Thousands of classified documents from a nuclear facility in Israel have been leaked to the public


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A group of hackers Anonymous has announced the hacking of the computer network of a secret nuclear facility in Israel. The attack on the Shimon Peres Center for Nuclear Research was presented as an act of protest against the war in Gaza.

Hackers claim to have obtained and published thousands of documents, including PDFs, emails and PowerPoint presentations related to Israel's nuclear program.

In its statements, the group stressed that its actions are anti-war in nature and do not involve harming the civilian population. However, one of the group's earlier messages contained a warning about the potential dangers of the operation, accompanied by an animated video depicting a nuclear explosion.

However, so far there is no official confirmation that hackers actually managed to penetrate the operational technological network of the facility.

Experts of the Israeli information security company Check Point note the increased activity of hacker groups associated with Iran. Since the beginning of military operations in Gaza, the attention of cyber specialists has been focused on the actions of hackers supported by the Iranian government, who have intensified attacks against Israel and its allies.

According to Gil Messing, chief of staff at Check Point, an analysis of the documents published by hackers from the nuclear research center shows that most of them do not contain critical information, but can still be used to organize future attacks, such as phishing.

And although this time, apparently, everything went well, the very fact of penetration into the computer systems of such an important strategic object is an extremely disturbing event. Such incidents highlight the importance of cybersecurity in the international arena, especially in the context of armed conflicts and nuclear threats.

The safety of such facilities should be ensured at the highest level to prevent potentially catastrophic consequences. Playing with nuclear infrastructure for geopolitical purposes is unacceptable because of the enormous risks they pose to all of humanity.