Top 5 favorites of MasterCard payment hackathon


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Late last year, MasterCard announced its intention to host a global competition for payment solutions developers. For 10 months, the payment system held several hackathons in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brazil, Canada, Israel, Turkey, the USA and the UK.

Based on the results of the competition, MasterCard determined the winners in each country who will compete for a prize of $ 100,000 in the final Masters of Code hackathon. The final of the competition will take place in San Francisco on December 4 and 5.

Designers, developers and entrepreneurs are challenged to present new consumer payment solutions based on the MasterCard API.

Five of the most striking projects of the competition:

Cointr (Australia)

Cointr is a digital piggy bank that allows you to transfer small change to your mobile wallet account. In the application, you can set a specific goal of savings, attract family members to fundraising and track the pace of approaching the goal. This is a good way to get rid of coins.

Master Your Card (Hong Kong)

The app helps parents keep track of their children's expenses and teach them how to handle finances correctly. In the program, an adult can deposit electronic money into the child's account, as well as confirm or block the withdrawal of funds, depending on the purpose of the expenses.

WeBUSKING (Israel)

One futurist has proposed an interesting way of assessing the necessity and convenience of payment innovation. You just have to pretend you're giving alms or paying street performers with a new payment tool.

Tel Aviv-based startup WeBUSKING is targeted at street musicians. The developers propose to broadcast the performers through an online channel, collecting funds through online payments.

Mobil Bayi (Turkey)

Mobile application for replenishing the account of any contactless transport card. The app has a balance tracking option, as well as mini-games that allow you to earn bonuses. They can be used later using a map.

FareShare (Canada)

The startup offers the user to track the history of purchases from their mobile devices and choose those expenses that they want to share with their friends.