Traffic С-L


Reaction score
Hello again.
In front of you is my treasure of knowledge gained over several years and an almost ideal way to extract cash from our favorite products (lotto and cannabis). We will buy visitors on exchanges and send them to our products so that they have already made purchases there, and we received our good percentage for this. Of course, here we will feast on volumes that can be done simply colossal. Is our business legal? Absolutely. Without purchasing a product, without keeping any records, without communicating with users, without sniffing people with some kind of crap like magic pills to enlarge boobs, we make good money. World-class lottery tickets from us (Powerbal, MegaMillions, EuroJackpot and many others, everyone knows), medicines, oils, herbs (including smoking ones) that really help health are also heard by everyone.
High-quality Internet (sometimes the speed of action saves you from unwanted spending. For example, if bots go from some site and you need to stop it urgently).
Sociability (manager is your best friend, more on that later).
Think quickly, adapt to situations and react quickly (99% of the time everything is calm, but you need to be on the alert).
Be patient (not everything starts from the first seconds and the tap with the heads opens).
Basic knowledge of Html, css, php and English is encouraged (without them, it's okay too).
Now you will be able to work from anywhere in the world with the whole world being limited only by the number of people with Internet access on our planet, of which there are simply billions.
If you are an active Internet user, which I am sure, then you have probably already come across all these intrusive advertising campaigns like “Pugacheva died in shock, lost weight and gave birth from Malysheva, having enlarged her breasts using the old-fashioned method because of 3 spoons a day ...” and so Further. In the foreign Internet, this kind of trash is almost completely absent.

Therefore, the attitude to advertising is not at all the same as ours. So, how does our expensive (or cheap) user see our garage ad:
  • Skim
  • Push / Native subsciptions
  • Banners
  • Popup
  • Push up
  • Video ADS / Pre-ropp

We will use all kinds of promotion. Now the main thing is to remember the mechanism of buying clicks by the views above for further monetization. That is, we drive them to our offers, they make purchases, money drips to us. Everything seems simple, I think you can go further.
In order for us to promote cbd and lotto offers all over the world, we need to take individual promotion links for each offer, so that the store understands that the buyer came from us and cleaned up a percentage of each buyer's purchase. These individual links are taken in affiliate programs that pay royalties for bringing users to the customer's site who perform any specific action, in our case, the purchase of cbd goods and lottery tickets.

Select the affiliate program you like below and register in it.

Calm by Wellness - 30% (your reward for each user's purchase amount)

NuLeaf Naturals - 20%

CBDfx - 20%

Diamond CBD - 18%

Gaia Herbs - 8%

Green Roads - 10%

Hemp Bombs - 20%

Joy Organics - 25%

Just CBD - 18%

Social CBD - 20%

and even a specialized pet affiliate program Hemp My Pet

As with CBD, affiliate networks with lottery offers:

Choose the one you like best and register in it.

Now is the time to get into the part you might not like - the technical one. You will have to dig a little with your hands, but then forget about it. So the first thing we should have is a server.
Our beautiful sites should have names (more on that later) and a house they will live in. The server acts as a house. They are different:
Shared-Hosting-house, in which there are plenty and more different sites of different hosts who crowd and share space (we don't need this),
Virtual Server (VPS) like a townhouse, one house, but separate places are allocated for our sites (also not the best option), Dedicated Server is a separate personal house, just what we need. I personally use, but first I advise you to take a VPS on AdminVPS, FastVPS.

Purchase: Go to
We expose everything as on the screen and pay

For a minimum package, after the purchase, login information is sent to the mail. As you can see, we also chose the ISP panel. It is needed to manage the server (we will return to it a little later). The main thing is to take it right away, otherwise it is difficult to put it separately.

Do not create a user in the ISP panel! Otherwise, life will be much more difficult! leave only the root user. That is, do not touch anything and do not call the server your name! Otherwise it will be like this: and you yourself will talk with support, I warned you!
Our sites also need a name. It is possible in any zone, but .com is better (so on dns response above). You can call it whatever you like. Better something neutral, ideally at least two domains. One related to lotto type and one related to cannabis type (both at the time of writing are free to score)
You can go anywhere, it doesn't matter. Illustrate / and many other almost all the same. Maybe the interface is just slightly different Even the names of the buttons are the same everywhere with the settings. I think the meaning will be clear. We register. You can use your data, you can not quite (the check is not tough), Click Domains, Register a domain, check, replenish the balance, fill out the profile. Nothing complicated.

We have already done a lot, so these three terrible letters will not scare us, because we know that this is a Content Delivery Network (now everything is clear). Will explain. Since we saved on a server (I know you didn't take Hetzner, which is logical, you still need to buy rubber on Bentley, you need to save money) and didn't buy a server for fast loading in each country, the CDN good-naturedly caches our sites on its servers on the whole world and our sites will not be difficult to quickly reach the user.
That is, a dude from America or Thailand will see our site in about the same time after its opening.
For this to work, we need to register at (The best CDN, in my opinion. Well, for you the best, whatever one may say, because it's free).

After registration, we poke add site, insert our domain into the window, here, like in a joke, there are two ways. 1-everything is fine and we click to continue (of course choosing a tariff for 0 bucks), or 2-go to our letter from the server, copy the IP address (matches the login link) in the name field, enter “@”, drive in the IP and click add , then “www” and “*”. Now, as in the previous lesson, we change NSs in 2domians.

On and (But sometimes they give other NSs, pay attention to which ones they gave to you) Done, you are wonderful.
As we will work with the whole world, today we will talk about the types of countries. By default, they are divided into 3 types (according to their standard of living).
1) Rich countries in Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, USA.
2) Less wealthy countries in Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia), Rich countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America (Singapore, Vietnam, UAE, South Africa, Thailand).
3) Everything else (India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Iraq, Brazil).

Why do I need this. The cost per click of our users directly depends on this very type of country. What I want to say: The higher the class, the more expensive user clicks, more pay and stricter rules. Someone divides by 5: The easiest way to start is from the second shooting range. Especially for beginners. Don't chase big payouts, it's better to work on volumes.

List of countries:

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Colombia
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Korea, south
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Macedonia
  • Mauritius
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Nicaragua
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Slovak Republic
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Taiwan
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America

  • Albania
  • Angola
  • Antigua & Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Armenia
  • Aruba
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahamas
  • Bahrain
  • Bangladesh
  • Barbados
  • Belarus
  • Belize
  • Benin
  • Bolivia
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Botswana
  • Brazil
  • Brunei
  • Bulgaria
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burma
  • Burundi
  • Cambodia
  • Cameroon
  • Cape verde
  • Chad
  • Chile
  • China (PRC)
  • Comoros
  • Congo (DRC)
  • Congo, Republic
  • Costa Rica
  • Cote d'Ivoire
  • Curacao
  • Cyprus
  • Djibouti
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • Egypt
  • El Salvador
  • Estonia
  • Ethiopia
  • Fiji
  • Gabon
  • The gambia
  • Ghana
  • Greece
  • Guatemala
  • Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Hong kong
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iraq
  • Jamaica
  • Japan
  • Jordan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kenya
  • Kiribati
  • Kosovo
  • Kyrgyz Republic
  • Laos
  • Latvia
  • Lebanon
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Macau
  • Malawi
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Mali
  • Malta
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mauritania
  • Mexico
  • Micronesia
  • Moldova
  • Mongolia
  • Montenegro
  • Morocco
  • Mozambique
  • Namibia
  • Nepal
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Palau
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Portugal
  • Qatar
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Rwanda
  • St. Lucia
  • St. Vincent & The Gren
  • Senegal
  • Serbia
  • Seychelles
  • Sierra leone
  • Singapore
  • Solomon islands
  • South africa
  • South Sudan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Suriname
  • Swaziland
  • Switzerland
  • Tajikistan
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand
  • Timor-Leste
  • Togo
  • Tonga
  • Trinidad & Tobago
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Uruguay
  • Uzbekistan
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam
  • Zambia

  • Algeria
  • Central African Rep
  • Cuba
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Eritrea
  • Iran
  • Korea, North
  • Kuwait
  • Libya
  • Madagascar
  • Papua new guinea
  • Saudi arabia
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Zimbabwe
  • Somalia

On the server, in the directory with sites in index.php, you can enter scripts, the most popular of which I will leave here:

This script displays a pop-up window with your text before loading the landing page. Must be used in all verticals. Insert before </body>
alert ("Your text");

This script prevents the user from leaving our landing page. When you press the "Back" button, a pop-up window with text opens. Insert before </body>
history.pushState ({page: 1}, 'Your text (title)', "#back");
window.onhashchange = function (event) {
window.location.hash = 'back';
alert ('Your text');

When the window is closed, this script calls a window with a request to confirm leaving the page. Here you can force the person not to close the window. Insert before </body>
<script type = "text / javascript"> var PreventExitPop = true; function ExitPop () {if (PreventExitPop! = false) {return "Your text";}} window.onbeforeunload = ExitPop; </script>

This script vibrates the phone (it does not always work). Insert before </body>
<script type = "text / javascript"> if (window.navigator && window.navigator.vibrate) {navigator.vibrate ([50, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30]); } else {navigator.vibrate (0); } </script>

Automatic redirect
This script automatically redirects the user to our link after a certain amount of time. Works very well, for example, on installs or pins. I recommend setting it for 15 to 20 seconds. Insert before
<meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "15; url = http: // link" />

Redirect on click on the screen
Sometimes people miss the button, especially if they are small and inconspicuous. Therefore, this script will redirect the user to our link wherever he clicks.
1. Replace your <body> with <body onclick = "goto ()">
2. Insert script before </body>:
<script language = "JavaScript" type = "text / javascript"> function goto () {location.href = "link"} </script>
3. User data output
<script> document.write (getURLParameter ("brand") + ("-") + getURLParameter ("model")) </script>

One of the most important lessons. In the tracker, we will literally live around the clock sticking instead of VK memes. So. It is needed (even necessary) for the distribution, analysis and optimization of our customer flow. That is, a person does not directly see, for example, a banner on the site, zaps at it, goes to our site and places an order, and in the meantime, the tracker hawls all the information about it through redirects. From which site, which platform did you switch from, what brand of his phone, which version of android, browser version, installed language, mobile operator, ip, time and everything. Why the heck you ask us all this? For optimization and lower costs of advertising purchases. If we see that most of the purchases are made, for example, from computers on Windows 8 from the Vodafone provider, browser chrome 73 version with English from 7 to 9 pm in Pakistan, then now we will pay only for people like him, and not for everyone in a row from which we do not receive money, but we pay for advertising. The tracker can do so much that a book can be written, not just one post. Scattering people according to parameters, goods. For example, if you switched from an iPhone, then you can redirect to accessories on an iPhone (figuratively) and if an American goes to the same link, we will offer him to buy a smoke. The possibilities are almost endless and we will not waste a single paid click. In the tracker, I watch every day how much money has dripped today.

Also, the tracker can:
- calculate bot sites
- perform random domain rotation when sending a user from a landing page to an offer
- Double Meta Refresh redirect so as not to fire the referrer of the traffic source
- in all possible variations conduct A / B testing of landing pages and offers
- send non-unique visitors according to a given rule
- export any statistics to EXCEL
- show user information on the landing page, for example, operating system, phone model, etc.
- add all possible number of domains to which you can send traffic
- adjust the loss of traffic coming from the exchange as a percentage
- add as many users as you like
And much more.
There are cloud and local trackers installed on your server (it is better not to install on the one that you have already bought). I used different Voluum, Binom, Thrive, but settled on Pixelk.
You need to purchase (or get from me) a tracker You can install it according to the instructions from the site or entrust it to freelance.
In continuation of the 2nd lesson, below I wrote to you click exchanges → views → purchases → money.

But first, a few tips:
1. Decide on a budget and stick to it. Do some small calculations to find out what is the average initial cost of testing a campaign (it is recommended to spend 3 costs of its reward for a test of one sentence, whether it is a hemp product or a lottery ticket. That is, if you are paid $ 5 to buy one ticket, spend $ 15 on test. The list below shows the minimum amount of replenishment of the budget for each of the networks. Also make sure that you set the limits for the campaign in advance so that you do not have to constantly check if all the money has not been debited. Also, do not forget to replenish the balance on time, otherwise profit may suddenly stand up.
2. Don't rate nets by “Dress”. That is, a beautiful site design and a bunch of promises do not mean at all that good and high-quality sites in the grid, from which the same good and high-quality buyers will go to our offers. Everything is measured only by tests. No bias!
3. No matter how profitable the campaign is, always optimize and try to squeeze even more, also try to keep costs as low as possible. The tracker will help us with this.
4. Monitor the campaign to stop it in time if something happens. Although it takes some practice, you should always keep an eye on whether the salesperson's site has gone offline, whether the creatives have loaded correctly, follow the statistics on the sites in the tracker, and whether bots are poured into you (which is very rare). It can be anything (even if Godzilla destroys the data center where your server is located (women, they are)), in any case, you should be able to quickly enter and stop the campaign so that the money does not go away.
5. Keep track of auction bids. Even if things are going well for you for a long time, you need to be on the alert. At any time, an inexperienced American Vasya can come and outbid your bid for impressions or clicks. And all the sweetest will go to him, reducing the speed of your profit.
6. If you suddenly launched a campaign in some Pakistan, and there are no clicks or views, check if you have cut targeting too much. Not every grid can provide a million clicks for residents of a small town from only 10 iPhones and an Internet Explorer browser at the same time. Just increase your targeting a little. For the same reason, if your campaign is profitable in one grid and you want to scale by launching it in another, before that ask the manager if there is any traffic to this country at all (if it is small).
7. And finally, don't forget. Knowledge is power. Before putting your money into the grid, be sure to study everything about it. On the forums, read reviews, talk to the manager, do not deposit a lot of money at once.

After writing this list, it seemed like there are quite a few grids. But these are only those that are most suitable for promoting our tickets and hemp products. The list consists of the name of the grid of its main directions, the format of our ad impressions, the minimum deposit and targeting.

So that you roughly understand and this gift article does not stretch for dozens of pages:
• PPC: Pay Per Click. Pay per click. Refers to text ads that can be contextual (based on user searches) or non-contextual. Payment occurs when the user clicks on the ad.
• PPV / CPV: Pay / Cost Per View. Pop-ups and pop-unders suddenly pop up in full screen, as if visiting your loved ones with naked aunts. Pay per view.
• In-text: Contextual advertising in which the keywords of the main text on the site are hyperlinked to a small ad component on the page. While your brain exploded , I'll show you an example.
• Email: Well, it's kind of understandable here. For soap.
• Contextual: A familiar context.
• Retargeting: Pops up ads after closing the site.
• Behavioral: Behavioral targeting is believed to increase the likelihood of conversions by tracking user behavior online. But this is very complicated crap.
• Social: Advertising on social networks and platforms, including Twitter, Facebook blogs, and the like. Classmates with Vkontuktik will not be here.
• Display: Roughly speaking banners. Payment is usually CPM (per 1000 impressions).
• Mobile ads: Display ads on mobile devices, including tablets.

Let's go:

AirPush is one of the best ad networks in terms of volume, traffic quality, interface, tracking, ad formats, management. Perfectly converts almost any vertical.
  • many ad formats
  • excellent support
  • minimum budget - 50 $

  • too many settings, first you have to figure it out
For mobile applications: APPWALL and ICON ADS first, then PUSH and DIALOGUE.
For mobile subscriptions: PUSH and DIALOGUE first, then APPWALL and ICON ADS.

Professionally engaged in advertising in mobile applications (in-app). An excellent source of mobile traffic. Ad formats - 360 degrees, virtual reality, native video, interstitial, interactive ads.
  • worldwide coverage - over a billion devices
  • minimum budget - 50 $
  • many ad formats
  • good analytics
  • there is a representative office in Ukraine (office in Kiev)

  • PayPal only

Mobile advertising network with wide functionality and settings. Audience coverage - more than 517 million users.
  • 4 types of advertising
  • choosing the location of advertising on the screen of a mobile device
  • flexible budget settings
  • built-in support for motivated ads

Mobicow is a platform that provides the ability to host full-screen mobile ads.
  • wide targeting settings
  • all mobile platforms
  • minimum budget - 5 $

  • Adv acc approval within 24 hours

LeadBolt specializes in monetizing mobile websites, games and apps.
  • 4 ad formats
  • detailed analytics

  • minimum budget - 100 $

AdCash is an Estonian company that specializes primarily in mobile traffic.
3 types of advertising campaigns
  • there is an analogue of look-alike (you can show ads to those users who have previously shown interest in topics similar to your offer)

  • high requirements for advertising materials
  • your banner format
  • minimum budget for independent work - $ 100

European ad network, with worldwide coverage and over 15 billion impressions per month.
  • 5 ad formats, including mobile traffic

  • manual moderation of all RCs
  • few statistics tools
  • minimum budget - 200 $

An advertising platform with an audience of more than 1.6 billion users from 200 countries of the world, including China.
  • flexible targeting settings, including device manufacturer
  • detailed statistics
  • simple step-by-step setup
  • quality traffic

The first ad network in the Middle East focused on mobile traffic, aimed at delivering tailored ads to advertisers, publishers, developers and mobile users across the region.
  • high-quality local traffic
  • good analytics
  • many types of advertising materials
  • high response

Сlickunder, Pop-up, Popunder
Popup (popunder) - an advertising banner that appears when you open the page and hides the central part of the screen. When you close it forcibly, the advertiser's website opens in a new tab.
Clickunder - very similar to a popup, but there is no visible banner. The advertiser's website automatically opens in a new tab on the first click anywhere on the page.

One of the world's leading networks of clickunder and popunder advertising.
  • wide advertising campaign settings
  • accept all sites, including adult
  • responsive support
  • minimum budget - 10 $

  • support responds for a long time

PopCash is a popular ad network that offers fast launch. Very simple interface - you can easily figure everything out without knowing English. All sites are manually moderated.
  • wide settings for countries and categories
  • fast moderation of RK (no more than an hour)
  • minimum budget - 5 $
  • you can create a black list

They work all over the world. Only sites with quality content are accepted. Offer solutions for multichannel advertising - it is important that the ad format is optimized for each channel.
  • detailed statistics
  • flexible settings
  • personal manager

  • minimum budget - 100 $

High-quality global traffic. In addition to standard formats, push notifications are available. They accept Apple Pay, WebMoney, Bitcoin.
  • 11 ad formats
  • 15 kinds of targeting settings
  • 10 options to top up your balance
  • 50% discount on GEO

They work with traffic all over the world, desktop and mobile traffic. Automatic filtering of bots, advanced targeting, there is a personal assistant option.
  • over 240 countries
  • SmartCPA automated bidding algorithm
  • Russian-language interface

  • minimum budget - 100 $

An advertising platform with good opportunities. Work with traffic for all verticals, including adult sites.
  • wide settings
  • 24/7 support
  • real-time statistics
  • minimum budget - 25 $

  • do not work on weekends and holidays

Popular international ad network accepts traffic from more than 190 countries of the world.
  • high quality traffic
  • wide settings
  • you can use keywords
  • accept rubles
  • real time rates

This is an advertising network that separates Internet traffic by source: Wi-Fi or mobile operator. Daily ad reach - over 150 million impressions for all formats.
  • several types of advertisements
  • flexible targeting of traffic by a number of parameters
  • retarget setting
  • adblock bypass solutions

A very powerful ad network from Sweden. More than 1 billion unique users per month.
  • real-time control of the adv acc
  • quality traffic
  • wide settings
  • real-time statistics
  • support all major verticals

  • minimum budget - 500 $

One of the few ad networks that provides the ability to manage real-time bids (RTB).
  • 24/7 support
  • manual moderation of RK
  • wide settings
  • prices for 1000 impressions can be viewed on the website without registration

  • minimum budget - 100 $

European ad network, with worldwide coverage and over 15 billion impressions per month.
  • 5 ad formats, including pop-ups
  • manual moderation of all RCs

  • few statistics tools
  • minimum budget - 200 $

Tonic (formerly DNTX) is an advertising network with worldwide coverage (USA, Europe, Latin America, Asia) and high-quality traffic.
  • good targeting settings
  • there is mobile traffic
  • detailed reporting
  • bid from 1 $ per 1000 impressions

  • minimum budget - 100 $

PPV traffic
PPV is the payment for each view that the site receives. This is almost the same as pop traffic - the site opens under a browser window, but such traffic is considered malicious, with intrusive advertisements (spyware / adware). Advertising networks provide free software and online tools to millions of users, for which, in turn, they receive advertising. This traffic is only suitable for desktops.
The quality is quite high as advertisers find audiences for keywords and specific sites from specific niches. The cost is relatively low, sometimes you can get views for 1 cent.

An ad platform with effective ad strategies and high ROI.
  • very high quality audience
  • own targeting algorithms
  • wide range of devices including Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, smart TVs, game consoles and more

  • minimum budget - 1000 $
  • need separate accounts for each country

RTX Platform
The platform offers an excellent user experience and powerful optimization features. 3 main channels for promotion: InText, Pops, Display.
  • 3 pricing models
  • advanced targeting capabilities
  • transparent reporting

  • work from 9 am to 5 pm EST (+8 Moscow time), except weekends and holidays
  • minimum budget - 500 $

Offers high-quality traffic of any subject with payment by CPV (CPM) and CPC models. There are no restrictions on the type of device and GEO.
  • work with all countries
  • accurate summary of current prices
  • work on RTB
  • filter by device type and operating system contains more than 10 options

  • minimum budget - 100 $

Advertising platform with high quality traffic. Good service, only works with text and interstitial ads.
  • simple interface
  • quality traffic
  • responsive support + personal manager
  • own audience selection algorithm
  • tiered reporting

  • minimum budget - 1000 $
  • to register, you need to leave a request and wait for a response

The ad network offers context-sensitive advertisements, among other things. Own effective technology of audience selection. Guarantees complete transparency, confidentiality and control.
  • more than 15 million unique users
  • high profitability
  • personal manager

  • minimum budget - 200 $

Playwire media
PlayWire Media is a highly professional advertising platform. The main format is video, suitable for game traffic. Creative creation of advertising and placement. The network boasts over 200 million monthly views across all kinds of devices.
  • multi-platform hosting
  • placement only on verified sites
  • own analytics and optimization platform
  • there is free training to increase conversion

Display (media) advertising
Pay per click on your ad. This type of advertising allows you to attract a large amount of traffic in a short time. The success of a campaign depends on many factors: relevance, niche, user experience, landing pages, creatives (banners, video, audio). Suitable for branding.

Google display
The leader in display advertising. Coverage - more than 2 million sites and more than 650 thousand applications.
  • 4 types of advertisements
  • simple launch of adv acc
  • wide targeting options
  • online statistics
  • no minimum budget restrictions

A platform that sells ad space on thousands of quality sites across all legal niches allows you to choose a convenient placement and get started instantly.
  • user-friendly interface
  • quick approval
  • testing tools
  • online statistics
  • minimum budget - 25 $

  • does not always accept direct links to the offer

A dynamic and highly popular ad network, it has made its mark on the empowerment of contextual platforms in creative fields and a high level of customer service.
  • many forms and formats of ads
  • the most relevant selection of sites for placement
  • personal manager with full support for all settings
  • tracking profitability and site blocking
  • online reporting

  • minimum budget - 100 $

Cross-channel advertising platform, attracts over 40 million users every month, owns thousands of high-traffic sites.
  • wide range of formats
  • own algorithms and targeting technologies
  • tracking rates and conversions online
  • excellent support

A little-known advertising platform. The arsenal includes big data, deep analytics and optimization of advertising campaigns.
  • more than 10 targeting formats
  • split testing
  • 24/7 support

  • minimum budget - 100 $

An ad platform that connects 100,000 websites worldwide, 240 million unique visitors, and reaches 1.5 billion page views per month.
  • smart and unobtrusive ad embedding into the site
  • online tracking and optimization
  • high response
  • many target parameters

  • low quality of Asian traffic, in contrast to Europe and the USA

Native advertising
Native advertising - natural advertising in the format of ad integration for the site's theme, usually a combination of image and text. Looks like editorial content on the site. Has the shape and characteristics of the platform on which it is located. It does not look like regular advertising, therefore, in theory, it should not cause a feeling of rejection in readers, and also helps to avoid banner blindness.

Top platform for posting content on top media sites as 'promoted stories'. Provides a large reach of a high-quality audience. There is an algorithm for determining those sites where the proposed content will attract the largest number of readers.
  • instant testing of headers and images
  • wide target settings
  • there is a trial period
  • collection of look-alike audiences
  • perfectly converts the product
  • minimum budget - 10 $

Top native teaser network with one of the largest reach - 1 billion unique visitors per month. Works only with "white" ads. Currently developing the Russian-speaking market segment.
  • huge coverage
  • high quality traffic
  • many settings
  • premium placement

  • minimum budget - 2000 $ + commission
  • average service (good support only for clients with large budgets)
  • complex approval of RK (only “white” offers)

American Native Advertising Network. The main ad format is a widget (teaser). Differs in high quality traffic and careful observance of the correspondence between the content of advertising and the theme of the sites.
  • 4 widget formats
  • adaptive format
  • the ability to create a block with several teasers
  • simple and intuitive interface
  • a lot of quality traffic

  • political news and anything that may violate US law is prohibited

NATIVO is a native advertising platform primarily targeting US traffic. Advertising is matched to the site format for a higher envelope.
  • very powerful analytics
  • quality traffic
  • automatic site selection
  • simple interface

Native advertising affiliate program working with top publishers. There is a native advertising academy with educational materials.
  • multiple ad formats
  • work with the farm
  • personal manager
  • there is a demo version

  • do not post materials that may violate US law

The ad network is originally from the United States. Delivers over 10 billion ad impressions per month. The company has 8 offices and over 170 employees.
  • full control of your adv acc
  • multiple ad formats
  • traffic exchange and resale available
  • preview
  • multilevel analytics

  • do not post materials that may violate US law
  • to get started, you need to fill out the form and wait for an answer

It is a large media giant (Yahoo and AOL) that specializes in all types of digital and mobile communications. Coverage - 1 billion users per month.
  • many proprietary formats
  • graphics, text and video
  • sea of quality traffic
  • user-friendly interface

  • to get started, you need to fill out the form and wait for an answer

One of the largest native advertising platforms. Offers over 300 million unique users. Has the highest safety rating.
  • quality traffic
  • high coverage
  • standard and custom ad formats
  • wide target settings
  • automatic selection of sites for advertising
  • minimum budget - 50 $

  • RK approval takes 2-3 days

Content Ad
Affiliate friendly network that works with multiple native ad formats. Lots of good quality traffic.
  • simple interface
  • clear statistics graphs
  • several options for ad units, including "text only"
  • quality traffic

  • high requirements for advertisements
  • minimum budget - 250 $

Leading editorial recommendation platform. More than one billion articles every day, more than 3 million visitors daily.
  • different ad formats
  • wide target settings
  • convenient rate management
  • quality traffic

American Advertising Network. Works with a teaser ad format, providing worldwide coverage and multi-million dollar daily impressions in most of the thematic areas. The main audience is English-speaking countries, but there are no geographic restrictions for the accepted sites.
  • several ad slot formats
  • user-friendly interface
  • advanced settings of the parameters of the RK
  • detailed statistics
  • Russian language (in the PC settings)
  • accept WebMoney

The largest native ad platform in North Africa, the Middle East, Russia and the CIS, and Southeast Europe. Delivers 40 Billion Impressions Per Month.
  • low competition in coverage markets
  • automatic translation into the native language of the country of display
  • vertical targeting
  • online statistics and management

An advertising platform with a thorough check of traffic quality. Work with 1400 premium partners. Offers advertisers a wide range of native ads.
  • customization of an advertising campaign
  • own ad formats
  • 18 targeting criteria

The network serves over 4 billion ad impressions each month for over 300 different clients, over 100 million unique users across the premium publisher network in the US, UK and Australia for business and finance.
  • online statistics and management
  • quality traffic

  • you need to submit an application and wait for a response

Retargeting is a way to increase conversion by showing ads to a site visitor on other sites after the visitor has left this site. The correct use of retargeting can increase conversions by up to 75%.

The service specializes in organizing retargeting for advertising campaigns. The audience reached is the whole world, including major social networks. AdRoll manages customer campaigns on Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter and other ad networks. Increases ad conversion for selling sites and provides more than 200% ROI growth. Works with both websites and resources for mobile devices.
  • contextual and behavioral retargeting
  • full-featured personal account
  • excellent support
  • advanced targeting and conversion tracking techniques
  • free 2 week period
  • no minimum budget

Retargeter was founded in 2009. The company specializes in flat rate retargeting. Management and self-service options are available.
  • full control and transparency
  • personal manager
  • selection of an individual solution

  • minimum budget - 500 $

Perfect Audience
Company profile - retargeting, specializing in retargeting on Facebook. Powerful functionality, the main advantage is the most pleasant pricing policy.
  • detailed analytics
  • tracking income
  • detailed training
  • free 2 week period

Media buying
Media buying is a wholesale purchase of advertising space and airtime for subsequent resale.

An international digital marketing company providing advertisers with a wide range of advertising solutions. Allows you to scale the purchase of traffic from different sources using automation.
  • direct access to a range of platforms
  • competitive rates
  • many options for targeting and audience segmentation
  • wide range of ad formats
  • micro bets available

The leader in personalized digital marketing. The most powerful, most accurate personalized digital marketing solution in the industry, reaching millions of real people.
  • manual check of channels and traffic
  • own platform for collecting anonymous consumer data
  • tools for analyzing, modeling and creating audiences

CBS Interactive
Worldwide advertising network. More than 1 billion unique visitors per month.
  • the opportunity to reach a giant audience not only on the Internet

An advertising company that enables transparent communication between advertisers and audiences through a combination of differentiated offerings, innovative technologies and data, and provides advertisers with ROI.
  • high precision audience filter
  • broad targeting options
  • personal conditions

The company specializes in deep diagnostics and behavioral data. Provide advertisers with a unique powerful online ad database for audience search and modeling.
  • careful selection of the audience for each advertising campaign
  • scaling RC with high accuracy
  • guaranteed high response

Vibrant Media
The company cooperates with leading advertising platforms. Specializes in industry contextual targeting and large-scale volumes. Tracks users through active sessions on their devices. We have our own advertising platform with high-quality content. A good choice for brands.
  • 450 million unique visitors per month
  • premium ad placements
  • full control and transparency

An international independent technology stack for managing advertising and building communications with users. Sizmek provides the best media solutions, dynamic creatives, ad placements audit and verification services, data management and activation services.
  • allow you to combine all media plans in one place
  • offers and conditions of 3600 agencies worldwide are available
  • the decision making engine is based on AI

Advertising technology company. It ranks fourth among the largest publishing networks in the world with about 800 million unique visitors and 2 billion page views per month. The main goal is to make ad campaigns more accurate and easy to scale.
  • selective traffic
  • different types of ad formats
  • end-to-end analytics
  • target and behavioral segments

MBuy provides media planning, purchasing and service optimization across digital and traditional channels, helping brands reach their target audiences through relevant media.
  • complete media planning
  • optimization and control in real time
  • end-to-end reporting and analytics
  • partnership is possible on special terms


Grids have different tokens. You need to ask the manager for them. You can just drive in the name and that's it, if you can't find it. The token needs not only the tracker to determine the information, but also the source itself to transmit. The only token that is highly recommended to find is the site definition token. Useful for optimization. We set the Cost Loss Percentage to 15%, these are approximate traffic losses (without them anywhere).

Tokens can be found here and here
Campaign Name - the name of the campaign to avoid confusion. For example, I will have a vape for America, so I will call it USA Vape.
We do not touch the group
We select the Traffic Source which we added in advance, I will show it using Propellerads as an example, the lottery goes well with it.
Domain do not touch anything.
Engage Time (sec) do not touch.
Cost depends on the payment model, I will put CPC and you will need to indicate how much I will pay for each click. We will leave for now, then we will return. If you put a token, you can put an auto.
Cost Loss Percentage always set 15%
Redirect Mode is always Meta Refresh so no one will see the address of our strip.
Display Metrics on LP always set Append to Url, so that user data, if any, is displayed on the site.
Campaign Type is always Path.


Then we select the site that the user will go to and the landing page where they will go. If you check the Direct Link checkbox, then the user will go directly to the landing page. If you add multiple landing pages and / or pads, then on the right in Weight, you can specify in percentage terms where more users will be directed, and much less. By default, it is distributed equally.


You can choose any grid and type of advertising, but I'll show you using Proprllerads as an example.
Everywhere we register as Advertiser and turn off the ad block in the browser, if installed.
Everywhere everything is about the same, the interface may differ. Anything can be created by typing anywhere, the main thing is to understand the mechanics.


We give a name (better as in the tracker), select the type of display, I will choose the popunder. Cheap, but low-motivated type of impressions, when people just for no reason open our site. You need to try all kinds to find what you are better at. All display methods are good in their own way. We choose which model we will pay and insert the link from the tracker that we created in the last lesson.


I advise you to check the test link first
For the first time, we set a general and wide target, in order to optimize later. That is, I put all America, without a cut in cities, the platform computers, Windows and Mac operating systems, all versions, all browsers, and save the English language.


Optimization is one of the most important points in our work. A large part of the success of the entire campaign is optimization. Initially, about 2-3 out of 10 campaigns turn out to be a plus, that is, the income covers the costs. And it is through optimization that we bring the campaign to a plus. But we will not be able to bring about 1-2 campaigns out of 10 to the plus, recouping the costs with profitable campaigns.
Initially, it is better to run several pads and offers in a split test. That is, simultaneously in one campaign, in order to choose the best combination, then there is a bunch. In one campaign, you can mix up 1 geo-several pads and several offers, but of the same topic. With a lottery, the system itself selects the best offer. But with cbd products, it is better to immediately launch, for example, several pads in different designs on the vape landing page in order to choose the best one.
As a test budget, I advise you to bet $ 20 per campaign. This is usually enough to understand the big picture. And in 90% of the sources, you cannot set less.
Go to the campaign tab in the tracker and click on stats for the required campaign. First of all, we look at the pads and offers. Everything is simple here. what brought more profit, then we leave. An example of a not very successful campaign. I used one pad, but offer 2. The second one showed better results. Therefore, we turn off the first one. The same would have been done with the gaskets.


Next, click Group Data, then in Group Data by select ISP, these are operators


The fewer clicks and more conversions the operators received, the better, and we write them out in a separate Word file or notepad. Then we will buy clicks only from the parameters we need, targeting as narrowly as possible in the source (cut off the non-converting parameters).
Further, Group Data by Language, that is, by language. Usually one or two leaders. We leave them
Then by browsers, their versions, operating systems and versions (this point is important, since basically screening by browsers and OS saves the budget well)


Successful campaigns that are profitable but fewer and fewer clicks every day can be scaled up to generate more revenue. To do this, simply create the same separate campaign in a new grid, but do not create it immediately with optimized parameters. That is, if androids converted well in one grid, then it is better to run all platforms on the other. Perhaps others will also start converting and we will not lose potential profit.
The second trick is to split the campaigns separately into Wi-Fi and mobile traffic. That is, we create two campaigns in the tracker and the source. On Wi-Fi, you can slightly lower the price, since this traffic is cheaper.
Initially, it is better to set the rate (bid) slightly above average, but never underestimate or overestimate it.
If the swarm is very good, then you can slowly lower the rate by 20-30% for more profit. If the swarm is up to 50% and does not fall, then it makes sense to raise the bid also slowly by 20-30%
If the parameters show approximately the same result, then it makes sense to leave everything without choosing a leader.
If there is no possibility of narrow targeting in the grid, the traffic separator will come to the rescue.
For example, purchased clicks from Windows 10 and the Mozilla browser do not bring us income, and in the grid you simply cannot turn them off. Therefore, we go to the tracker, click edit on the desired campaign and scroll to the traffic separator.


Here we give him a name. For example win 10 mozilla. In the case of an example, we expose: If (select the Operating system) is wine 10 (click on add criterion since we have 2 conditions. Win 10 and Mozilla's browser) and the Browser is Firefox, then (you can show a 404 page, but we do not need it, or redirect to another campaign, pad, offer, just a link or part of a campaign, if you create from several). You can redirect to a campaign, where these parameters will convert, so as not to lose even these pennies.


In the same way, you can overextend any parameters or, on the contrary, cut them off by choosing is not, that is, "is not". You can also cap conversions. If there is a limit, for example, 10 conversions per day (rarely, but it happens on different offers), you can redirect all traffic when the limit is reached by selecting daily conversions greater than and enter the number.