Absolutely any information in the public domain becomes irrelevant in the shortest possible time. That's why I have never sold and will not sell you real, truthful information, but this will not make it more relevant when it falls into 10-20 hands. Manuals = scam.

There are a lot of leaked manuals in the public domain, and I believe there is much more useful information there that you can implement in your work than buying a manual from such a "teacher". Leaked manuals may only contain basic principles, but definitely not methods of earning.

2) Pay for training in advance. Never, and again, never pay for training in advance. This is 100% a scam. If a person is really someone, he will always work and teach for %, because with % the earnings on the turnover will always be more than the conditional $ 200-500 that he can rip off from you + you always remain in contact with the student, and these are the very connections that play a far from last role in carding.

How much can you earn?​

The question of money has always been the cornerstone of any business, and carding is no exception. I will answer the question - "how much can you earn?"
The profitability of any direction depends on your experience and general understanding of the business, the more understanding and experience - the more income.

Entry level / beginners - the average check after my training is $ 900-1200 (pack price), from this amount you get a part since I take 20% for my training and services, 20-25% buyback and 10% drop, so you have 45-50% of ~ 1k left on your hands, i.e. the average net profitability at the moment is $ 400-600.

The number of entries that beginners can make is usually no more than 1 per day, and at best 1 entry in 2/3 of the day, and this is considered a good result. Everything depends on your desire and zeal to work, but in the first month few people make more entries because they do not have enough experience and speed of work. The average profitability with such skills and experience is $ 5k+, but not more than 10k per month.

Average worker (1-2 months of experience) - the number of entries increases significantly, and the income accordingly too. You can count on a stable $10k per month and more.

Experienced workers - I will not set any restrictions here because it is possible to do several entries in parallel, having several devices, I will not spread myself too thinly in terms of the amount and income, because this is an individual thing. For some, it is enough to enter their 5-10k without straining themselves too much + do their own thing, and for others, 20k is not enough, so everything is individual here.

Everything rests on your perseverance and desire to work, it has never been so easy to learn how to work and enter thanks to such a structured work and hierarchy.

Stop buying useless manuals that do not work - this is a waste of money and time, the maximum you will get is an outdated manual.

Work in the USA​

The question of which country to work on is too acute, and this article is intended to answer this question and resolve this dilemma.

In our business, everything comes from the issue of safety, the safer - the better, and vice versa, I think this is obvious. Working in the USA is currently the safest due to leaky legislation. You can safely enter goods up to 2-2.7k$, and the fact of fraud or theft will not lead to the initiation of a case, but will simply go to the insurance company. We figured this out.

Next, the question is on the edge on the drops, of which there are a lot in the USA, let's say thanks to the Mexicans. This point greatly simplifies our work and adds security. There are also a lot of shops that you can work on. Worked one - you can work on the second. It is IMPOSSIBLE

to work even 10-20% of all shops. Make the right choices, and work on the right geo.

Choosing a direction for beginners​

The question of which spelling to work with is more pressing than ever. Many newbies are in a rut with a bunch of misconceptions and misinformation about a particular vertical, let's get to the bottom of this!

1) Booking/airline - Travel for 50%, everyone dreams of this and thinks that it is in great demand at the moment, BUT, this is not the case. In this vertical, clients are "one-time", too often unpleasant things happen to the product you sold (tickets/hotels) - booking/ticket cancellations. The end customer is too random, there is no clear forecasting model, and there is also seasonality - which is already a red cross for a business like carding.

2) Gifts. Penny goods with an unclear sales market. Fraud is sometimes higher than in a casino. 3) Casinos/bookmakers - Inadequate level of fraud, the amount of input should be chosen < $ 200-300. You often need to play to warm up your accounts, and this is also a certain risk of developing gambling addiction. I personally know examples of a person who worked at a casino - and subsequently the casino stopped coming in in terms of carding, and the person could not switch to another direction either = the person has no money, but is addicted to games. In my opinion, this is the worst vertical.

4) Stuff carding - the direction we are engaged in. Of the obvious advantages - a clear sales market, with clear chains, as well as endless opportunities. Do you want to sell a product for $ 5k? - no problem, need to sell for $ 50k? - they will buy from you, for $ 100k? - easy, and so on (no ceiling).

Fraud in some shops is so simple that you can card even without a security guard (but I do not recommend doing this). Stopped giving a shop? - no problem, there are thousands of them on the market, and believe me, there is no talk of competition here. Even if I train 500 people, there will be enough room for everyone.

There are no risks, because we have no contact with the goods, but immediately transfer them to the buyer who pays in crypto.

The turnover of funds occurs within one day. We do not wait a week for the goods to be sold. We put up an order in the morning, the goods are in the hands of the buyer in the evening - you received payment in crypto and everything is in chocolate.

Current trends in carding​

For many, there is no adequate answer to the questions "Where to move?" "Which direction to choose?"

Let's talk about examples and analyze the problems of this or that vertical.

Frankly a dead vertical, which I would not even advise anyone to get into.

Why? 1) The sales market is too fickle and one day you can have a lot of orders, and the next zero, there are no skimpy tickets as such, and this is quite critical. If your income depends on demand, and not on your desire to work, then you have chosen the wrong direction.

Also, let's add to this the banal fact
- there are very few regular customers here, since tickets often fly off, and the person simply will not fly ... This will automatically turn the client away from your service, and getting by with random orders is not the best business approach.

Payment for entered tickets is almost never more than 50%, and at the cost of an average ticket it is pennies...

The situation is quite similar to airlines, there are very few regular customers, since sometimes payments fly off, and customers often want to take rooms for more than a week. In a week, the payment will fly off with a 95% chance, after which your client will have problems :).

Casinos / Merch / Crypto exchanges / exchangers / sites with Steam gear, Steam itself / gifts

It is not for nothing that I highlighted everything in one point, since the problems are + - similar.

At the moment, it is quite difficult to enter anything related to crypto / casinos + the amount of entry will be a penny. Payments up to $ 500 are adequately processed, but you will not be allowed to withdraw funds just like that. If we are talking about a casino, then there are not fools sitting there, and they understand that replenishment without a game is a fraudulent deposit, as a way out they will simply ban your account (which costs a lot of money) = you will be left without an account, without money, without the material that you entered.

Everything that is connected with crypto - they very quickly hang AML on the crypto, after which it becomes useless ... You will not bring it to the exchange, or to the exchanger, they will simply block it. If you want to launder it through mixers - then the crypto will also be from there with AML, but from under the mixer)), which is also pointless.

Steam / sites with gear - They instantly hang CT (red plate), if simpler, trade ban. = burned mat and no goods. Merch - The problem with merch is that they are short-lived, and that's putting it mildly. If one merch dies, it is not so easy to raise the second one and it takes time / money + I'm not even talking about the fact that it is unsafe (if you want your own merch).

The more episodes can be linked into one - the worse for our safety!

Thing carding
The king of all directions, which was one of the first, and remained on top no matter what anyone says.

Payment for the goods that you entered comes from the crypto buy (for those asking " why not just enter the crypto???", a clothing item is much easier to type in than a scam or an exchange).

Permanent demand gives freedom of action, you can choose absolutely any product and at least each time you type in you want to go to a new shop (I give info in individual training on how to search for shops for typing in).

The main misconceptions: "so the product will go for a week!", "yes, the drop will just throw me on the product!"

Let's start with the first : Since we take shops by zips to the drop / CH, the product arrives on the same day (if you started early), and there are acceptance points for buyers in all big cities! The circle most often takes less than 12 hours from the start of work-training. "The drop will throw me" - this is excluded, since we take drops with a deposit.

Drop with a deposit - A non-divorce drop, which leaves a deposit to the dropper, for the average amount of packs, and in the case of a throw, the amount is reimbursed from the pocket of the same drop.

Bonus - Refund
I don't understand people who choose ref at all...

1) People are jailed more often for ref than for card friends!
2) You must have capital for all the goods, and the fact that you will get your money back is far from a fact, no matter what anyone says! The entry threshold in terms of money in ref is much higher, while in card it is 150 bucks at most, for goods priced at ~1k$, and for 150 you get not 1 try, but at least 2-3. I think we have dotted all the i's and crossed the t's.

Work for the long haul or don't work at all!​

In this article, we will talk about the importance of working for the long term and building mutually beneficial relationships.

1) Beginners are very much mistaken when they think that a scam can make them really rich and successful in the moment 🤷‍♀️. Scams have never led to sustainable business models, they are nothing more than "topics", and topics are not a business!

2) Your value = the value of your team and the product you produce. If you scam = you produce nothing and your value is zero, yes, you can make money, but not everything is tied to this, remember this!

3) Creating your own team is difficult, yes, but without this you will never see really big money, so it would be better to do this earlier, so as not to end up in the role of "catching up".

Work from phone or computer?​

In this article, we will talk about choosing a device for work, as well as for whom what is better.

Many people think that working from a phone is a taboo, and it is impossible to build all the processes without crutches. Well, let's figure out if this is true.

You can work from a phone, and there are no difficulties in this
. Now the market has all the software we need available, so omit these prejudices. I will not get into the technical part, there will be other articles for this. A huge plus of the phone is its availability and ease of disposal. It is

highly recommended to replace the equipment you work with every 2 weeks or a month, at least. It is much easier to replace a phone both financially and in the choice of "pawnshops". Safety comes first.

Sometimes those who start working from a phone, then do not want to switch to a laptop. For what reasons?) - I named them above: price, simplicity.

But I will not dissemble, working from a laptop is much easier and faster. There is much more software for Windows, and this gives variability and flexibility, which is a definite plus.

The phone is recommended to those who have a limited budget, and to those who are just entering the direction without knowledge. Do not spend your last money, it is much easier to start with a phone, and from the first profits to buy a laptop.

I recommend a laptop to those who first of all have a budget, the main thing is to pay attention to the characteristics. Not less than 4 RAM, and not a very ancient processor.

Taxes and Security​

In this article, I would like to cover a topic that is closely related to security, it should be in first place!

Any more or less significant income, from $ 10k at least, very often comes to the attention of tax authorities if you do not follow the rules, which we will discuss later in this article.

What can this kind of attention lead to? Nothing good, which is why the # 1 task should be to ensure your own safety.

Important rules that cannot be violated: Withdrawal of funds to your details.

It is strictly prohibited for the reasons I voiced earlier, all accounts are subject to fin. Monitoring, and sooner or later guests will knock on the door.

Withdrawal of funds to your accounts is prohibited in any form, be it through P2P / direct transfer / withdrawal through exchangers. Solution to this problem: I advise you to use neo banks (revo / wise / n26) that are registered to other people, or use crypto-cash exchange offices. The

second rule is the absence of contact with the goods. Don't ignore this point, and it's better to dump the goods on the buyers - this is critically important.

Don't go to ref, carding is easier!​

In this article I would like to open the eyes of some to the issue of work, and protect you from unnecessary costs, both in the form of money and time, because this is the most valuable resource.

Stop getting into the refund!
For those who do not know, I will explain in 2 words what it is and what to eat with it. Ref is an order of goods with further investigation through technical support about the return of funds due to "marriage" or a bunch of other invented / falsified reasons. Why do I not advise you to go there? - there is always a risk that the payment will remain in the shop, and no one will return anything to you, and the goods are already in your hands + most often you lose the amount on the resale of the goods.

Refunds are punished even more often and more simply than carding, why? - there are much fewer shops that ref than in carding under VB = you will more often work in the same places, and this affects security only in a negative way!

Testing a shop for a ref costs normal money :), while in carding it is done for 1-2$. I think we have covered the main points and the picture of the world has become clearer.

I can give examples endlessly, but there is no point in this, just stop writing to me for a Ref, I do not do this kindergarten. :)

Stuff carding is free of all the problems described above, so think and make the right choice, well, and I will probably finish my thought by saying that the entry threshold into carding is much lower and cheaper!

Work on airline tickets. Is it relevant or not?​

Preface: Many newbies (like me at the very beginning) think that carding opens the way to a "free" life, and eternal carousing at someone else's expense, well, this is the biggest misconception that can only be. Carding is a way to earn money, but not eternal purchases of goods for yourself cheaper, since this approach will take you for #, and very quickly.

Work on AIRLINES / HOTELS, and everything related to booking - is not relevant!

Let me explain why. 1) Banks and financial institutions began to work much faster! And conditional payment for a hotel in 2010 went unpunished, since the bank (very honestly) simply did not have time to give a charge (refund), and these couple of days were almost always enough. At the moment, the situation has become much more complicated, and cancellations / charges are a common occurrence.

2) Clients. I think it is clear to everyone that the service will not be purchased a second time if there are any difficulties. Conditionally not allowed on the plane or kicked out of the room (this is a normal occurrence, if anything). From here follows the 3rd point

3) Low payment in % for the nominal amount of entry. 30-40% for a ticket is robbery + sometimes tickets are not very expensive ... To enter a ticket for $ 300 and earn 120 is not a very cheerful prospect. :)

And the paradox here is that entering equipment is a) Easier b) You regulate the average bill yourself c) There is always a sales market (and not for 40%), but for 60-70% +

Simply put - Do not waste your time and nerves 🫡

How often can you work?​

Safe. As in any business, in carding it is also important to maintain balance and not to be "impudent". Impudence has never led to anything good, especially in areas like Card.

The number of cardings depends on your employment / free time / skills. With due skill, you can hang 10 orders per day, but this is definitely not worth doing, and here's why: There is such a thing as the theory of large numbers, and the more often and more you work - the higher the chance of your mistake! Therefore, I strongly recommend not to put carding on # 1 place in your life, even if you have felt the taste of your first money !! Always devote time to offline, and perceive carding as a "step" thanks to which you can reach white income, and carding will remain in the past.

The answer to the key question! I advise you to card no more than 1 pack per day, and ideally please every other day. With such a schedule, you will have time for "life" and there will be money to move something white, as for me, this is an ideal layout.

Negative example
I even have examples of carders who went on a tear and beat non-stop after training, I immediately disown them because you should expect trouble there and it came. In this case, he was lucky because trouble came from the tax office, from which it is possible to buy off, but from other uncles - no, fortunately he got off with a fright and learned his lesson, so do not be mistaken!

We will see each other more often!

Don't start with cheap goods!​

In this article I will answer the question: why is there no point in starting with cheap goods, and why is this a gross mistake?

Initially, it is important to understand that fraud on a conditional laptop priced at ~$1k and on a vase for $50 will be completely different, but for a beginner, both entering a vase and entering a laptop seem to be the same success - this is a gross mistake.

Naturally, if you want to work with illiquid goods (not liquid - goods that are difficult to sell / for a small %) - this is your choice, but for most people I would not advise this path.

In reality, you will very quickly reach a dead end and burn out, because goods priced at $100 are "within your reach", but adequate positions are not. The point here is that the approaches to entering are completely different, and learning to enter penny goods you will not learn anything! This includes your favorite gifts that nobody gave a damn about and have not been in demand for a long time :)

Always aim for first-tier products, for which you can get a normal % at any time, and do not try to palm off on anyone just to get rid of a hang-up 👌

I understand why this happens, the banal misconception of beginners has not gone away: "I'll learn from small and get to big", but this is not how the card works, here you need to immediately learn where you want to work.

I will not dissemble, I made the same mistakes and spent a lot of effort and nerves at the right moment, so I do not want the same story to repeat itself with you.

Types of buyers and scams on goods!​

This article concerns issues of working with buyers, as well as points that are definitely worth paying attention to, and of course - How to work so that you don't get ripped off?
In our area it is impossible to imagine more or less productive and fruitful work in financial terms without the participation of buyers, but how many of you thought about the honesty of a buyer...?

1. Type: Buyer-Khid
The most amazing type of theft that everyone lets slide and continues to work with this or that person.

Where the price of 30-50% for liquid came from is absolutely unclear to me... A completely new product that will go the same day for 90-95% of the cost to pick up for 30 is a specific theft, I categorically do not recommend working with such guys, and the main misunderstanding and sadness here is that people do not care about the extra +100-200$ to each pack :)

P.S. We are not talking about buyers for illiquid assets, the price of 30-40% for clothes is quite reasonable and adequate, it is quite difficult to merge such goods into an identical price to the standard one.

2. Type: Buyer-Waiter
These are the guys who are not ready to pay for the goods that arrived, they will wait for the sale and waste both your time and theirs.

The main misunderstanding and sadness is already here - skups, as well as people who dump the goods, do not understand the elementary - Turnover = income, without the turnover of goods, it is quite difficult to reach a normal income, but when the skup throws in sticks - everything becomes much more difficult :)Work with guys who have experience and a financial cushion to pay for the goods, an adequate skup always knows how much he will sell this or that product for, and can set you a price in advance. Also an important point is security, oddly enough, do not accept payment through online payments, cards, PayPal, etc., crypto and only crypto, nothing else. Smart guys will talk about send, and the fact that all transactions can be checked - this is true, but mixers and exchanges will help you. There are also anonymous coins :) (XMR, DASH, ZEC - top 1)

3. Buyer-services
A special scourge that has absorbed all of the above :) There are cool guys who know their business, but this is a rarity compared to snow in June ... For any minimal reason, you will receive a refusal to pay, payment after the sale, payment of 40% for liquid is the least you can meet. There are also guys who ask for a deposit in advance - the end result is obvious, I think.

Men and women, do not work with such charlatans, the signs are listed above. A buy-back is not only a guy who will buy your shirr for%, first of all - this is your safety, sending the goods to your address and selling yourself is not a very good option, the 30-40% that you save cannot be compared with safety ... Adequate % from a buy-back: Liquid - 60-80%, Illiquid -30-60%, the figures are approximate and everything very much depends on your product ...

Stuff carding is the simplest direction in carding​

In this article I will give arguments that will clarify the choice of direction. This topic is important, so read to the end.

Stuff carding - Work on equipment / goods, which are subsequently sold independently or chipped in to a buyer, who in turn pays us in crypto. Why is stuff carding the easiest direction?

It is worth starting with the entry threshold, because if the event is very difficult to implement, then there is little point in it, obviously if you are a beginner. The entry threshold in stuff carding is much lower than in the conditional carding in a casino / airline / crypto, at the exit from almost all directions we want to get crypto anyway, and here the question is brewing: Why beat a casino / crypto in exchangers with unreal Fraud, if you can card a laptop many times easier and sell it for crypto on the same day! I think this question is rhetorical, but for some reason everyone wants to beat crypto without knowing and not understanding the basics.

In the clothing store there will never be problems with the place where to hit, because there are thousands of shops, and replacing a shop that has flown off and stopped sending is a very elementary task, it also adds security.

Stuff carding always comes first on the list, and then if you have a desire to develop in other verticals = no problems, but starting training with difficulties sounds like masochism, so I created individual training.

All roads lead to stuff carding​

In this article we will raise a topic that almost all beginners do not understand and do not want to accept, namely: all debts lead to stuff carding.

The misconception that it is much easier to enter crypto/casino/merch/airline than to work on stuff carding is already in the liver, to be honest, I am analyzing this topic for the last time!

No matter how you twist and try, any vertical that you can think of will sooner or later fall, and will stop giving profit, this is the inevitable path of all directions except stuff carding, why?

!!! Stuff carding has always been famous for its flexibility and ease of replacement of some, or even all gaps in work, for example: Not satisfied with the shop = replaced, not satisfied with the product = replaced, not satisfied with anything = replaced, whereas in working on Crypto, it is simply not possible to replace something! This is what distinguishes a truly sustainable direction in which you can build a business from a short-term "topic" that, yes, will earn you money at the moment, but will not bring any long-term profit.

Stuff carding is much better suited for studying the general concept of cards, since you work with all the important "nodes", from setting up a machine to working with drops = you get more experience, which you can later monetize!

Think about it.

Among my friends, there are more than a dozen carders who said "I don't need your stuff carding, I'll go beat merch", and who eventually came back, and still studied stuff carding realizing that they were deceived in their choice!

I have no goal to convince anyone, fill your own head with lumps, but the title of this article is not without reason. All roads lead to stuff carding!

How partners cheat in carding​

In this article, I will clarify the issue of cheating by colleagues at work, as well as how to build relationships so that this does not happen! Let's go.

1) The key rule that will save you from financial losses, as well as from wasting time, which is much more valuable! - this rule sounds like "there are no friends here." Quite trivial and cynical, but that's how it is in reality ... Never trust anyone so much that you create situations in which you can suffer, that's all.

True story. I had a very close colleague from offline, with whom we started working and splitting the income 50/50, and after the first couple of months of work he decided that he could work himself and he did not need me (I taught everything, I showed everything, my scheme, my contacts / exits). This approach did not suit me and I informed him about it, to which in response I heard blackmail that everyone in my circle would find out what I do. Of course, for the sake of anonymity, I removed some details and changed something, but the essence of the story and the history remain unchanged. The moral of this story is this: work so that everything depends on you, and do not give unnecessary privileges to those who do not deserve it!

2) Scam on material.
This topic has been raised far from the first time on my channel, and its importance does not decrease! Never pay for material in advance, only after checking the Bin check/valid check can we talk about any payment. There have been too many reports of scams from sellers, so do not let yourself be deceived and always approach your work consciously. The mat should always go first for checks!

How often should the device be changed?​

In this article we will talk about one of the most important topics that directly affects the level of safety at work, namely the intervals and frequency of replacing the working device.

Why change the device at all?
The device you work with is your trace on the Internet, it does not just disappear and does not go anywhere. If you made 20 entries in one shop and used different approaches to work + different proxies, etc. - all your entries can be linked into 1 by that very trace, this is the main reason for replacing a PC or phone.

How often should you change? The more often - the better, this is the answer that will work for all devices without exception! But my recommendation is to keep the benchmark at 1-2 weeks. 2 weeks worked - replaced, etc., the same story with phones, there is no difference.

How to change effectively?
Use pawnshops more often, this is a sacred place for businessmen like us. There you can buy phones and laptops and anything you want.

How do I personally do it? - I take the laptop and in 2 weeks I take it to another pawnshop (without the hard drive). Important! Choose pawnshops far from home, always pay in cash and park the car far from the scene of the action:)

What is the problem with the WWH manual?​

In this article, we will analyze the issue of the WWH manual, and why the training is not worth the money.

It is fundamentally worth understanding that any information has value, especially in our direction! But, ease of use is much more important than all other factors.

1) The WWH manual is intended for sale to as many hands as possible, and this already does not look very good, why? - Any manual (and this is a manual) becomes irrelevant when it gets into the first hands ... Where the first hands are - there are another 20, and where 20 - there are 100.

2) Lack of practice in the "hand-held" format.
You are not guided individually, with a demonstration of the screen until profit, this, in my opinion, is the biggest problem, since without a visual example you can poke around in shops endlessly, and without an adequate mentor who knows what the problem is, solving it yourself is quite expensive and time-consuming. It is

better to give less theory but show practice, this has always worked more effectively. Theory without practice is money down the drain.

3) Price
The information provided is in no way comparable to the price they ask for! Don't throw money into the void, choose training for %, it is much more effective and easier to learn.

I do not argue, leaked manuals here are WWH for 0$ and they will definitely not be superfluous, but I would not pay hard-earned money for public information, at least considering the reasons mentioned above. Do not waste time on a mass product, but work individually.

Safety to the max! Safety rules that cannot be violated!​

Nowadays it is not customary to talk about risks and ways to reduce them, everyone needs to talk about how much you can earn and how, but only a few think about safety. This article was created so that you are aware of the safety rules that cannot be violated! And even if these rules help 1 person, the article will not have been written in vain.

Let's start with the banal:

1) No one should know what you are doing! Not a girl (especially a girl), not friends, NO ONE! The only exceptions can be blood relatives whom you trust and with whom you are in close ties, otherwise this is out of the question. Sooner or later, I assure you, the moment will come when they will want to use knowledge about you against you, do not give people a lever of manipulation or control over you and in the end, the slower you go = the further you will get!

2) Change your work device more often.
I don't see any point in stretching this point, please read the paragraph above.

3) Contact with the product you enter
I often see people who want to enter a product and then sell it in their shop... This makes me feel nothing but indignation.

ANY contact with the product you entered = unjustified risk! You never know, and cannot know, whether the product is being sold, etc., etc. Why do this when there are drops and buyers is not clear to me. If you want to keep the product for yourself, that is also taboo. Enter it, send it to a buyer for crypto and buy it in Belaya, it will be much safer.

4) I will work in carding all my life! Absolute idiocy that defies logic. Carding is a transitional stage, thanks to which you will earn initial capital, and with its help you start something white... If you are told that doing carding all your life is ok and it is cool - send such experts to hell. They earned money quickly - left, the best approach.

This article could be endless, but I won't keep you waiting and will finish with a list of prohibitions of a less important order.
1) Do not work in the country you are in
2) Do not enter on colleagues/friends
3) Do not use your details/exchanges/accounts for withdrawal of funds
4) Do not enter amounts higher than 2.7k
5) Do not make more than 1-2 entries per day. This is the basis.

Why do sellers sell material (Logs/CC)?​

For many, the question of "why do sellers/shops sell material?" remains open, because why sell something that you can work on yourself, and even more so earn? Now I'll break it down on my fingers.

Initially, I want to ask you, why don't you pester the seller of watermelons or sausages with questions "why are you selling watermelons? If you can eat them yourself?", and here, sellers/shops cannot physically work on such a quantity of material, and therefore shops/boards are opened, on which the material is actually sold. The first reason was above, the second reason is a banal security issue :), it has never happened and here it is again, right? - yes. It is almost impossible

to work on thousands of cards without consequences + take into account the time it will take, hence we get the absolute uselessness of the idea. The next reason is the method of obtaining the material itself, they come from several places: Sniffer / Brute / Stiller / Fake merch, these are the main ones. Sniffer - Script that steals card data on the payment page Brute - Hacking shops/databases with card data by brute-forcing passwords. Stealer - Malware that steals data from your computer, including cookies/card data linked to payments. Fake merch - A fake shop that traffic is poured into. Data is stolen through the payment form. In 99% of cases, the brute will not process the material, but will simply sell the DB (database) to the right hands for a tidy sum. A) He doesn't take such a risk B) Instant profit. The situation is quite similar with the rest of the guys. If they sell something = it means it's profitable, no one will drain it at a loss!

Killed branded clothes of the USA​

In this article I wanted to cover the topic of work on stuff carding (namely gear), and also perhaps warn many from wasting time / finances / nerves, on an irrelevant direction. Let's begin!

When does stuff carding (by gear) have the right to exist?
It is worthwhile to understand in principle, due to what the benefit of this or that scheme is built? As a rule, this is the sales market, as well as liquidity (how quickly your goods will be bought out), well, and the price is also obviously. Work on gear takes place only under the condition of pre-orders, and already paid for goods in advance by you, otherwise this event risks being meaningless, why?

For your gear, you will receive no more than 30-40% of the original cost, which is extremely little and I would even say insulting. The categories of goods "gear" are not liquid ( there are exceptions ), and therefore we see a picture of this kind, where for a seemingly popular bag they offer 30%, while for equipment this percentage easily exceeds 60-70%.

Should you start typing in stuff?
Everything is very individual, and everyone has their own goals + plans. If you want to work in such a way as to fill your own stock (a store with stuff) with goods, this idea is clearly not the best. Any format of contact with the product is an extra risk that we do not need at all.

Again, the exception is typing in to order, this is the only way this direction feels adequate.

I have never understood why waste time on a vertical in which there are so many pitfalls, and features of this or that stuff that directly affect the price.

There is never such a problem with technology, and you can intuitively understand what is valued, what is not, what is easier and faster to sell, and what is not. Working with technology has always been and will be in first place in terms of simplicity/speed of income/profitability/safety!

Why isn't the FBI looking for carders?​

This article will discuss the reasons why a huge layer of carders remain in the shadows and are not attacked by the authorities.

The main reasons
It is important to understand that criminal liability (in different states in different ways) occurs depending on the amount of damage, somewhere more, somewhere less, but this is what you need to pay attention to. Thus, using holes in the legislation, it is possible to remain in the shadows and not attract attention.

Obviously, if you hit 20 times in 1 shop - your packs will be linked into one case, and the case will go full swing, but, it is for this reason that I give information on how to search for shops for VB, and will not be repeated, there are literally thousands of shops. Have you noticed one similarity in all the news reports about landings? - "stole $1 million", "stole $2 million" and all in this format, but no one will ever talk about damage of 1-2 thousand, since this is stupidly inappropriate and funny, but in fact, the damage from this is hundreds of times higher. It is clear that the authorities need to create the appearance of work for the plebeians who watch the box and do not think critically, we live in such times ...

The amount of $ 2,700 is important!
In addition to the legislative system, if the banal costs of initiating a case (criminal), at the moment this amount is approximately equal to $ 2,700, everything below this falls on the shoulders of insurance companies.

Absolutely all deposits / money on balances / credit funds are insured, and this in turn leads to a situation where insurance companies suffer first of all, since this approach is used not for the first or second year in a row!

The conclusion is quite simple and banal: Don't be impudent, even if the shop is a sweet bun, and gives everything right away, it's worth nothing if the work is done without understanding 100% safety! It's better not to hammer in at all than to do it unsafely. It's in my interests that students work for a long time and bring % + order consultations, that's why in my individual training I give all these topics in much more detail, and with a large amount of insider information. Alas, I cannot publish everything about this topic in the public domain.

P.S. To be continued...


Reaction score
  • Work on stuff carding
  • System setup
  • Beware! Scam during training.
  • How much can you earn?
  • Work in the USA
  • Choosing a direction for beginners
  • Current trends in carding
  • Work long or don't work at all!
  • Work from phone or computer?
  • Taxes and Security
  • Don't go to ref, carding is easier!
  • Work on airline tickets. Is it relevant or not?
  • How often can you work?
  • Don't start with cheap goods!
  • Types of buyers and scams on goods!
  • Stuff carding is the simplest direction in carding
  • All roads lead to stuff carding
  • How partners cheat in carding
  • How often should the device be changed?
  • What is the problem with the WWH manual?
  • Maximum safety! Safety rules that cannot be violated!
  • Why do sellers sell material (Logs/CC)?
  • Killed branded clothes of the USA
  • Why isn't the FBI looking for carders?

Work on stuff carding​

Stuff carding is complicated.
I don't know where the belief came from that stuff carding is more complicated than merch, crypto, tickets, traffic... This shadow of complexity has been hanging over stuff carding since the distant 2000s, although this is far from true :). Stuff carding in the 2000s and now are absolutely completely different things, then you could ship anywhere and anyhow, but now, unfortunately or fortunately, we do not have such an opportunity. The main "difficulties" are: 1) Drops 2) Stashes 3) Waiting for goods 4) Shops

Let's go in order.

Drops. In the current reality, drops have long been in short supply, fortunately there are a huge number of services / drop panels and having access to at least 2/3 you yourself can become a dropper and resell services as a "drop under CH" and similar things. There are also a huge number of droppers - this is definitely not a problem.

Buyers. There are also a huge number of buyer-services, your eyes run wide with whom to work, check / test, in any case, you will quickly find the best, the only thing I will say is - Do not fall for the guys who offer 40-50% for liquid, this is an absolute scam that everyone, absolutely everyone, has fallen for. A good percentage for liquid is > 60%, anything lower is not even worth considering. For non-liquid (illiquid) they can certainly ask and this is quite normal. Also ask buyers to pay you with crypto, and then do whatever you want with it. A good option is Monero, throw it into disposable wallets and voila + Pure crypto that cannot be tracked in any way. This is an appeal to those who want to enter into crypto, what difference does it make to you to enter an incomprehensible exchange and catch a charge, or enter liquid and get the same crypto?

Waiting for goods. It makes no sense to ship to your place in the CIS or wherever you live when there are buyers, you can receive payment for the goods on the same day or the next day and not risk that your package will be turned away at the border, + you will not wait for it for a shitty amount of time. I would advise choosing buyers that work on "Payment upon receipt of goods", and not "Payment upon receipt and sale", the time to profit is reduced several times. There are not many such buyers, but not so few either. Shops A pressing topic for all "stuffers 2024", shops like shit, but no, for some reason everyone climbs into the most nerdy ones, why do you need Amazon? When there are a lot of other shops that have fraud and are not even close to the one that Amazon has - this is also important to understand. A shop test costs $ 5-10 at most, and finding one that gives is not a problem (In the training I show how to quickly and practically free of charge search for them and check)

In general, what I wanted to say with this article - Forget about crypto and other areas, you will come to the gear in any case, this always happens - this is the safest and most profitable area where there is a minimum of randomness. Randomness is the worst enemy that does not allow you to put the work on stream, if the work cannot be put on stream - there will be no big money, alas or fortunately :)In general, we work, and everything will be cool for us ;)

We are returning to combat mode.
From you:
1) For consumables $ 100-150, I do not sell anything! If you have your own connections or contacts - use them, I will only be glad.
2) Adequacy
3) PC or smartphone.

System setup​

Setting up a system for VB!


What do we need? And how to solve our problem?

I think the ideal option is a separate dedicated laptop with Windows 7 (eng)-10 + paid Sphere + proxy (you can change the variation, for each his own), but be careful, many proxies have started to cheat lately, so ideally private proxies (luxuries)

However, at first, not everyone can afford a Sphere for $ 100 and even more so a laptop for 40k. For this, we will analyze 4 options, the 4th is actually for the majority.

1. VPN based on + Proxy + virtual machine (WMware / VirtualBox) (the most basic)

+ Everything is collected in one place, you will not lose or get confused
+ You stop being afraid of "left eyes". You can delete a copy of the virtual machine at any time.
+ No extra expenses, you only need virtual + torrent and Windows

- Some shops, like Amazon, can detect virtual, which will add extra fraud points
- Get used to lags and slowdowns, there will be enough of them
- A matter of convenience, but here I have my own minus

2. VPN + Proxy + Base + portable browser (firefox / chrome)

+ You work from the base, no lags, no drops or crashes
+ You very quickly understand what and where. Turn on the sock, insert cookies and go.

- In particular, you will have to turn off WebRTC, because the very essence of portable browsers is not to let the site go beyond the browser itself. Affects fraud.
- A matter of convenience, it is very inconvenient to work with chrome (it is better to log in from it, according to rumors). You should install eng windows under it (IMHO)

3. VPN based on + proxy + base + antidetect (not a crack, stop saving)

+ Full system customization for CH. If the log is not from third world countries and there is a wide selection of good socks, then the % of input with such a machine flies up to 90
+ Convenience. Everything is collected in one place, only here it is already one browser.

- As sad as it is, but if you want to work on stuff carding, then get used to the fact that some shops can burn your sphere. (But there are very few of them, so it is not worth worrying about)
- The price tag for a beginner will bite + you pay per month, and not one-time.

I analyzed only 3 main options for work. There are also enough options, a la hard for work, other antiques, input from a phone, etc. But we will discuss this a little later.

4. "Economy option"
The option that we work with students most often is VB (virtual box) + a good proxy. Then it is obvious that you will need to buy a sphere from the profits, etc., from the first profits, an expense of $ 100 is a trifle, especially when it comes to security. On average, the first check is $ 400-500 in the hands of the student, so all expenses for mat + security are covered with interest.

Profit and strength to you my friend, I will try to go online more often with articles:)

Beware! Scam during training.​

Manuals = a scam!
First of all, I would like to say about the cancerous tumor of the whole direction, I am not afraid of this word, the guys who sell "self-written" shit manuals and pretend to be cool guys who understand the issue (they do not).

Remember once and for all - all manuals in text format, all trainings are prepaid when they tell you - "Training costs 15k rubles - pay and I will teach you" - so it does not work and they are trying to deceive you, someone who knows how to beat will not ask for $ 200. Manuals are useless for a simple reason, one sale = 10 hands, people resell information, leak it to their friends and the current manual yesterday becomes absolutely unsuitable for work today, it's true. Taking information from free manuals is good, with due ingenuity and desire you can combine schemes and seemingly outdated information becomes relevant, but this method is not suitable for beginners, alas.

Everyone knows that the carding industry is famous for its various scams and rip-offs. This article will shed light on some of the most popular schemes and may save you from losing your hard-earned money. Let's go! 1

) A banal attempt to sell you a manual under various pretexts and names. They will try to shove information into you and rip you off for a conditional $10-100 (even at this stage it's funny). Absolutely any information in the public domain becomes irrelevant in the shortest possible time. That's why I have never sold and will not sell you real, truthful information, but this will not make it more relevant when it falls into 10-20 hands. Manuals = scam.

There are a lot of leaked manuals in the public domain, and I believe there is much more useful information there that you can implement in your work than buying a manual from such a "teacher". Leaked manuals may only contain basic principles, but definitely not methods of earning.

2) Pay for training in advance. Never, and again, never pay for training in advance. This is 100% a scam. If a person is really someone, he will always work and teach for %, because with % the earnings on the turnover will always be more than the conditional $ 200-500 that he can rip off from you + you always remain in contact with the student, and these are the very connections that play a far from last role in carding.

How much can you earn?​

The profitability of any direction depends on your experience and general understanding of the business, the more understanding and experience - the more income.

Entry level / beginners - the average check after my training is $ 900-1200 (pack price), from this amount you get a part since I take 20% for my training and services, 20-25% buyback and 10% drop, so you have 45-50% of ~ 1k left on your hands, i.e. the average net profitability at the moment is $ 400-600.

The number of entries that beginners can make is usually no more than 1 per day, and at best 1 entry in 2/3 of the day, and this is considered a good result. Everything depends on your desire and zeal to work, but in the first month few people make more entries because they do not have enough experience and speed of work. The average profitability with such skills and experience is $ 5k+, but not more than 10k per month.

Average worker (1-2 months of experience) - the number of entries increases significantly, and the income accordingly too. You can count on a stable $10k per month and more.

Experienced workers - I will not set any restrictions here because it is possible to do several entries in parallel, having several devices, I will not spread myself too thinly in terms of the amount and income, because this is an individual thing. For some, it is enough to enter their 5-10k without straining themselves too much + do their own thing, and for others, 20k is not enough, so everything is individual here.

Everything rests on your perseverance and desire to work, it has never been so easy to learn how to work and enter thanks to such a structured work and hierarchy.

Stop buying useless manuals that do not work - this is a waste of money and time, the maximum you will get is an outdated manual.

Work in the USA​

The question of which country to work on is too acute, and this article is intended to answer this question and resolve this dilemma.

In our business, everything comes from the issue of safety, the safer - the better, and vice versa, I think this is obvious. Working in the USA is currently the safest due to leaky legislation. You can safely enter goods up to 2-2.7k$, and the fact of fraud or theft will not lead to the initiation of a case, but will simply go to the insurance company. We figured this out.

Next, the question is on the edge on the drops, of which there are a lot in the USA, let's say thanks to the Mexicans. This point greatly simplifies our work and adds security. There are also a lot of shops that you can work on. Worked one - you can work on the second. It is IMPOSSIBLE

to work even 10-20% of all shops. Make the right choices, and work on the right geo.

Choosing a direction for beginners​

The question of which spelling to work with is more pressing than ever. Many newbies are in a rut with a bunch of misconceptions and misinformation about a particular vertical, let's get to the bottom of this!

1) Booking/airline - Travel for 50%, everyone dreams of this and thinks that it is in great demand at the moment, BUT, this is not the case. In this vertical, clients are "one-time", too often unpleasant things happen to the product you sold (tickets/hotels) - booking/ticket cancellations. The end customer is too random, there is no clear forecasting model, and there is also seasonality - which is already a red cross for a business like carding.

2) Gifts. Penny goods with an unclear sales market. Fraud is sometimes higher than in a casino. 3) Casinos/bookmakers - Inadequate level of fraud, the amount of input should be chosen < $ 200-300. You often need to play to warm up your accounts, and this is also a certain risk of developing gambling addiction. I personally know examples of a person who worked at a casino - and subsequently the casino stopped coming in in terms of carding, and the person could not switch to another direction either = the person has no money, but is addicted to games. In my opinion, this is the worst vertical.

4) Stuff carding - the direction we are engaged in. Of the obvious advantages - a clear sales market, with clear chains, as well as endless opportunities. Do you want to sell a product for $ 5k? - no problem, need to sell for $ 50k? - they will buy from you, for $ 100k? - easy, and so on (no ceiling).

Fraud in some shops is so simple that you can card even without a security guard (but I do not recommend doing this). Stopped giving a shop? - no problem, there are thousands of them on the market, and believe me, there is no talk of competition here. Even if I train 500 people, there will be enough room for everyone.

There are no risks, because we have no contact with the goods, but immediately transfer them to the buyer who pays in crypto.

The turnover of funds occurs within one day. We do not wait a week for the goods to be sold. We put up an order in the morning, the goods are in the hands of the buyer in the evening - you received payment in crypto and everything is in chocolate.

Current trends in carding​

For many, there is no adequate answer to the questions "Where to move?" "Which direction to choose?"

Let's talk about examples and analyze the problems of this or that vertical.

Frankly a dead vertical, which I would not even advise anyone to get into.

Why? 1) The sales market is too fickle and one day you can have a lot of orders, and the next zero, there are no skimpy tickets as such, and this is quite critical. If your income depends on demand, and not on your desire to work, then you have chosen the wrong direction.

Also, let's add to this the banal fact
- there are very few regular customers here, since tickets often fly off, and the person simply will not fly ... This will automatically turn the client away from your service, and getting by with random orders is not the best business approach.

Payment for entered tickets is almost never more than 50%, and at the cost of an average ticket it is pennies...

The situation is quite similar to airlines, there are very few regular customers, since sometimes payments fly off, and customers often want to take rooms for more than a week. In a week, the payment will fly off with a 95% chance, after which your client will have problems :).

Casinos / Merch / Crypto exchanges / exchangers / sites with Steam gear, Steam itself / gifts

It is not for nothing that I highlighted everything in one point, since the problems are + - similar.

At the moment, it is quite difficult to enter anything related to crypto / casinos + the amount of entry will be a penny. Payments up to $ 500 are adequately processed, but you will not be allowed to withdraw funds just like that. If we are talking about a casino, then there are not fools sitting there, and they understand that replenishment without a game is a fraudulent deposit, as a way out they will simply ban your account (which costs a lot of money) = you will be left without an account, without money, without the material that you entered.

Everything that is connected with crypto - they very quickly hang AML on the crypto, after which it becomes useless ... You will not bring it to the exchange, or to the exchanger, they will simply block it. If you want to launder it through mixers - then the crypto will also be from there with AML, but from under the mixer)), which is also pointless.

Steam / sites with gear - They instantly hang CT (red plate), if simpler, trade ban. = burned mat and no goods. Merch - The problem with merch is that they are short-lived, and that's putting it mildly. If one merch dies, it is not so easy to raise the second one and it takes time / money + I'm not even talking about the fact that it is unsafe (if you want your own merch).

The more episodes can be linked into one - the worse for our safety!

Thing carding
The king of all directions, which was one of the first, and remained on top no matter what anyone says.

Payment for the goods that you entered comes from the crypto buy (for those asking " why not just enter the crypto???", a clothing item is much easier to type in than a scam or an exchange).

Permanent demand gives freedom of action, you can choose absolutely any product and at least each time you type in you want to go to a new shop (I give info in individual training on how to search for shops for typing in).

The main misconceptions: "so the product will go for a week!", "yes, the drop will just throw me on the product!"

Let's start with the first : Since we take shops by zips to the drop / CH, the product arrives on the same day (if you started early), and there are acceptance points for buyers in all big cities! The circle most often takes less than 12 hours from the start of work-training. "The drop will throw me" - this is excluded, since we take drops with a deposit.

Drop with a deposit - A non-divorce drop, which leaves a deposit to the dropper, for the average amount of packs, and in the case of a throw, the amount is reimbursed from the pocket of the same drop.

Bonus - Refund
I don't understand people who choose ref at all...

1) People are jailed more often for ref than for card friends!
2) You must have capital for all the goods, and the fact that you will get your money back is far from a fact, no matter what anyone says! The entry threshold in terms of money in ref is much higher, while in card it is 150 bucks at most, for goods priced at ~1k$, and for 150 you get not 1 try, but at least 2-3. I think we have dotted all the i's and crossed the t's.

Work for the long haul or don't work at all!​

In this article, we will talk about the importance of working for the long term and building mutually beneficial relationships.

1) Beginners are very much mistaken when they think that a scam can make them really rich and successful in the moment 🤷‍♀️. Scams have never led to sustainable business models, they are nothing more than "topics", and topics are not a business!

2) Your value = the value of your team and the product you produce. If you scam = you produce nothing and your value is zero, yes, you can make money, but not everything is tied to this, remember this!

3) Creating your own team is difficult, yes, but without this you will never see really big money, so it would be better to do this earlier, so as not to end up in the role of "catching up".

Work from phone or computer?​

In this article, we will talk about choosing a device for work, as well as for whom what is better.

Many people think that working from a phone is a taboo, and it is impossible to build all the processes without crutches. Well, let's figure out if this is true.

You can work from a phone, and there are no difficulties in this
. Now the market has all the software we need available, so omit these prejudices. I will not get into the technical part, there will be other articles for this. A huge plus of the phone is its availability and ease of disposal. It is

highly recommended to replace the equipment you work with every 2 weeks or a month, at least. It is much easier to replace a phone both financially and in the choice of "pawnshops". Safety comes first.

Sometimes those who start working from a phone, then do not want to switch to a laptop. For what reasons?) - I named them above: price, simplicity.

But I will not dissemble, working from a laptop is much easier and faster. There is much more software for Windows, and this gives variability and flexibility, which is a definite plus.

The phone is recommended to those who have a limited budget, and to those who are just entering the direction without knowledge. Do not spend your last money, it is much easier to start with a phone, and from the first profits to buy a laptop.

I recommend a laptop to those who first of all have a budget, the main thing is to pay attention to the characteristics. Not less than 4 RAM, and not a very ancient processor.

Taxes and Security​

In this article, I would like to cover a topic that is closely related to security, it should be in first place!

Any more or less significant income, from $ 10k at least, very often comes to the attention of tax authorities if you do not follow the rules, which we will discuss later in this article.

What can this kind of attention lead to? Nothing good, which is why the # 1 task should be to ensure your own safety.

Important rules that cannot be violated: Withdrawal of funds to your details.

It is strictly prohibited for the reasons I voiced earlier, all accounts are subject to fin. Monitoring, and sooner or later guests will knock on the door.

Withdrawal of funds to your accounts is prohibited in any form, be it through P2P / direct transfer / withdrawal through exchangers. Solution to this problem: I advise you to use neo banks (revo / wise / n26) that are registered to other people, or use crypto-cash exchange offices. The

second rule is the absence of contact with the goods. Don't ignore this point, and it's better to dump the goods on the buyers - this is critically important.

Don't go to ref, carding is easier!​

In this article I would like to open the eyes of some to the issue of work, and protect you from unnecessary costs, both in the form of money and time, because this is the most valuable resource.

Stop getting into the refund!
For those who do not know, I will explain in 2 words what it is and what to eat with it. Ref is an order of goods with further investigation through technical support about the return of funds due to "marriage" or a bunch of other invented / falsified reasons. Why do I not advise you to go there? - there is always a risk that the payment will remain in the shop, and no one will return anything to you, and the goods are already in your hands + most often you lose the amount on the resale of the goods.

Refunds are punished even more often and more simply than carding, why? - there are much fewer shops that ref than in carding under VB = you will more often work in the same places, and this affects security only in a negative way!

Testing a shop for a ref costs normal money :), while in carding it is done for 1-2$. I think we have covered the main points and the picture of the world has become clearer.

I can give examples endlessly, but there is no point in this, just stop writing to me for a Ref, I do not do this kindergarten. :)

Stuff carding is free of all the problems described above, so think and make the right choice, well, and I will probably finish my thought by saying that the entry threshold into carding is much lower and cheaper!

Work on airline tickets. Is it relevant or not?​

Preface: Many newbies (like me at the very beginning) think that carding opens the way to a "free" life, and eternal carousing at someone else's expense, well, this is the biggest misconception that can only be. Carding is a way to earn money, but not eternal purchases of goods for yourself cheaper, since this approach will take you for #, and very quickly.

Work on AIRLINES / HOTELS, and everything related to booking - is not relevant!

Let me explain why. 1) Banks and financial institutions began to work much faster! And conditional payment for a hotel in 2010 went unpunished, since the bank (very honestly) simply did not have time to give a charge (refund), and these couple of days were almost always enough. At the moment, the situation has become much more complicated, and cancellations / charges are a common occurrence.

2) Clients. I think it is clear to everyone that the service will not be purchased a second time if there are any difficulties. Conditionally not allowed on the plane or kicked out of the room (this is a normal occurrence, if anything). From here follows the 3rd point

3) Low payment in % for the nominal amount of entry. 30-40% for a ticket is robbery + sometimes tickets are not very expensive ... To enter a ticket for $ 300 and earn 120 is not a very cheerful prospect. :)

And the paradox here is that entering equipment is a) Easier b) You regulate the average bill yourself c) There is always a sales market (and not for 40%), but for 60-70% +

Simply put - Do not waste your time and nerves 🫡

How often can you work?​

Safe. As in any business, in carding it is also important to maintain balance and not to be "impudent". Impudence has never led to anything good, especially in areas like Card.

The number of cardings depends on your employment / free time / skills. With due skill, you can hang 10 orders per day, but this is definitely not worth doing, and here's why: There is such a thing as the theory of large numbers, and the more often and more you work - the higher the chance of your mistake! Therefore, I strongly recommend not to put carding on # 1 place in your life, even if you have felt the taste of your first money !! Always devote time to offline, and perceive carding as a "step" thanks to which you can reach white income, and carding will remain in the past.

The answer to the key question! I advise you to card no more than 1 pack per day, and ideally please every other day. With such a schedule, you will have time for "life" and there will be money to move something white, as for me, this is an ideal layout.

Negative example
I even have examples of carders who went on a tear and beat non-stop after training, I immediately disown them because you should expect trouble there and it came. In this case, he was lucky because trouble came from the tax office, from which it is possible to buy off, but from other uncles - no, fortunately he got off with a fright and learned his lesson, so do not be mistaken!

We will see each other more often!

Don't start with cheap goods!​

In this article I will answer the question: why is there no point in starting with cheap goods, and why is this a gross mistake?

Initially, it is important to understand that fraud on a conditional laptop priced at ~$1k and on a vase for $50 will be completely different, but for a beginner, both entering a vase and entering a laptop seem to be the same success - this is a gross mistake.

Naturally, if you want to work with illiquid goods (not liquid - goods that are difficult to sell / for a small %) - this is your choice, but for most people I would not advise this path.

In reality, you will very quickly reach a dead end and burn out, because goods priced at $100 are "within your reach", but adequate positions are not. The point here is that the approaches to entering are completely different, and learning to enter penny goods you will not learn anything! This includes your favorite gifts that nobody gave a damn about and have not been in demand for a long time :)

Always aim for first-tier products, for which you can get a normal % at any time, and do not try to palm off on anyone just to get rid of a hang-up 👌

I understand why this happens, the banal misconception of beginners has not gone away: "I'll learn from small and get to big", but this is not how the card works, here you need to immediately learn where you want to work.

I will not dissemble, I made the same mistakes and spent a lot of effort and nerves at the right moment, so I do not want the same story to repeat itself with you.

Types of buyers and scams on goods!​

In our area it is impossible to imagine more or less productive and fruitful work in financial terms without the participation of buyers, but how many of you thought about the honesty of a buyer...?

1. Type: Buyer-Khid
The most amazing type of theft that everyone lets slide and continues to work with this or that person.

Where the price of 30-50% for liquid came from is absolutely unclear to me... A completely new product that will go the same day for 90-95% of the cost to pick up for 30 is a specific theft, I categorically do not recommend working with such guys, and the main misunderstanding and sadness here is that people do not care about the extra +100-200$ to each pack :)

P.S. We are not talking about buyers for illiquid assets, the price of 30-40% for clothes is quite reasonable and adequate, it is quite difficult to merge such goods into an identical price to the standard one.

2. Type: Buyer-Waiter
These are the guys who are not ready to pay for the goods that arrived, they will wait for the sale and waste both your time and theirs.

The main misunderstanding and sadness is already here - skups, as well as people who dump the goods, do not understand the elementary - Turnover = income, without the turnover of goods, it is quite difficult to reach a normal income, but when the skup throws in sticks - everything becomes much more difficult :)Work with guys who have experience and a financial cushion to pay for the goods, an adequate skup always knows how much he will sell this or that product for, and can set you a price in advance. Also an important point is security, oddly enough, do not accept payment through online payments, cards, PayPal, etc., crypto and only crypto, nothing else. Smart guys will talk about send, and the fact that all transactions can be checked - this is true, but mixers and exchanges will help you. There are also anonymous coins :) (XMR, DASH, ZEC - top 1)

3. Buyer-services
A special scourge that has absorbed all of the above :) There are cool guys who know their business, but this is a rarity compared to snow in June ... For any minimal reason, you will receive a refusal to pay, payment after the sale, payment of 40% for liquid is the least you can meet. There are also guys who ask for a deposit in advance - the end result is obvious, I think.

Men and women, do not work with such charlatans, the signs are listed above. A buy-back is not only a guy who will buy your shirr for%, first of all - this is your safety, sending the goods to your address and selling yourself is not a very good option, the 30-40% that you save cannot be compared with safety ... Adequate % from a buy-back: Liquid - 60-80%, Illiquid -30-60%, the figures are approximate and everything very much depends on your product ...

Stuff carding is the simplest direction in carding​

In this article I will give arguments that will clarify the choice of direction. This topic is important, so read to the end.

Stuff carding - Work on equipment / goods, which are subsequently sold independently or chipped in to a buyer, who in turn pays us in crypto. Why is stuff carding the easiest direction?

It is worth starting with the entry threshold, because if the event is very difficult to implement, then there is little point in it, obviously if you are a beginner. The entry threshold in stuff carding is much lower than in the conditional carding in a casino / airline / crypto, at the exit from almost all directions we want to get crypto anyway, and here the question is brewing: Why beat a casino / crypto in exchangers with unreal Fraud, if you can card a laptop many times easier and sell it for crypto on the same day! I think this question is rhetorical, but for some reason everyone wants to beat crypto without knowing and not understanding the basics.

In the clothing store there will never be problems with the place where to hit, because there are thousands of shops, and replacing a shop that has flown off and stopped sending is a very elementary task, it also adds security.

Stuff carding always comes first on the list, and then if you have a desire to develop in other verticals = no problems, but starting training with difficulties sounds like masochism, so I created individual training.

All roads lead to stuff carding​

In this article we will raise a topic that almost all beginners do not understand and do not want to accept, namely: all debts lead to stuff carding.

The misconception that it is much easier to enter crypto/casino/merch/airline than to work on stuff carding is already in the liver, to be honest, I am analyzing this topic for the last time!

No matter how you twist and try, any vertical that you can think of will sooner or later fall, and will stop giving profit, this is the inevitable path of all directions except stuff carding, why?

!!! Stuff carding has always been famous for its flexibility and ease of replacement of some, or even all gaps in work, for example: Not satisfied with the shop = replaced, not satisfied with the product = replaced, not satisfied with anything = replaced, whereas in working on Crypto, it is simply not possible to replace something! This is what distinguishes a truly sustainable direction in which you can build a business from a short-term "topic" that, yes, will earn you money at the moment, but will not bring any long-term profit.

Stuff carding is much better suited for studying the general concept of cards, since you work with all the important "nodes", from setting up a machine to working with drops = you get more experience, which you can later monetize!

Think about it.

Among my friends, there are more than a dozen carders who said "I don't need your stuff carding, I'll go beat merch", and who eventually came back, and still studied stuff carding realizing that they were deceived in their choice!

I have no goal to convince anyone, fill your own head with lumps, but the title of this article is not without reason. All roads lead to stuff carding!

How partners cheat in carding​

In this article, I will clarify the issue of cheating by colleagues at work, as well as how to build relationships so that this does not happen! Let's go.

1) The key rule that will save you from financial losses, as well as from wasting time, which is much more valuable! - this rule sounds like "there are no friends here." Quite trivial and cynical, but that's how it is in reality ... Never trust anyone so much that you create situations in which you can suffer, that's all.

True story. I had a very close colleague from offline, with whom we started working and splitting the income 50/50, and after the first couple of months of work he decided that he could work himself and he did not need me (I taught everything, I showed everything, my scheme, my contacts / exits). This approach did not suit me and I informed him about it, to which in response I heard blackmail that everyone in my circle would find out what I do. Of course, for the sake of anonymity, I removed some details and changed something, but the essence of the story and the history remain unchanged. The moral of this story is this: work so that everything depends on you, and do not give unnecessary privileges to those who do not deserve it!

2) Scam on material.
This topic has been raised far from the first time on my channel, and its importance does not decrease! Never pay for material in advance, only after checking the Bin check/valid check can we talk about any payment. There have been too many reports of scams from sellers, so do not let yourself be deceived and always approach your work consciously. The mat should always go first for checks!

How often should the device be changed?​

In this article we will talk about one of the most important topics that directly affects the level of safety at work, namely the intervals and frequency of replacing the working device.

Why change the device at all?
The device you work with is your trace on the Internet, it does not just disappear and does not go anywhere. If you made 20 entries in one shop and used different approaches to work + different proxies, etc. - all your entries can be linked into 1 by that very trace, this is the main reason for replacing a PC or phone.

How often should you change? The more often - the better, this is the answer that will work for all devices without exception! But my recommendation is to keep the benchmark at 1-2 weeks. 2 weeks worked - replaced, etc., the same story with phones, there is no difference.

How to change effectively?
Use pawnshops more often, this is a sacred place for businessmen like us. There you can buy phones and laptops and anything you want.

How do I personally do it? - I take the laptop and in 2 weeks I take it to another pawnshop (without the hard drive). Important! Choose pawnshops far from home, always pay in cash and park the car far from the scene of the action:)

What is the problem with the WWH manual?​

In this article, we will analyze the issue of the WWH manual, and why the training is not worth the money.

It is fundamentally worth understanding that any information has value, especially in our direction! But, ease of use is much more important than all other factors.

1) The WWH manual is intended for sale to as many hands as possible, and this already does not look very good, why? - Any manual (and this is a manual) becomes irrelevant when it gets into the first hands ... Where the first hands are - there are another 20, and where 20 - there are 100.

2) Lack of practice in the "hand-held" format.
You are not guided individually, with a demonstration of the screen until profit, this, in my opinion, is the biggest problem, since without a visual example you can poke around in shops endlessly, and without an adequate mentor who knows what the problem is, solving it yourself is quite expensive and time-consuming. It is

better to give less theory but show practice, this has always worked more effectively. Theory without practice is money down the drain.

3) Price
The information provided is in no way comparable to the price they ask for! Don't throw money into the void, choose training for %, it is much more effective and easier to learn.

I do not argue, leaked manuals here are WWH for 0$ and they will definitely not be superfluous, but I would not pay hard-earned money for public information, at least considering the reasons mentioned above. Do not waste time on a mass product, but work individually.

Safety to the max! Safety rules that cannot be violated!​

Nowadays it is not customary to talk about risks and ways to reduce them, everyone needs to talk about how much you can earn and how, but only a few think about safety. This article was created so that you are aware of the safety rules that cannot be violated! And even if these rules help 1 person, the article will not have been written in vain.

Let's start with the banal:

1) No one should know what you are doing! Not a girl (especially a girl), not friends, NO ONE! The only exceptions can be blood relatives whom you trust and with whom you are in close ties, otherwise this is out of the question. Sooner or later, I assure you, the moment will come when they will want to use knowledge about you against you, do not give people a lever of manipulation or control over you and in the end, the slower you go = the further you will get!

2) Change your work device more often.
I don't see any point in stretching this point, please read the paragraph above.

3) Contact with the product you enter
I often see people who want to enter a product and then sell it in their shop... This makes me feel nothing but indignation.

ANY contact with the product you entered = unjustified risk! You never know, and cannot know, whether the product is being sold, etc., etc. Why do this when there are drops and buyers is not clear to me. If you want to keep the product for yourself, that is also taboo. Enter it, send it to a buyer for crypto and buy it in Belaya, it will be much safer.

4) I will work in carding all my life! Absolute idiocy that defies logic. Carding is a transitional stage, thanks to which you will earn initial capital, and with its help you start something white... If you are told that doing carding all your life is ok and it is cool - send such experts to hell. They earned money quickly - left, the best approach.

This article could be endless, but I won't keep you waiting and will finish with a list of prohibitions of a less important order.
1) Do not work in the country you are in
2) Do not enter on colleagues/friends
3) Do not use your details/exchanges/accounts for withdrawal of funds
4) Do not enter amounts higher than 2.7k
5) Do not make more than 1-2 entries per day. This is the basis.

Why do sellers sell material (Logs/CC)?​

For many, the question of "why do sellers/shops sell material?" remains open, because why sell something that you can work on yourself, and even more so earn? Now I'll break it down on my fingers.

Initially, I want to ask you, why don't you pester the seller of watermelons or sausages with questions "why are you selling watermelons? If you can eat them yourself?", and here, sellers/shops cannot physically work on such a quantity of material, and therefore shops/boards are opened, on which the material is actually sold. The first reason was above, the second reason is a banal security issue :), it has never happened and here it is again, right? - yes. It is almost impossible

to work on thousands of cards without consequences + take into account the time it will take, hence we get the absolute uselessness of the idea. The next reason is the method of obtaining the material itself, they come from several places: Sniffer / Brute / Stiller / Fake merch, these are the main ones. Sniffer - Script that steals card data on the payment page Brute - Hacking shops/databases with card data by brute-forcing passwords. Stealer - Malware that steals data from your computer, including cookies/card data linked to payments. Fake merch - A fake shop that traffic is poured into. Data is stolen through the payment form. In 99% of cases, the brute will not process the material, but will simply sell the DB (database) to the right hands for a tidy sum. A) He doesn't take such a risk B) Instant profit. The situation is quite similar with the rest of the guys. If they sell something = it means it's profitable, no one will drain it at a loss!

Killed branded clothes of the USA​

In this article I wanted to cover the topic of work on stuff carding (namely gear), and also perhaps warn many from wasting time / finances / nerves, on an irrelevant direction. Let's begin!

When does stuff carding (by gear) have the right to exist?
It is worthwhile to understand in principle, due to what the benefit of this or that scheme is built? As a rule, this is the sales market, as well as liquidity (how quickly your goods will be bought out), well, and the price is also obviously. Work on gear takes place only under the condition of pre-orders, and already paid for goods in advance by you, otherwise this event risks being meaningless, why?

For your gear, you will receive no more than 30-40% of the original cost, which is extremely little and I would even say insulting. The categories of goods "gear" are not liquid ( there are exceptions ), and therefore we see a picture of this kind, where for a seemingly popular bag they offer 30%, while for equipment this percentage easily exceeds 60-70%.

Should you start typing in stuff?
Everything is very individual, and everyone has their own goals + plans. If you want to work in such a way as to fill your own stock (a store with stuff) with goods, this idea is clearly not the best. Any format of contact with the product is an extra risk that we do not need at all.

Again, the exception is typing in to order, this is the only way this direction feels adequate.

I have never understood why waste time on a vertical in which there are so many pitfalls, and features of this or that stuff that directly affect the price.

There is never such a problem with technology, and you can intuitively understand what is valued, what is not, what is easier and faster to sell, and what is not. Working with technology has always been and will be in first place in terms of simplicity/speed of income/profitability/safety!

Why isn't the FBI looking for carders?​

This article will discuss the reasons why a huge layer of carders remain in the shadows and are not attacked by the authorities.

The main reasons
It is important to understand that criminal liability (in different states in different ways) occurs depending on the amount of damage, somewhere more, somewhere less, but this is what you need to pay attention to. Thus, using holes in the legislation, it is possible to remain in the shadows and not attract attention.

Obviously, if you hit 20 times in 1 shop - your packs will be linked into one case, and the case will go full swing, but, it is for this reason that I give information on how to search for shops for VB, and will not be repeated, there are literally thousands of shops. Have you noticed one similarity in all the news reports about landings? - "stole $1 million", "stole $2 million" and all in this format, but no one will ever talk about damage of 1-2 thousand, since this is stupidly inappropriate and funny, but in fact, the damage from this is hundreds of times higher. It is clear that the authorities need to create the appearance of work for the plebeians who watch the box and do not think critically, we live in such times ...

The amount of $ 2,700 is important!
In addition to the legislative system, if the banal costs of initiating a case (criminal), at the moment this amount is approximately equal to $ 2,700, everything below this falls on the shoulders of insurance companies.

Absolutely all deposits / money on balances / credit funds are insured, and this in turn leads to a situation where insurance companies suffer first of all, since this approach is used not for the first or second year in a row!

The conclusion is quite simple and banal: Don't be impudent, even if the shop is a sweet bun, and gives everything right away, it's worth nothing if the work is done without understanding 100% safety! It's better not to hammer in at all than to do it unsafely. It's in my interests that students work for a long time and bring % + order consultations, that's why in my individual training I give all these topics in much more detail, and with a large amount of insider information. Alas, I cannot publish everything about this topic in the public domain.

P.S. To be continued...
How can we participate in your training? Could you tell us more about the training?


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Don't take the shop further than 20 km​

Hello everyone. This article will discuss why you shouldn't take a shop for entry, further than 20 km from your drop, and what does this affect?

Basically, it is worth understanding that it is now almost impossible to enter a product with a fairly long Ship (delivery time). Delivery time of more than 12 hours is an almost guaranteed reversal of the Pack in the direction of the shop, and a charge, fortunately, banks in the USA do not work as fast as you think, this allows us to work and take out everything we want.

The ideal setup that I see is the ship of the product along the same zip, where the department of the shop in which you enter is located. There is no point in telling that there are A LOT of drops and shops, and this allows you to work anywhere without encountering problems.

I also very often hear people's desire to send the goods to their homeland in the CIS or Europe in order to sell the goods on the spot! This is a grave mistake, as the goods simply will not pass border control, and you will be left without a pack and without the money you spent on the card (on the material)!

Save your time all around, and choose shops "across the road". This method is quite risky for a drop, but this should not worry us, people themselves choose this type of earnings and understand all the risks perfectly well.