The UK has compiled a risk register that will prepare the planet for the cyber-apocalypse


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The register describes all the fears of the UK and prepares the world for the worst outcome.

The UK has introduced a new National Risk Register, which for the first time is based on an internal, secret National Security Assessment. The Registry covers various scenarios, including the possible consequences of cyber attacks on critical sectors.

Electric power infrastructure:

An attack on the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS) may involve encryption, theft or destruction of data that critical systems depend on, or disruption of operating systems, resulting in a failure of NETS.

In the worst - case scenario, an attack can lead to a complete system failure, causing all electricity consumers without backup generators to lose their supplies instantly and without warning.

The attack can cause side effects in other critical networks, such as mobile and Internet telecommunications, water, sewage, fuel and gas.

Gas infrastructure:

The worst - case scenario for a cyberattack on gas infrastructure, such as a transmission system, would be a significant loss of gas supplies across the country.
This can happen if the operating system is infected with malware or, similar to the NETS scenario, if data that critical systems depend on is encrypted, stolen, or destroyed by hackers. As a result, there may be a shortage of heating for the population.

Civil nuclear power:

A cyberattack on the computer systems that control a nuclear reactor may require a controlled shutdown as a defensive measure.

Although the risk register does not take into account radioactive contamination, disruption of energy production can be particularly long-lasting due to nuclear safety regulations.

Fuel reserves:

In 2021, one of the largest oil pipelines in the United States, the Colonial Pipeline, was blocked due to a ransomware attack. In the UK, a similar attack could result in a temporary loss of fuel supplies in the region, which could take several days to replenish.


The WannaCry malware attack in May 2017 caused disruptions to many healthcare facilities in England. According to the risk registry, the worst-case scenario today would be similar, including significant service interruptions due to the rapid spread of ransomware.

Transport sector:

The risk register notes that there have been numerous incidents related to cyber attacks on transport companies. In the worst case scenario, an attack can cause service outages that will take several days to recover.

Telecommunications system:

A devastating and sophisticated cyber attack against a major UK telecommunications operator will affect millions of customers. In addition to directly affecting the network, the attack can lead to loss of access to emergency services.

Financial systems:

A cyber attack on the bank's internal IT systems will completely disconnect the bank from the network and prevent customers from accessing their accounts.

Underwater communication cables:

The loss of a small number of cables can occur due to destruction in water, but the greatest risk to communication is a cyber attack on "ground" systems, which will lead to disconnection of cables for several hours and disrupt Internet access. In this scenario, satellite communications will only provide a fraction of the bandwidth, and the attack is likely to affect European data networks.


Space networks are part of the country's critical infrastructure. The worst - case scenario in the risk register assumes that a collision of debris with a satellite creates a debris field that collides with other satellites and destroys them.

Loss of positioning, navigation, and time services:
If the services fail due to technological failures or malicious activity, it will have disastrous consequences for the entire country and around the world, including providing inaccurate location and time data.

Within a few hours of the incident, there will be a significant disruption or complete shutdown of transport (including air and sea transportation), communication networks, financial services, energy and emergency services. Sectors will have to revert to old technologies to allow ground services to resume operations during extended downtime, and it may take weeks to restore full functionality.

The UK's Risk Register has highlighted many potential threats that could affect critical sectors of the country. This document not only highlights the importance of cybersecurity in today's world, but also challenges government, business and society to work together to ensure security and stability. While the register provides a detailed analysis of potential risks, it also serves as a reminder that proactive measures and cooperation between different sectors are key to preventing future crises.