Traffic from Facebook. The realities of the outgoing year.


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Hello everyone! Today I want to raise a discussion of such a fat and complex source of traffic as FB.

Many who have come across him know that this is a difficult and difficult rival, into which billions of investments are poured every year, a large part of which goes to antifraud.

Why do I have the competence to talk about this tool?! I have the results of merging traffic from FB to my product (a screen from one of the ak from which the traffic is merged) I will not disclose in detail what kind of product it is, because it makes no sense. You can merge from FB both to white goods and to casinos, adult, scam, farm, etc. The main principles of working with accounts are here. The main snag in the accs themselves. FB bans as soon as you thought to fuck him. And it doesn't matter if it's brutal or samoreg, you pay for advertising from your own pocket or carding.

1) About self-registers
A pragmatic and simple approach to reg aka is important here. There is no need to invent complex schemes, the simpler the approach, the better. FB will ban as soon as its trigger and the pattern of your behavior are triggered. The more social you are, the less likely you are to get banned.
When registering, it is worth paying attention to the background, that is, the FB loves social people who will contribute to the development of the fb network. He determines this naturally by the cookies in the browser, so it makes sense to *work up* cookies before registering.
This will determine, first of all, the limit on advertising that will allow you to spend FB. Those who don’t know the payment for advertising fb are supposedly taking a loan.
First you spend - then you pay.
The higher the degree of trust in the acc, the less often you have to pay. Such as USA acc limit is $ 25, and then the more successful billing the gradual, this limit will increase.
For example, on an unpumped Ukrainian acc, the limit is only $ 2. If ukr acc is rich in history, the limit will be X10 more.
It is important to remember that the lifespan of acc depends directly on where you will pour traffic, the more harmless the topic, the less often they are banned)

2) Brutus
As for me, a waste of time. Pick up the ak that will come in a 1 in 10 chance. I was shooting brute aki from them it was possible to pour normally, but to reach a stable result it was not easier to focus on self-regulating.

3) Rent accs
Option is not worse and even better than self-registration. The downside is that we won't card it. Plus - we have a good tenacious socially pumped acc. How everything happens approximately. We take the log from the drop and pass from his acc FB to the story about yachts and planes with whores.
An ideal dressing can be considered when one acc was logged in from two different devices, but at the same time from one ip. For example, we distribute Wi-Fi from the handset to the drop mobile and to our laptop.
In the end, nothing will happen to the drop. It's just that he will be banned from the advertising account at the FB. As he entered his page there and will go.

Considering the price of the material and its quality, I would advise you to think people with no experience, do they need to card fb. But if you decide not to listen to me then then. Forward.

For carding 1 acc FB, we need:
1) 1 acc Google voice (we will receive sms from fb when registering there)
2) 1 CC US
3) 1 RDP US

Before you need to cook up cookies. Climb sites to pause for a couple of days. There is no specific recipe here. Any farming scheme acc early or late according to this scheme you must actually have worked out. For example, you can use all sorts of antidetect browsers in your work - it's up to you.
We go to the FB and drive in the data for registration. Then we accept the code for Google voice, you can also use your numbers or services such as sms active as you like. The main thing is to send it to the phone and not to the email.

After that, we pause for a day, then go to the acc, fill in the data, do activity on the acc, like posts, watch vidos, and so on.
Then again we wait a day or two. We create a fan page (it is needed to launch advertising and then drain the traffic on our topic.

We wait again, after that we drive in the CC data. FB authorizes ss as follows: removes the dollar and immediately returns it back.
If the authorization is successful, the fb will inform you that the payment method has been successfully added and at the output we have an acc with a limit of 25 bucks if it’s USA (and there, as luck would have it, maybe more everything depends on the trust to acc its social upgrade.)

I advise you to start through publication. Unscrew a couple of bucks, then set up your advertising campaign. How many beats will pass in the end and when we are banned, it will be as lucky. The blacker the topic where you pour traffic, the faster they get banned. If we draw a line under all that has been said, it is clear that the main problem is the sociality of acc. Each acc must get used to his role and then tie up CC, this is purely a matter of technology, because fb sales vbv does not require.

Be guided by the fact that the whiter the topic where you pour the traffic, the less people are fired, the easier the creatives are moderated and the less you can earn (rofl).

With all my heart I want to wish everyone a good mood and congratulate you on the upcoming holidays!

(c) nopasaran


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I have my Facebook page
Can I register a new account, grant administrator privileges and advertise on Facebook through carting?

Is $ 25 the maximum?
Can the page be compromised?
How often can this be done?


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How to carding pay for Facebook ads
Facebook is one of the most effective and widespread advertising tools on the Internet. The audience of the site is more than 2 billion people, which allows companies to find their customers not only in their region, but all over the world. With accurate targeting, many possible promotion goals, and a wide range of ad placement and visualization options, advertisers can create effective and engaging campaigns.

However, you need to pay for ads on Facebook. In this post, we'll look at how to top up your social media account balance. You will learn:
  • how the budget works;
  • what types of accounts exist;
  • what payment methods the social network offers;

Facebook budget
Budget is one of the main parameters of any Facebook campaign that allows you to control the cost per result. It helps you control the costs of an ad group or campaign as a whole. By replenishing the budget, the user does not buy ads on Facebook. He tells the system how much he is willing to spend on promotion. At the same time, the actual spending does not always coincide with the plan. If your ads are not popular and do not receive the planned number of clicks, you may have money left in your account. The unused amount will be at your disposal and can be directed to another ad group within the current campaign.

Types of advertising accounts by deposit method

Manual payments. To launch a campaign from an account of this type, you first need to put money on your Facebook balance. When an ad appears on the site, funds will be deducted from the budget each time the ad is clicked. As soon as the money runs out, the shows will stop. This payment system is standard, it is used by many players in the advertising market. An account with manual payments gives more control over the budget, since the social network will not write off more money than is on the balance sheet.

Automatic payments. The peculiarity of such a payment system is that it is similar to a "loan". You don't need to deposit money to your Facebook account to get started with ads, as the ads will appear immediately. In this case, you do not have to constantly replenish your account balance, the spent funds are debited automatically from your bank card or PayPal. And when you block, you do not lose money. Let's look at an example. To run Facebook ads, you linked your bank card to your account and created a campaign. For the first day of her work, $10 were spent. For the second - $10. And only at the end of the second day, the system will write off 1,300 rubles at once. With such a payment, it is recommended to create a new e-wallet or bank card.

Payment methods for advertising for individuals
To manage payment, go to the "Settings" tab. Here in the left menu you need to select the item "Payment settings". Click on the "Add" button to see all available options.

Bank card
Enter your card number, expiration date and security code. Facebook works with Visa, MasterCard, American Express. As soon as you click the "Continue" button, this method will be fixed as the main one for working with paying bills on the social network. The system will debit $ 1 from the card to confirm the operation. The money will be returned within a week.

Select this method and click "Continue". Ads Manager will redirect you to the PayPal login page. Enter your username and password. After that, link your e-wallet to Facebook.

Facebook coupon
If you have a coupon, you can use it. This is one of the easiest ways to work: you pay when you enter the code and click the "Apply" button. The system will validate the coupon and you can start managing your ad.

Bank Online
In this case, Facebook issues an invoice that can be redeemed through the Bank Online system. Enter the amount for which you want to top up the balance and check the payment. To do this, log in to Sberbank Online and confirm the transfer of funds for advertising management. Please note that in this case, a commission is charged.


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IMHO Facebook is really harsh thing to do unless you know how it works.

You can run facebook ads in two ways: whitehat and blackhat.

I don't think i need to describe the white one :)
In bh a lot of verticals are used: nutra, adult, gambling, crypto and etc.

In order to see your ad status ACTIVE - you need to spend a lot of time fighting Facebook and understanding how it works.

The most easiest way is GAMBLING.


- Easy to launch
- Application install (which is already moderated in AppStore on Android market)
- White page (which is must have for blackhat) is already in app, its loaded with Webview.
- Accounts bypass moderation much easier.
- BIG SPENDS (you can spend a really big numbers, which is easy to get BTC to your accs)
- You get paid for deposits ppl make after app instal (deposits can be done a week after install)


- You have to launch a lot of accounts everyday. (monkey job)
- Cost of a setup. 1 account = 1 CC + FB log


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Facebook unlog
Without extra water and lyrics ...

Who does not know, will be a mini training manual, cookies have a lifetime o_O
How often did our users have it, razlog after a check, but with a river it is valid.

The fact is that we know the format of cookies and we ignore the time formats, you have 2 choices for neut and json, they already have a time format.

Cookies were poured, just from the check .. they flew, spread. Stones in the seller, it is logical, the seller in the checker the food chain is straight in the end, all morons and Fb is smart, in fact 70% of your spread is just dead time date, see below

There are lines in cookies lines from networks are everywhere their own, beleberda agrees, it is important for us to see the time relationship, there is a date in each line of the fb, we look at its date in the envelope "1672187147" - GMT: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 00:25:47 GMT. Date for a normal person if you open the envelope .. how to open and understand? - we entered the date here, checked all the lines, if the checker does not do it or the logs are old, if the date is lower than the current actual date, then this will be a break, changed the date to + half a year ahead = Valid!

We extended the date in all lines at random + half a year, for example.

Basically that's all.