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Nowadays no one can be surprised by the Internet and the availability of access to the World Wide Web. But few people know that this is not the only network. We are used to the fact that you can even go to Yandex, Google from the screen of your phone and find everything that we need for everyday life - find out information, buy a product, chat with friends and much more.

But under its surface there is another network, which is quite difficult to get into. Yes, all actions associated with it, for the most part, will be considered illegal and illegal. The name of this network is Darknet.

Perhaps you have heard this name from acquaintances, friends, relatives. But none of them can say for sure whether this is true or not, whether the stories they have heard about this network, where you can buy absolutely anything, are fictional. Many people dream of getting there purely for the sake of interest. But this is extremely difficult and dangerous to do. And only cool hackers have access to it. But first things first.


This term comes from the English word DarkNet, which means "dark Internet". If you can easily access the Internet, which is familiar to you and me, even from a mobile phone, then the Darknet is a closed network, where access is strictly limited.

It exists parallel to the Internet we are accustomed to, it is completely anonymous, no one will find out any information about you if you do not wish it yourself. All connections are built between trusted peers. The information is encrypted using other protocols and methods.

That is, DarkNet exists parallel to the classic network, but uses anonymous secure servers, thanks to which you will preserve your anonymity. Nobody will be able to track your actions, visitors and buyers on the sites.

This is a completely illegal Internet that is closely monitored by law enforcement agencies. Not surprisingly, this is where you can even buy weapons or drugs. Payment is made with cryptocurrencies, as this money guarantees complete anonymity. That is, no one can find information about a buyer or a site visitor.

Since it is a kind of twin of the standard Internet, its scheme of work is completely identical. It also has its own search engines, such as Yandex.

There are also websites, online stores, social networks, information and news portals, carder forums. In general, everything that we are used to. But with one significant difference: everything posted there is illegal and illegal.

The user connects to the Darknet network if he wants to:
  • to hide to commit crimes (including financial ones);
  • get a guarantee of the safety of your privacy;
  • be sure that it is not being tracked through a computer (recently, rumors have become more frequent that special services can easily connect to your laptop and track your actions through a webcam);
  • sell illegal goods;
  • distribute files or products that are protected by copyright.


Everything in our life has its causes and effects. Since the shadow Internet appeared, it means that there was a need for it. The first appearance was associated with the ARPANet, which later evolved into the classic and familiar Internet.

It was created with the aim of obtaining a place where only a select few who were allowed access could communicate. A kind of closed community where all information was hidden from outsiders.


This secret network was originally created by the military to carry out their operations and achieve complete security and secrecy of data. This is understandable, because in the conditions of availability of any information, everyone would know about their movements and intended actions.

The term was coined back in the early 1970s to denote a different, isolated network of its own. It can also receive data from the usual available network, but not show your own.

Until 2002, few people knew about the existence of the Darknet, only the secret services and military leadership positions. But then a report from Microsoft programmers was published, which described in detail the scheme of the Darknet hidden network.

They deliberately decided to shed light on this network, since in their opinion it was it that interfered with the creation of DRM technologies.

After the world learned about the Darknet, it began to develop at an even more accelerated pace. The US Naval Research Lab has made a great contribution to its development. She developed special software to achieve complete anonymity on The Onion Router's network. Abbreviated - TOR.


Until the 2000s, almost no one knew about the Darknet. And the Internet itself has not yet been so widespread. But after the company of programmers disclosed information about the existence of TOR, the number of interested parties immediately began to grow exponentially.

And 10 years later, there were already more than 4 million people among the users of the shadow Internet!

Even a subculture of people who like to look for something illegal and forbidden, called netstalking, was born.

The shadow network received new inspiration after the development of cryptocurrency. After all, all transactions carried out with their help are completely anonymous. Like the Darknet itself. Therefore, it has become even easier to pay for the goods presented there. For the intelligence services, this significantly complicated the work, since it became impossible to track transactions.

Until now, the Darknet is in active demand and is constantly evolving. In addition to criminals and fraudsters, more and more people began to appear here who simply wish to remain unaffected by government regulation and constant surveillance by them.


The entire general Internet is divided into three main networks:
  • Visible - Surface Web;
  • Deep - Deep Web;
  • Shadow - Darknet.

Let's take a look at the features of each segment.

The visible network is the Internet familiar to us. All information and files that it stores in itself are in the public domain. Everyone can view or download them using browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox and others. But according to statistics from experts, only 15-20% of the entire Internet falls on the visible network.

The deep web is that segment of the Internet whose pages and portals are not indexed by search engines (that is, they are not determined). Any user, when creating or filling his site, can specify that the page he published should not be indexed. This can be done in the settings.

Such sites of the deep internet include sites with global government databases, libraries, and so on. Sites cannot be found. They are available only to a certain circle of people who get access only after registering and receiving a password.

The shadow network is the well-known Darknet, which beckons newcomers, since many myths and speculations revolve around it. This is a hidden Internet, and on purpose. It works through a system of proxy servers, completely anonymous, not displayed by any search engines. Well, to get there, you need special software.


Many people have a stereotype that this segment is only used by criminals and hackers, drug dealers and arms dealers. Naturally, not without it. Therefore, the Darknet is considered illegal and illegal.

But still, most of its visitors are military personnel, representatives of the special services, law enforcement agencies. They use this shadow network specifically to maintain anonymity and privacy, and to hide their location.

Also, the secure network is popular among journalists and bloggers who hide from the government due to their vigorous activities. Many post sensational articles that reveal the underground activities of the deputies. Well, after that you have to pay with political persecution.

The Darknet is especially popular in countries with tight control and totalitarian regimes.

Even if it is small, but still a certain segment is occupied by netstalkers who are looking for something forbidden. To buy drugs, weapons, sometimes even another person - everything is really possible here. But because of this, you should not indulge in all bad things and think that by contacting such suppliers thanks to Darnet, you can go unpunished.

Anyone can get into the Darknet, for this you just need special programs. But it is better to mentally prepare in advance for the fact that you may come across shocking files and materials.


Everyone can get into the visible network through special browsers. The same long-suffering Internet Explorer is installed by default in any laptop.

Access to the shadow network is also open to everyone, but you will need special programs that still need to be found and installed.

First of all, we install a special browser that allows you to use an anonymous connection. I already mentioned it above, this is TOR.

This browser allows you to hide the IP addresses of all users, so you can achieve complete anonymity. No one will recognize or track you when you browse the pages.

There is also the Freenet program, which works on the same principles as the TOR browser. The I2P service is becoming popular, it also allows you to get into the shadow Internet and achieve anonymity. Among its main features is the ability to create highly secure e-mail. Here you can find non-indexable materials and sites, safe chats and forums.

All of the above Darknet networks exist in parallel and do not touch each other in any way. That is, data from one network will be inaccessible to users of another, but only to its registered visitors.


We are used to looking for all the necessary information through Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.

The dark web has its own search engines:
  • Grams;
  • Fess;
  • DuckDuckGo.


The names of sites in this network do not resemble the names and domains we are used to. Here, sites have names made up of randomly generated characters located on .onion domain.

Sometimes here sites or specific pages can be opened for indexing by local search engines. Well, there are also those that can be accessed only by direct link and after authorization. Moreover, this does not require entering your personal data.

The modern Darknet is multilingual, it has been translated into the Russian version. No wonder they banned and closed Telegram, as it supported the Russian Darknet with channels. The developers of this messenger used encryption keys that were not even known to themselves. That is, the user remains completely anonymous.

We all remember the sad story when the Special Services asked Durov to provide encryption keys. But after the refusal, they closed the network, which caused massive discontent.


People in most cases think stereotypically and believe unconfirmed rumors. So here, too, the lion's share of them still think that only illegal products, prohibited and malicious files are on the Darknet, that drug dealers, weapons and pimping are thriving here.


Naturally, not without it. But for the most part, users are ordinary people who care about their anonymity and privacy. This is a free Internet zone, where you can find a variety of goods and services that will not be available in the open network.

There are a lot of information and files that are protected by copyright:
  • state and scientific libraries;
  • books;
  • training courses by leading professors from institutions such as Oxford;
  • the same music that you need to buy on a regular network. Here it is free;
  • blogs of journalists and ordinary users who prefer to tell the truth rather than be afraid of political persecution.
This is a real paradise for a gamer, where you can buy keys, hack games, computer programs. You can even order a hacker attack on a competitive site.

Still, 70% of the total turnover is drugs, prostitution, porn, arms and human trafficking, the production and sale of forged documents, and everything else that relates to illegal activities. And all because this network is anonymous. And no one will figure out either the seller or the buyer.


Agree, it's stupid to order weapons through the Darknet and pay for the purchase with a bank card. You will be immediately tracked down and sent to jail. That is why, after the advent of cryptocurrencies, they became the official means of payment for the entire Darknet due to their anonymity.

It is not for nothing that the leading countries began to prohibit any transactions with Bitcoin and other altcoins. This all allows the shadow internet to flourish. Cryptocurrencies do not require entering personal data, completely hide the user's location and all information about him.


As soon as Bitcoin appeared, the number of Darknet visitors increased immediately. After all, it used to be difficult to pay for goods and at the same time maintain anonymity. Well, now a lot of new opportunities have opened!


The main advantage of this network is complete freedom. You can do absolutely anything here. Express your opinion and not be afraid that you will be jailed for them for reposts, for likes and other actions.

Freedom of speech is encouraged here, so there are many portals where you will find truly truthful political reviews. Here you will also find the information that was removed from the Visible Internet for political reasons.

Many files (music, movies, books, etc.) on the regular network are protected by copyright. They are free to download on the Darknet.

And the most important thing is the complete protection of personal information. You act anonymously without fear of being hacked.

Still, 70% of this network consists of dangerous and shocking content.

According to some rumors, there is a certain Silent House portal on the Darknet, after getting on which the user supposedly learns all the secrets of being and independently decides to die. Therefore, mass suicide began to flourish among adolescents who no longer wanted to live in the real world.

Although the creators later denied these facts, calling them a classic psychological manipulation, in order to simply draw attention to this shadow network. However, the popularity of such stories is growing more and more. We all remember the sad facts about Blue Whale and other similar sites.

Most of the content contains elements of brutality and violence. They can easily disrupt the human psyche due to photographs, 25th frame. Although the theory of the latter has not been officially proven, you can still find similar fights on the Darknet that strongly affect the psyche and the human subconscious.

There are also theories that there are files on the Darknet, viewing of which could lead a person to suicide.

But these are only theories that have not been confirmed. And if they have been proven, they carefully hide it. The main products here are drugs, weapons and prostitution.

If you still want to visit this network, it is better to prepare mentally in advance. I also do not recommend using it for people with a fragile psyche and people under the age of 21 years.


Darknet is another network that allows the user to hide all information about himself, is completely anonymous, protected by proxy servers, and allows access to files that are not available on the regular accessible Internet.

The use of this network may be due to the fact that a person wants to hide his identity and personal data due to certain circumstances.

I do not recommend visiting the network for people with an unstable psyche who are prone to frequent bouts of depression. Here, access to shocking materials is open that can have a negative impact on a person and even bring him to suicide. This is because files that do not pass censorship checks can be published here. Therefore, records of murders, violence and so on are common here.

I hope this article helped you to dispel many doubts about this shadow network. Indeed, on the public Internet, information about it can be hidden, but we can only believe various unconfirmed rumors and speculations.

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☠️ How to access DarkNet ☠️

Do you wish to enter into the world of darkness? – The Dark Web. Then make sure you are protected and safe with the VPN to remain anonymous online. If you aren’t connected with the Best VPN, then you may land in trouble even if you are using Tor browser. First, set up your VPN on the device you work and connect along with the Tor Browser. It works great when you access the Dark Web using VPN+TOR. Let me briefly explain to you how to access the dark web and be anonymous over the internet.

The Dark Web is a place where you can find hundreds of hidden information that is unreachable to the normal web search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. The normal search engines cannot index the Dark Web Sites and its Links. So, it is impossible to reach the normal people unless you are a member of the Dark/Deep Web.

Things you should never do while you access the Dark Web
Do not change the TOR browser’s window size.
Do not surf the dark web unless you Turn OFF Javascript.
Do not work in front of the Webcam. Disconnect them immediately. It is possible for hackers and government getting into your computer and turning on the cameras for tracking about your identity.
Also, disconnect your microphone. It is same as like the above. Someone can track you. Be safe.
Never reveal your original name, email, photos, videos, and passwords on the dark web. It is more dangerous and it is easy for the hackers to track you.

Things you should never do on TOR Browser
Use Tor browser and don’t torrent over Tor.
Don’t enable or install browser plugins.
Don’t use websites that don’t have HTTPS version of it.
Don’t open documents downloaded through Tor while online
Use bridges and/or find a company.

How to Access the Dark Web
To access the dark web, you need a special browser called “TOR”. You can’t access the dark web using a normal browser like Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. It is because no other browser supports .onion sites and its links. Only TOR browser supports the .onion sites.
Go to https: //www. website.
And tap the “Download TOR” button.
A new window will pop-up. Now, download TOR browser bundle.

After downloading TOR browser on your device
Go and get yourself a VPN. Compare the VPN’s feature and get them one immediately to talk anonymously on the dark web. Use it all the time, no matter if you are using a TOR on your device. Do not fool yourself by telling I’m protected and safe online because of using a TOR browser. It is not true. The fact is that the Internet Service Providers (ISP) and law enforcement are able to track you from where you access the dark web even if you are using a Tor browser.

This is it about accessing DarkNet, in the next tutorial we will be digging into the sites that you can access in DarkNet.