These bank notes are immediately destroyed


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Hipster Feoktist rode nervously to the fifth bank. It’s unheard of, rejection after rejection, and the case promised to be so simple.

Hipster Feoktist was always sure that a bank is such an institution where you can safely exchange any bills for any bills. But for those bills that Feoktist needed, this rule unexpectedly did not work.

The beautiful marketing campaign that Hipster Feoktist was hatching so badly was going to hell. Worst of all, Akaki the couch warrior had already booed Feoktist's efforts, and if the action failed, Akaki would not miss such an opportunity, and at least don't return to your room ...

Here is the fifth bank. His own, by the way ... Feoktist, without hesitation, walked directly to the window of the chief cashier.

- May I...?

- Young man, these bills are not issued for circulation.

- But how is that ?! Listen ... - And Theoktistus briefly explained why he needed it.

The chief cashier sighed.

- It is not in my competence. With this question - only to the bank manager.

Theoktist sighed exhaustedly.

- And what, will he accept? ...

“I don’t know ... try it. The cashier shook her head.

Last hope...

The reception area was bright and calm. For some reason, the hipster Feoktistus felt something warm in his heart.

- I'm sorry ... - said the well-trained secretary. - Today is not a visiting day.

What is it! Theoktist was ready to cry with resentment.

- Listen ... And he told his story again. - ... after all, I'm your client! - he finished his story.

It is difficult to say what exactly impressed the secretary. Or despair in the eyes of Feoktist, or the fact that he is a client of the bank. But her heart fluttered.

And literally five minutes later Feoktist told his story again, but this time - with inspiration. The bank manager turned out to be quite a pleasant woman of age. At least she listened to him with interest and without interrupting.

- I sell safes. And we decided that we would arrange the discount in the form of a beautiful bundle of bills, and put it in each safe. Then a person will buy a safe with money inside. The amount is small, and for the pack to be thicker, you need the smallest bills - ten-ruble. But we need just new bills, not crumpled, otherwise it will not look festive.

- You see, young man ... These bank notes are not allowed to be recycled at all. Upon receipt of ten-ruble bills, we are obliged to send them for destruction to the Treasury. We have no right to give them out to people. Banks, of course, buy cash from time to time, but never ten-ruble bills. Clients bring and return small bills to the bank.

As the story progressed, the hope from Theoktist gradually disappeared ...

- But how do these bills end up in circulation ?!

- Not through commercial banks. This is what the green bank is doing.

Theoktist was already there. Nobody even wanted to talk to him. Such a beautiful idea ... What a pity ... Not to see the clients of New Year's discounts in such a beautiful form.

- But it seems that the chief cashier had two or three packs.

What ?! .. Is there a chance?! ...

- But I need eight packs.

- I mean - banks of banks, a thousand sheets. She's thrifty with us, where she got it from - I can't put my mind to it. I'll call now.

In 20 minutes, not believing in his happiness, the hipster Feoktist left the bank with new, crispy, ten-ruble bills smelling of money paint. His eyes were shining.

Marketing action to be!


-... and this is a small gift, the amount of the discount! To make you feel good, buy the safe with the money right away! - the seller smiled happily.

The buyers were smiling too. A beautiful bundle of brand new ten-ruble bills lay snugly in every safe. They were tied with a beautiful golden ribbon. And on the side was a beautiful blue LED, and each safe shone mysteriously from the inside. Money was in every safe.

Sales were growing.