The wolf's legs feed him. Illegal earnings on the Internet - Carding.

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Today we will talk about guarantees of earnings in carding. And also in this article I will talk about the only working way to get a stable income.

Protection from reality
Having made money in carding for several years in a row, there wasn’t a single week when I didn’t meet people who would like to make money on the Internet in the same way. Oddly enough, some of these people eventually begin to earn money using the Internet. And when they receive a sufficient level of income and stability, they leave their jobs, drop out of school and become a kind of free agents. At the same time, there are other people who do not start making money on the Internet because they “don’t have enough time,” “strength,” “the right moment,” or in other words, guarantees of earning money. Waiting for such “guarantees”, they can dream for years about making money on the Internet, but do nothing for it. As a rule, such an expectation only means that a person wants to protect himself from reality.

Protecting himself from reality, a person is ready to use any opportunity to isolate himself from reality, and if necessary, he will act against logic and common sense. For example, people often take out a mortgage on an apartment, protecting themselves from their own poverty. Thus, they escape reality with the help of the opportunity to borrow some stone box on the outskirts of the city. It’s also quite common for people to take out a loan for a new iPhone that they can’t afford. Using this opportunity, all these people accept sweet lies instead of the bitter truth. And of course, all this can hardly be called a full-fledged defense, but rather a type of self-deception and a way to protect yourself from the real state of affairs in your life. Whatever one may say, a person will still have to work as a laborer for 20 years to pay off the entire mortgage amount. And you’ll also have to pay back the loan for the iPhone somehow, but that’s another story that doesn’t really interest us. Much more interesting is the fact that it is easier for such a person to protect himself by any means right here and now, and what will happen later and how much more effort will have to be spent to solve the problem in the future is a completely unimportant matter. And this is far from the main problem of using such opportunities. What's much worse is that such things free people from truly addressing their poverty, allowing them to temporarily feel like someone else. For example, a person who can afford his own living space, a new iPhone or a car, but in reality all this will be just a sweet lie that people want and will believe in contrary to logic and common sense.

The logic of people who think that they need guarantees of earnings in carding works in much the same way. They pretend that making money on the Internet is important to them, but in fact, it is much more important for them to protect themselves from reality, to find a reason to do nothing and not change anything. And this goes against making money on the Internet and the guarantees that can be obtained by earning money on the Internet. Next, I will tell you about the only opportunity to get a guarantee of earnings in carding and you will understand why in this case it is pointless to protect yourself from making money on the Internet in this way.

How to guarantee yourself earnings in carding?
When starting to make money on the Internet, almost any carder has no guarantee that he will succeed in anything. For some novice carders, the very thought of this causes primal fear, while others are completely normal about it. Should you be afraid that something might not work out for you, or should you not think about it at all, because over time everyone starts making money on the Internet? I’ll tell you right now.

Having worked on the Internet for quite a long time, it seems to me more and more that any successes and failures of people in this area are completely fair and natural. For example, if a carder works on the Internet, frankly, badly, then he will not earn money. But if, on the contrary, he tries, does his job well and on time, then he will get money in large quantities extremely easily. Of course, in this case, past successes will work very, very strongly. If you worked well, it will be easier for you to earn more money with less effort, but if not, then, unfortunately, you will have to stay in the ass.

Almost any way to make money on the Internet works this way, so it’s almost impossible to guarantee your income before you even get started. However, guaranteeing your income and even making it stable is not at all difficult. As a rule, a carder's income in carding is guaranteed by his own work. In this case, the expression “the legs feed the wolf” is quite appropriate. But whether your legs will feed you or not will depend only on you. If you are ready to work at least a couple of hours a day and know what you need to do, then this will be your iron-clad guarantee of making money on the Internet.