“They stole 300 thousand from the card without calls or codes.” We reveal the essence of the new carding scheme.


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It was enough to make a mistake once. We tell you how to protect yourself.

A couple from Yekaterinburg, Andrey and Yulia, lost 300 thousand. The money Yulia received as an inheritance from her father seemed to have disappeared from the card. The scammers did not call her and did not introduce themselves as the bank's security service, did not ask for a code or anything else. And the text messages about the write-off were visible only in detail, when Yulia discovered the loss and began to look for traces.

The girl contacted the police and hopes that the scammers will be found. And we tell you how this could happen and how to protect yourself from such cases.

“The victim believed the fake advertisement and entered her card details and phone number on a fake website that mimicked a bank,” a source in the law enforcement agencies told E1.RU. — She received a message with a code on her phone. She thought this code was needed to get money, but in fact, the attackers at that moment seized control of her personal account. Then stealing funds was a matter of technique.

One of the commentators on the site spoke about this same scheme in detail.

“Last week, an advertisement from the allegedly UBRD bank popped up very often about some kind of financial assistance in the amount of 3,000 rubles, which you will receive, you just need to enter your bank card number and telephone number,” said a reader of E1.RU. “However, at the next stage, to confirm the operation, you need to enter an SMS -code sent to the phone. Don’t do this , this is how scammers gain access to your personal Internet account - and goodbye to your money! I almost got caught myself and set up my relatives!

UBRD confirmed that this scheme is very popular. Clients of many large brands—not only banks, but also retailers—faced a similar fraudulent attack.

— Direct dependence: the more trust customers have in a brand, the more attention it receives from criminals. They register fake websites and launch advertising on social networks with the promise of gifts and sweepstakes, the press service of the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development reported. — It is important to understand that criminals have learned to bypass the moderation of advertising messages on social networks and broadcast links to fake sites directly into the feed. Most often, they offer bank clients some kind of gift: pizza, rolls or 3,000 rubles in financial assistance.

Why didn’t I receive an SMS about debiting funds from my account?
Lawyer Damir Sadritdinov answered this question:
“Most likely, the criminals activated the bank’s mobile application on another phone and transferred money through it. In this case, no withdrawal messages will be received. This is true for everyone. The application is activated only once via SMS, then the program itself simply responds to the bank’s incoming request for transaction authorization. This scheme is made so as not to enter the code received on the phone every time. It is assumed that the phone is already in the client’s hands.
Every day there are new (sometimes slightly modified old) ways to steal money from the cards of clients of all major banks. Criminals keep up with the times and actively adapt to the current agenda. However, there are ways to protect yourself from most of these attempts. We have collected tips from police officers for you.

How to protect yourself from theft of money from your card?​

1. Avoid dubious offers that appear on social networks as advertising.
As a rule, links advertising “free cheese” lead to phishing sites.

2. Carefully check the information, and also carefully read what actions you received via SMS with a code to confirm.
Many people are in a hurry to enter numbers without looking at what kind of transaction they are confirming.

3. Get two bank cards instead of one, ideally from different banks. The first one is for salaries and for savings (you can disable mobile banking and transactions on it). The second is for purchases and transfers.
Even if you make a mistake or compromise your card details when purchasing something, criminals will not be able to steal all your funds.

4. Link the mobile bank to a SIM card installed in a regular push-button phone.
Many viruses and hacking programs use the Android operating system installed on a smartphone. This allows them to gain control over incoming SMS.

5. For elderly relatives who do not use transfers and online shopping, you need to disable the Mobile Bank service.
Carders are becoming more sophisticated and coming up with new schemes. Read the story of the coach of the children's Olympic reserve judo school from Zlatoust, Pavel Atazhanov, he has been trying for a year and a half to prove that he did not take out a loan in his name for 855 thousand rubles from Alfa Bank. The money, according to the police, went to scammers . Here is an article about how a pensioner decided to make money on the Internet and transferred 5.5 million rubles to scammers.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs also prepared instructions describing the main signs of fraud. Here are some tips from a criminal investigation officer.

(c) https://74.ru/text/criminal/2022/04/08/71240255/