The world's first international tuition payment service peerTransfer Education


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PeerTransfer has introduced an international payment web service. It is already being positioned as beneficial for entrepreneurs and private users.With the new service, students can pay for their studies internationally. At the same time, the percentage of the charged commission will be lower than with bank transfers, and the exchange rates will be more favorable. According to peerTransfer, customers of the new service will be able to save from $ 1.5 thousand to $ 40 thousand on one transfer.

The benefits of the peerTransfer Education service are significant for both universities and US students from different countries. Educational institutions receive a free and easy-to-manage payment system that will facilitate the process of processing student payment data, sending invoices and receiving funds. And students will be able to save on payments for moving money and be confident in the safety of the transfer of funds.

The process of setting up work with peerTransfer is as follows. First, the management of the educational institution contacts the representatives of the company. Next, you need to set the settings for the information system, which will be indicated when students make payments. This can be the name of the student, his individual number, and more. All information is protected by the peerTransfer system. At this time, an active link appears on the university's Internet resource for making payment for tuition using peerTransfer. As in other payment services, by clicking on the link, the user will be taken to a page with a form for filling out and making a payment. A foreign student selects the currency of his country on the payment page, and the funds deposited by him will be transferred to the university's account in US dollars.

After receiving the payment, the system stores all information about the payer. This makes it easier for employees of the educational institution to work with documents, checks and invoices. Indeed, in the peerTransfer control panel, you can see the data on payments received from any foreign student.

The peerTransfer Education service was introduced to simplify the payment of tuition fees for all international students in the United States, as well as to facilitate the process of dealing with payments from educational institutions. This service works only with universities in the United States, but accepts payment from students around the world.