Threw tricks on carding forums


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This article will discuss the main, in my opinion, methods/methods of scamming, common on our and other boards of similar topics.

The article in no way carries the meaning of “instructions for use”; rather, on the contrary, it is some kind of guide to counteraction.

There are a lot of newcomers coming, and many of them are both scammers and those who become victims of these scammers.

I don’t pretend to have a complete list of options, but this will help avoid the most common and banal schemes.

The structure is very conventional, to make it easier for me to write and for you to read.

So, let's go.


One of the most common techniques. Here we have all those pathetic people trying to grab their piece at the expense of someone else's fame.

We can highlight:

Crooked nicknames

Fakes under Escrow, well-known sellers with altered letters.

As for me, these are the most naive attempts in terms of deception. All kinds of VVH, Garant-Service and others like them.

Nicknames of sellers known on a certain board can also be used for throwing on neighboring sites where there are no sellers. The argument is simple - here's your profile on that board. Out of 10 people, one will not ask to write in a PM there, because he doesn’t realize/he doesn’t exist/etc.

The most effective countermeasure here is to not be an idiot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Jabber fakes

Also very common and effective, especially for ignorant beginners.

The essence is simple - substitution of identically written letters of the English and Russian alphabets.

For example, there is a jabber

[email protected], owned by a seller with a reputation. The pathetic creature creates a jabber [email protected], visually indistinguishable from the original. And to the question of the person who asked on the forum about the service and left his contact - who are you, our little bastard throws a link to the seller’s page, where this particular jabber is listed.

If there is a logical desire to confirm your existence in PM, any meaningless argumentation is used, like: “I don’t use the forum from this computer,” “I can’t appear online yet, I have debts there,” and other crazy nonsense.

It’s very simple to protect yourself from this: always ask for confirmation in a DM and check the Jabber for Cyrillic characters.

I would unsubscribe, but I’m banned.

Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like this. A certain variation of the first method.

In this case, a pumped-up seller on one of the sites is taken, temporarily banned, and absent from the target board. Next, the asshole creates an account of the same name, and, in order not to burn down his ghostly existence, he himself knocks on the DM or Jabber. Can be combined with fake.

In response to questions about “who are you, Novorezhka?”, a link is given to a neighboring board, where a person hangs in a bathhouse for reasons unrelated to his activities (swearing, flooding), and accordingly cannot write a DM there.

It can also be used on the platform of the same name as the banned account, by adding the number 2 to the nickname, for example. Like, a working account while it’s in the ban. In my opinion, this is utter nonsense.

It’s all very simple to check - look at the reviews in the trading thread, select a couple of old guys, and write to them with a request to verify the jabber that has been contacting you. And of course, don’t forget to check for Cyrillic.

For active users

An extremely arrogant method that consists of creating an account of the same name for the seller on a site where there is no account. Again, there is a high probability that he will write first in a PM, and when asked “who are you”, give a link to another forum. And many who do not have an account on that site are too lazy to create one for confirmation, especially if a fake jabber is used.

It is also possible to create a profile of the same name on the same board with the substitution of Cyrillic characters. For example, a link to the original profile is given in the toad, and a fake confirmation is written in the DM. It’s easy to distinguish - registration, reputation, etc.

How to overcome it: in the first case, don’t be lazy, gentlemen, but in the second, don’t be blind.

For closed carding boards

I have also not seen this method.

Many of the newcomers, one way or another, might have noticed phrases about closed areas. And usually the consciousness imagines that incredible things are happening there and money is being made that even Gates never dreamed of.

So, some *mat* can use this matter for their own persuasion purposes. For example, a person created a demand topic in the center. And someone with no reputation and fresh registration is added to it. To a standard question like “show your profiles on vvh/dm/dub,” the future victim receives an answer like: “I’m not on open boards. On closed ones there are reps and deposits, where can I send the link?” The newcomer, of course, does not have any profiles there, which is why he begins to doubt. But! Our freak sends off, for example, a link to the verification service without waiting for an answer. And after the answer, he makes a screenshot so that you can see the identical account and the same deposit, or registration date. And since our brother’s figures of $2-3k evoke respect and admiration, he swims and agrees to the deal.

The easiest way to avoid getting caught is to simply not fall for it. If the proposal is really necessary and interesting, then we can say that you ask one of the old people (many have profiles on many closed boards) to confirm the identity of the scammer. If it gets cold after that, then everything is clear. If he answers, I’m waiting and the like, you can really ask.


Mimicry, which in this case means sneaky adjustment to someone else's profile, is a very common and dangerous thing.

For example, one of the most famous types is Mr. “nice man, I am my own guarantor,” who prefers to communicate on Skype over and over again with the same phrase and refers to many profiles on different forums, usually DM.

In addition to the ones described above, other options are quite likely.

The main advice here, perhaps, is this - always seek confirmation of the profile that the person contacting you refers to.

Talking bird

Not every bird is smart and quick-witted. But chatting up the victim is her main task.


Tu fast, tu furios. This character, by hook or by crook, will persuade you to complete the transaction as soon as possible. They usually hide behind the need to “go urgently”, and due to this they can indirectly refuse to carry out a transaction through a guarantor.

He is recognized quite easily by his manner of dialogue - he pushes you towards a deal, and often, no, very often writes to you. No one is forcing you to rush, so we agree to make a deal when he is in no hurry and wait. It's freezing - we put it in rippacks.

Best friend

This feathered subspecies will do everything to gain your trust even before discussing the deal.
Tearful stories, as if by chance, about how he was abandoned; stories about bad life; a funny story that happened “literally yesterday,” and much more. He will tell you a couple of public schemes, ask for advice, give you a couple of compliments. And after a couple of days (especially arrogant ones - day after day) he will either suddenly remember that he was added for the sake of a deal, and he has something to offer; or will return to the original discussion of the sale, from which he moved out due to the reason it ended/was distracted/it won’t work out today.

And now the money falls into his wallet, and the victim is left with his nose, but with a baggage of interesting tales that can be told on the next trip to the bathhouse.

It’s like in life - nothing personal, just business. I’m not telling you not to communicate, I’m telling you not to agree to possible fraudulent conditions for reasons of “like the norm, people, we’ve been communicating for a couple of days, we’re always in touch.”


A very funny animal, which, moreover, in addition to time, can also take away your money, and not for itself.
A person will try in every possible way to get out of carrying out a transaction through a guarantor, but if everything turns out to be useless, then he goes to the extreme - he agrees. You create a deal, he confirms, you pour in the money. And the agonizing time of meaningless waiting and constant delays begins. In the end, the character usually gets banned, because while you were thinking how good you were and didn’t fall for it, the character was scamming others - less suspicious ones. And you withdraw money due to a failed transaction, losing your interest.

Counteraction - in the case of transactions on suspicious things, if the person does not have reviews and the like, either simply do not work with him, or ask him to deposit an amount equal to your expenses on the guarantor, again into the guarantor, which he will receive back upon completion of the transaction.

Low flyers

Prefer to “provide” services, the cost of which does not exceed, on average, thousands of rubles. The calculation is simple - few people want to bother with a guarantor for amounts of 500-1000 rubles. Plus, few people rush to write black the minute they feel the possibility of throwing. Usually they write only after a few days, or they forget altogether.
There is an auto guarantor especially for such cases; do not hesitate to use it, even for such amounts.


Was awarded a separate category, because the picture really reflects the essence.

The person receives an advance payment and begins to create an imitation of vigorous activity. The main thing in this topic for the flawed is to choose where you can stall for time. Writing software, selling accounts and SS (given invalid, promises to replace), and the like.
All this is done with one goal - to collect as many victims as possible.
Some tend to get impudent and continue to promise even after writing a black letter with a bunch of signatories.
The counteraction is classic - a guarantor up to certain conditions.

A genius out of nowhere

An account is created offering a particular service.
Sometimes it lasts for a couple of weeks, sometimes it doesn’t. Others are being created in parallel.
After a while, the moment comes to act - our little nit usually starts writing posts, after which he creates a trading thread.
Where, as if by magic, reviews appear from his own cartoons, which usually don’t bother and write the first post straight to the topic.
Well, then all that remains is to dump those who insist on a guarantor or issuing goods in advance, and reap the benefits until you are banned.
The lifespan is short, but these types arise cyclically.
A little attention to such things will save you from unnecessary problems. And once again - guarantor!

Everything for you

Another common type.

Standard newreg who came to share something. Be it hacking VK, distributing CC or accounts, “I’ll give away the scheme in PM”, and other freebies. And we love freebies very much.
And here it often becomes unimportant that those who understand, spread rot about his free obscenities, because the same New Regs will happily like him.
TS stuffs posts, stuffs turnips, moreover, creates the illusion of reputation.
Well, later TS creates a new, this time trading top, with the same service, but for money.
At the same time, for those who insist on a guarantor, he can provide the service through him, additionally filling up his transaction counter. And methodically throw everyone else away, postponing the execution of the service/replacement of the material.
Some honest sellers are promoted in a similar way, but mostly this either applies to services where it is not necessary to require an advance payment, such as hacking, or there are no problems with them with a guarantor, etc.

Guarantor to help, and check what you were given.

This sweet word is “sale”

This scam works great during the period before the holidays, be it New Year, summer, or certain short-lived events.

Until now, a future scammer could actually be an adequate seller of a particular product/service for some time. And it’s not a fact that the idea of a scam was present initially, although it is quite likely.
The freak works quite decently for some time, fulfills his promises, and looks after his reputation. After which he announces the start of a promotion or huge discounts, thereby gathering an army of applicants.

The whole scam is generally accompanied by chatting and feeding breakfast, the main thing is to collect the maximum prepayment.

Since this topic is beyond the capabilities of naked schoolchildren, it is usually taken up by those who either have certain skills or have the money to at least repurchase the product/service at cost. This gives rise to the illusion of professionalism of the scammer and a certain trust.

It’s not so easy to recognize, any unclosed black is already a signal, but the hundredth time is a guarantor until execution.


The essence is as old as the world.

The once respected seller, who decided something like “I’ve had enough” for one reason or another, decides to collect the last jackpot.
But simply leaving is akin to voluntarily refusing donations, which is why fundraising begins.

The method can be combined with the previous one. The seller has been verified for a long time and on more than one site, reviews and reputation speak for themselves. This is the case when someone who suddenly decides to become a scammer doesn’t even need to strain, the money flows by itself.
There is no way to reveal the essence, except again for suspicious calls. Well, be careful - again a service with the letter G


This scheme also requires skills, certain resources and money, but, unfortunately, it allows the worms to make a big profit.

For me personally, a certain Slovakian who accepted packs for shipment from Amazon and sent paper in boxes served as an excellent example, and was, in fact, the first and, it seems, the only scam so far.
A person made a deposit, a person received equipment, a person sent the first parcels with paper in order to give a track and delay the receipt of goodies.

And as a result, everyone fell for the deposit, and the deposit amount was not even enough to cover the costs of referrals, not to mention the wasted profit.

Actually, here is the scam scheme in action.

Newregs can also be included here, offering a thorn through a guarantor on the track and boasting of a deposit. You will definitely receive the track, but what will be in the box is a big question.

Hence the conclusion - any first orders of a new service, even with a deposit, are at your own peril and risk.

The deposit is not enough for everyone, you need to understand this.


This attack is carried out thanks to the hacking of currently inactive accounts.
The point is that the profile that became the victim must have a reputation and so on, and then it is ideal. Usually we end up with a sweet offer that automatically inspires trust. In addition, based on the abundance of offers and prices, many are in a hurry to make a reservation/make an advance payment/purchase.
As a result, we have a bunch of messages about how the vehicle went offline and never appeared again. And here you need to understand that it’s unlikely that anyone will compensate you for the damage, because firstly, it is usually very large, and secondly, the account owner doesn’t need this, he probably won’t even know about it, because he gave up on his account a long time ago .
It is not difficult to recognize, or rather to make sure that suspicions creep in and warn against mistakes. We check the activity of the vehicle, after all, a person who has a bunch of messages, but the last of which dates back a couple of months ago or more, should arouse suspicion with an unexpected offer.

Air seller

This scam can be committed by both new traders and active users, because it often does not carry sanctions other than general spread of rot.
This includes sellers of dying topics, almost inactive near-publics. Also selling various mats, etc., obtained from freebies on other boards and having a value tending to zero. Also topics that initially “I’ll only give it to 5 hands!”, but in fact go to 25, because they don’t make much sense.
What I remember is that there was a fool in the center who was selling the following scheme. “I’m selling a simple scheme for earning 2-3k rubles a day, price 1500 rub, first 500 rub.” One person spent money out of curiosity, and as a result wrote in the topic that the seller gave him: “here you bought it from me for 500, now also create topics on other forums and also respond to them and sell.” Both laughter and sin, but this mongrel managed to earn his 500 rubles.

Warning? An old friend with the letter G., and a little brain - they don’t sell money for money, much less for 500-1000 rubles.


Scam, which also requires some skills and/or investments.
Similar to free distribution, but differs slightly in that the emphasis is initially on normal work. The point is that normal material/service is given for tests and first sales, and then it rolls down and down, holding on, like many of the previous ones, on constant promises fix everything.
In the end, everything is solved either by a ban, or by permanently solving problems with some and creating new problems for others, gradually increasing their number and ultimately still ending up with a ban.
Reviews from novoregs are of course good, but guarantor-guarantor-guarantor.
Separately, in this same category, I would like to talk about scammers selling shops.
Shops really sell, the only difference is which shops. It’s one thing when they just sell you a dummy for pennies. It’s another matter when you are offered to buy an Apple store sending thousands for $5. And thirdly, it comes here when you are offered a good shop at a price that is not cheap, but not at all expensive. For example, he sends Apple Watch and Go Pro to USA. The working conditions are described, the price is set at, say, around 1000-1500 dollars. Overall everything is beautiful.
You pay for the guarantor, the shop gives you the scam and shows you by typing it in on Timka, for example. Everything is going great. They give you a track, the drop receives the package, and there is really what you need. Everything is fine, you give the go-ahead. And go get your well-deserved portion of pleasure from bending over. And there are several of you.
And the scammer, meanwhile, is counting the difference from the money received from each of you, minus his costs for purchasing test equipment and sending it to you, and to the fake site.
Protect yourself? Well, probably not to buy shops. Or do not act in any way until a one-time order.


This type was identified on the basis of two cases at the center. In the first case, during the transaction, the asshole offered to download and run the exe file, convincing him that it was an email form that needed to be filled out.

In the second case, someone undertook to train anyone for free in either hacking or dumping databases. He gave links to software, taught, and, as far as I remember, actually taught. Only his software turned out to be a surprise.
The essence is simple - SI is used for targeted attacks on users of these sites, because there is something to profit from. At a minimum, you can get a good account for throwing money, and, as an option, drain your BTC wallet.

The defense is also simple - don't be an idiot and don't run unknown crap on the main machine. Virtual to help.


It would be worth putting it up, but I'm too lazy to change the structure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is where schoolchildren operate and where many scammers start. Here we have the above-mentioned “self-guarantor” and an army of those who “do not trust third parties.” Here we have “smart guys” who are trying to import ancient schemes, sell public databases and outright development, resell something that costs 500 rubles for 200, and the like. Here we have the most honest novoregs in the world, to whom there is no point in cheating, because they came to work honestly. Well, for a snack there are just stupid and arrogant schoolchildren, counting on who knows what.
On these, however, in most cases you can not even waste time and money on a guarantor, but just think and not get involved.


The subspecies is small, but works stably, because it takes a long time to cut and reluctantly.

These characters build their work on the principle of maximum illusory honesty. With one exception. Whatever you buy from them, you won't be the only one buying it. Sox, ss, accounts, databases, software, etc. The logic is simple - why sell to one person if selling to many hands brings more profit?
You can protect yourself by knowing how to work and check what you bought, paying attention to the same blacks and reviews, and a guarantor before checking.


The target of this friend is users who do not particularly understand what he is selling.

Have you purchased an account without being sure, why are there additional questions? So it’s you who don’t know how to work with him, and he’s not the one who’s been ripped off and thrown away and picked up and sold again.
Are you complaining that the software doesn’t work well and makes a lot of mistakes? So your proxy is crap and doesn’t know how to work at all, don’t buy it, I wasn’t hired as a consultant.

Anti-public shows 10% private instead of the promised 95? This way you will buy normal software and will not be indignant.

Maybe the grandfather can’t connect due to the wrong login and password? So this login and password are correct, it’s just that the grandfather is special, and he needs a special approach.

This could go on forever, but I think the point is clear. We carefully look at reviews and don’t get involved.


couldn't be simpler - usually purposefully active accounts of upgraded users are hacked. Well, then it’s just a matter of technique - to sell something as quickly as possible, exchange currency, take goods in advance, and the like.
A word of caution - pay attention to the user’s activity, and for example, if he works not only through LAN, also verify in Jabber.
There would have been no luck, but misfortune helped - nowadays many people have two-factor on VVH due to a series of recent hacks, so this is still a bigger threat on other boards.
Well, you should follow this yourself, and not download any crap onto the main machine, so as not to be hacked.


Funny characters providing a thousand and one services. Fill up a little bit of turnips and messages, wait a little bit for your account to be more or less fresh, and you can go into battle.

They offer everything they can offer, if they understand the topic at least a little, in order to answer the questions of those who apply. The main message is simple - to create a cloud of mastery in order to make money on prepayments and breakfasts.
It can be calculated just once or twice by searching for topics. Many tend to “hide” their page so that an unintelligent beginner cannot use the “find all topics” button. No problem, we look for all the messages of this character using a regular search, and here it is on a silver platter.

Money for money

Related to many of the previous ones, but made a separate sub-item so that there is a general understanding.

It all comes down to you being sold less money for more money. Namely - schemes from the series “ss to cue balls without ringing and drawings”, an iPhone for 40% with delivery to ru, checkmate with bbv for 5 dollars, and the like.
There's not much to talk about here.

There is only one warning - you need to understand that money cannot be sold for money, this is an axiom!

Serbian mafia

I would also like to mention throwing boards, such as sss and others like them.

Firstly, if you are a newbie reading this, then I would like to congratulate you - you are already lucky that you ended up here and not there.
Secondly, you should pay close attention to the black list of sites on the forum.

Well, the methodology of “how to determine the throwing board” is very simple. Point 1. If they offer everything that is written about in the previous paragraph. Point 2. If the board is a little more cunning and tries to resemble a normal one, the lack of information on normal boards comes into play, strange activity on the forum itself, for example. Point 3. Insistent refusal to work through any other guarantor other than their own.

They differ in that the sellers, buyers, and guarantor are the same people, and after receiving the money they kindly block access.

Without a sucker, life is bad - perhaps their main motto.

Well, that seems to be all that came to mind.

I’ll mention again that the division was made for the benefit of convenience, and many throwing movements are somehow interconnected.

Separately, I would like to add that recently a certain spread of oppression/trolling of the New Regs and their trading activities has become more frequent, which I personally consider a good thing. Because few people at least follow the rules, not to mention the lack of experience and deposit.

Newreg is not novoreg, but if a person is not stupid, he is able to read the rules and follow them.

And finally, a handful of tips:

- Develop your ass-sense! Neither a sixth sense nor a guarantor can save you from cunning multi-moves, but you will learn to ignore the very possibility of small attacks on yourself.

- Guarantee (escrow service)! Guarantee! Guarantee! Even for small amounts! Autoguarantor appeared for a reason!

- Check the seller to the maximum! Forum messages, Google contacts, etc.

- If you did not understand the essence of what was happening and created a topic looking for a service, beware of those who write to you first!

- Always confirm transactions via PM!

- Always meticulously stipulate all the conditions in a transaction! Not a complete scam, but the loss of part of your money is quite possible, and without proof, because you yourself may miss something, and they will take advantage of it!

- Transactions with novoregs, transactions for large sums, and any dubious transactions - require the payment of a percentage of the guarantor from the intended executor.

- Despite the guarantor and your newly acquired wisdom, try not to get involved with any shady characters and “sweet” offers from the Novoregs.

-If you decide to get involved in this matter, Google as much information as possible! Young scammers tend to use not only contact information, but sometimes even the same nickname, from board to board.

- Check Jabber for Cyrillic!

- If there is a sign/hint of a scam during the transaction, write about it in the seller’s topic. There is no need to swear and curse him to the tenth degree, a simple note that the seller does not contact him for such and such a time will be enough. Yes, local ethics tend to be the opposite, but with this simple action you can save other users.

A short course in safety or how to protect yourself from parasites.