Tracking a subscriber, or how to determine the location of a mobile phone


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Hello, running in the shadows. Hello, random carders. Quite often, questions are raised on the Internet about how to find a subscriber and track down a mobile phone in real time. There are a lot of partners who profit from this idea and a lot of methods that just don't work. Consider the working method.


Of course, there are paid methods that really work, but in this article we will consider a free and simple version of tracking a mobile phone (subscriber), which will work perfectly on the Symbian 9.1-9.4 platform.

The trick of this method is that all this will work secretly, unnoticed by the victim, and independently.

List of programs that we will need and need to track the subscriber:

JBak TaskMan


PlanTask (setting up autorun)

Google Maps (required version with locator support)

Two mail addresses on

Hacked smart (there are a huge number of smart hacking manuals on the Internet)

Install the X-Plore, PlanTask, Google Maps, and JBak TaskMan programs.

We launch Google Maps, enter our email address on gmail, and send an authorization request to the second mailbox.

Go to the second mailbox and authorize it.

Next, in maps, disable location detection using GPS.

We go to PlanTask and set regular activation (and deactivation) of Google Maps (the more often maps are turned on, the more often location information will be updated!)

The next step is performed in X-Plore.

We find this file:!: \ PlanTask\data\data.dat

(!- here either the phone's C - memory or the E-memory card, depending on where you installed the software.)

The following file is!: \Private\10003a3f\import\apps\PlanTask_reg.rsc

We open it in the hex editor in X-plore (with the number 8), go to the end of the file and count approximately 20 pairs of bytes and put one instead of zero (example:22 36 "00" 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00.change "00" to "01")

After the change, we save the file and after that we should lose the PlanTask icon.

Similarly, we change "GoogleMaps_2000CEA3_reg.rsc", which is located next to it.

Go to JBak TaskMan and set the "Never show" rule for Google Maps and PlanTask programs.

We have removed the icons for programs and now we first launch them using associations via X-Plore.

The Council: all these simple manipulations should be performed first on your smart card, and then drop the settings files on the victim's phone. Although, in principle, all these actions take about 1-2 minutes.

The method was tested and worked perfectly on nokia N97, N82, N96 and 5800.

That's it, cyberstalkers. Here we are one step closer to digital freedom. After all, knowing how we can be so easily tracked, you can protect yourself accordingly.