The swindler deceived dozens of Belarusian companies and fled to Poland


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The Zhodinsky city Department of the Investigative Committee is investigating a criminal case against the head of the Baksi LLC organization, who defrauded dozens of Belarusian organizations for a total amount of about 225 thousand rubles in just a month.

According to the investigation, a 22-year-old resident of Zhodino bought a company that was run by a decent businessman for many years. But the new director was not going to work honestly. Realizing that all the scams would be solved quickly, the young man became concerned about "personal safety" and went abroad to avoid criminal prosecution. The choice immediately fell on the country where all Belarusian scammers hide – Poland.

Investigators, in rapid cooperation with police officers, found out that the man posted an ad on the Internet about a profitable supply of agricultural raw materials in Belarus. In just one month, on behalf of Baksi LLC, he signed 13 online contracts with representatives of organizations in our country. Mandatory condition – 100% prepayment for the product. And already "according to the classics of the genre" after receiving money, the seller disappeared, and the organization remained without money and without raw materials.

The young man thought out the criminal scheme to the smallest detail. After receiving an advance payment to the company's account, which, by the way, was also opened in a Belarusian bank, the man transferred the entire amount to his card and spent it on personal needs and a "beautiful" life abroad.

It is important to note that Baksi LLC has never been engaged in the supply of agricultural raw materials, and only a new director is listed among the company's employees.

A criminal case was opened against a 22-year-old man under Part 4 of Article 209 (fraud committed on a particularly large scale). Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. Currently, investigators have imposed a ban on the movement of funds in the accounts of his company.