Things that take up a carder's useful time

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Do you sometimes feel like you don't have enough time? In the modern world there are quite a lot of things and activities that simply steal our time. We do many of them every day without noticing it ourselves.

What are these things and how to deal with them?

Unfinished carding
When a lot of unfinished tasks accumulate, you spend time and energy not on completing them, but on worries and constant reflection.

It is worth deciding whether the matter is relevant to you and if the answer is yes, then allocate and schedule time to complete it. Or completely abandon this matter.

In order not to delay tasks, decide in advance how important they are to you. Perhaps some are not even worth taking on.

Chaos in the carder's workplace
A lot depends on the order and organization on your desktop.

If you are surrounded by clutter, you have to spend a lot of time looking for the right item and it is difficult to concentrate on carding.

If you spend time trying to find something you need every time, you won't be able to get much done during the day.

Fear of offending
If caring about others turns into the fact that you cannot refuse anyone, then first of all you do bad to yourself.

Do what is interesting and important to you. And don’t waste time coming up with excuses, because saying “No, I don’t want to” is much easier and more honest.

First impression
We all often want to make not just a good, but a stunning first impression. But in everything there needs to be a golden mean, otherwise this desire can lead to hypocrisy and lies.

Find the line between the rules of decency and the desire to stroke your pride.

Competitions with other carders
You can spend your whole life worrying that you are supposedly worse than others, but this will not lead you to anything good.

Wanting to be an expert at carding is very admirable, but if you are competing with a friend to see whose carding is better, it is a pointless exercise. It is better to spend this time with greater benefit and pleasure.

You don’t have to prove anything to anyone or do anything just to rub someone’s nose in or prove that you’re right.

How long does it take to be jealous? I think that's a lot. It makes you weaker. After all, instead of focusing on your own development, you think about others.

There is only one way out and it is very simple - just stop envying other people. Most people start from scratch before they achieve success. Nothing is given just like that.

If you want to buy a good car, then work and earn money. Do you want to become popular and influential? There are a lot of opportunities on the Internet.

Take a moment to think about whether you have bad habits that are wasting your time, and if so, try to change them. Use the time you have in the best way for you.