They produced and sold fake documents: members of an organized criminal group will be tried in the Kharkov region


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The defendants on social networks sold fake driver's licenses, technical passports for vehicles and documents necessary for customs clearance. Law enforcement officers sent the indictment to the court. The defendants face up to twelve years in prison.

It was established that the illegal activity was organized by a 44-year-old resident of the Kirovograd region, who at that time was serving a sentence in prison for committing another crime. He involved his wife and four executors in criminal activities.

Dealers published proposals for the production of counterfeit documents through anonymous accounts on the social networks Instagram and Facebook. The organizer accepted the order and, together with his wife, distributed tasks among the performers, who produced “documents” and sent them to customers by mail. The cost of one certificate was 7 thousand hryvnia. Payments from clients were received on bank cards of the so-called drops.

21 searches were carried out at the places of residence of the defendants and mobile phones, computer equipment, printers, laminators, bank cards, SIM cards, 22 plastic cards for fake driver's licenses, several dozen plastic blanks for counterfeiting driver's licenses, more than 280 forms from driver training establishments were confiscated. prints and cliches with an imprint of a pattern for holograms.

Law enforcement officers sent to court an indictment against six members of the group under Part 3 of Art. 199, part 3 art. 28 hours 3 tbsp. 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The perpetrators face up to twelve years in prison.