TOP-5 mistakes of online stores when working with delivery

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Online stores often outsource the delivery of goods. However, working with third-party courier services, instead of simplifying the operation of the online store, leads to unexpected difficulties. The general director of the Russian courier delivery service MaxiPost, Alexey Prygin, spoke about the most common mistakes in cooperation between an online store and courier delivery.

1. Inattentive familiarization with the contract
Employees of online stores often do not read contracts with courier services at all, paying attention only to the delivery price.

This can provoke such problems:
  • The courier will not be able to deliver the goods within a certain time frame, because he adheres to his delivery intervals.
  • The courier will refuse to deliver the goods to a small or remote settlement, because, according to the contract, it can only be delivered there by mail
  • The courier will not meet with the buyer in places convenient for him, because in the interests of the courier's safety, delivery is made only to the recipient's address.
Careful reading of the contract minimizes the number of unpleasant surprises and disruptions in work. At the very least, the customer will clearly know what to expect from the contractor.

2. Rash choice of a partner
When choosing a service provider, you should not focus only on the cost of transportation. Only a sufficiently large delivery service can afford to reduce tariffs without losing quality.

If a low tariff is offered by an unknown company or a company that has recently entered the market, this is a reason to think about it. There is no guarantee that the company will have enough turnover to cover all costs and not borrow funds from an online store to get out of an unpleasant situation.

Before concluding a contract, in addition to the price, you need to inquire about other indicators - the percentage of redemption, the rate of return of money for purchased parcels, analyze the market as a whole, find out the average tariffs for the services you need, ask for recommendations, contact colleagues, visit a warehouse, etc.

3. Working with one partner
In a situation of economic instability, online stores are better off distributing orders between different suppliers. The exception is small online stores with low turnover.

It is advisable to distribute orders between at least two services, depending on the delivery region, or alternately. If suddenly one of the services regularly delays payments, or goes bankrupt, it will be possible to quickly transfer all volumes to another.

4. Inconsistent sale dates
In order for any promotions to give the maximum effect, it must be remembered that a good courier service always plans its capacities, which means that it must prepare for the sales seasons together with an online store.

5. Broken promises or lack of customer feedback
The online store and the courier service must agree with each other, and then inform the buyers of a clear and feasible delivery date. If the goods do not arrive on time, or are delivered when the buyer is not waiting for them, the online store runs the risk of issuing another refusal.

In addition to these problems, it is important for online stores to take into account the peculiarities of the delivery of goods and returns, choosing which market trends should be followed, and which can be neglected. For example, being able to order two pairs of shoes of different sizes for fitting is a must. And you can do without the same option when ordering children's toys.