The story of one fraud, or why it is so important to improve financial literacy in the country


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Boys and girls! And also their parents! Today we have a very instructive story waiting for us, so sit down, open the popcorn and get ready for a journey into the fascinating world of investments, fraud, arrogance and madness.

This story was sent to me by a subscriber who immediately set a very intriguing conversation path: “Do you have the opportunity to advise on the moment of withdrawing bitcoins from the trading and foreign exchange exchange to Binance - I have doubts about the correctness of my actions.”
*For reference, Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange. At the same time, input/output of cryptocurrencies is the simplest action, for which you only need to enter the address and click “OK”.
Let me make a reservation right away: I am publishing all this information with the consent of this person.

As a result of further conversation, my subscriber, for simplicity let’s call him “Vasyan” (nothing in common with Vasily), told me a story that is even difficult to believe at first. So, here we go:

1. Vasyan, for some reason unknown to his mind, opened an account on the fraudulent project garafi com, where some money was drawn on his account, which he in fact, obviously, lost even at the moment when he decided to invest. The amount of money in question is $675. A man lost 50,000 hard-earned wooden rubles, this is sad, but, unfortunately, not uncommon. But within the framework of our story, Vasyan does not yet realize that he has already lost this money, so the story is just beginning.

2. Vasyan decides to withdraw money. He orders a withdrawal to his wallet on the Binance exchange, and then the performance of the century begins. A day after ordering the withdrawal of funds, they called him and introduced themselves as (for a second!!!)blockchain system technical support operators.

The "operators" said that it was necessaryactivate private keyso that the funds arrive in your wallet.

Can you guess what is needed to activate a private key?

Right! We need to transfer more money! To activate the private key, they sent an address where you need to transfer 66.5% of the withdrawal amount from the exchange... That's another $500.

3. So, our hero transfers more money to the scammers. Here the scammers obviously tasted blood and told Vasyan that the amount was 66.5% short, literally a few dollars short. And now you need to make a transaction again at the same address. Fish on the hook, Vasyan transfers money. Another $550 for the divorce.

4. Fraudsters, crazy with impudence, call our hero and say that “66.5% already had to be calculated not from the initial amount for withdrawal, but also from the amount that was transferred earlier as activation of the private key... ”, in general, they go around as they please. Vasyan makes the third transfer, taking into account all the amounts. Another $1200.

5. A few hours later, “blockchain technical support” called and confirmed that everything went well on the third attempt, and the amount and activation of the private key should happen, and the transaction should go through within 24 hours. Obviously, nothing happened and our hero writes a request to technical support. The scammers apparently understand that the celebration of life continues, and respond to him with the following, I quote:
It is necessary to update the soft fork, from the original amount to the withdrawal, since more time has passed than necessary. To correct this soft fork, which, as they said, made a mirror image, it is necessary to transfer the amount again in the amount of 40% of the total amount accumulated there somewhere... and to a new address, which we will send... "
Well, that is, this is already some kind of illegible set of words from scammers who themselves did not believe that one victim could be milked so many times.

6. The scammers sent a new address, but then Vasyan already suspected something was wrong and turned to me, where I told him the bitter news.

7. But that’s not all. The scammers started calling our hero, clarified why he was delaying the transfer, and threatened that if he did not pay, he would be fined 2.5% per day of the total amount in the account, and moreover, they said that in the worst case will send the funds to the Bank of Singapore so that their security service will deal with this issue.

There was no answer to the question of where this service is, what state, what jurisdiction. At this point, I think the scammers realized that with this comrade their powers were all.
Now the cherry on the cake: even the messages they sent by email are illiterate.

Thus, the man gave the scammers about $3,000. The worst thing is that this is a respectable person who, as I understand it, is engaged in business. But he was scammed just like that, let alone pensioners.

And now, I would like to draw some important conclusions:
1) Don't get into cryptocurrencies if you don't understand how they work. Moreover, don’t go anywhere if you don’t understand how it works.

2) Do not get involved in dubious speculation in principle , without any “buts” and “ifs”.
But Slavik, you’re wrong, Bitcoin has doubled in a year! You could have gotten rich by buying it on time.”
Yes, and do you also know what has doubled in a year? Shares of Ford, which is over 100 years old.
If you want to have fun with speculation, at least trade in something that is regulated by law, that has a factory that you can physically go into and see what’s there.

3) Before throwing loud slogans about “mammoth”, etc., I ask you to think how sure you are that something like this cannot happen to any of your relatives. I am posting this not to mock, but so that we together think about the need to increase the general level of financial literacy of the population, and begin active work in this direction. At least everyone is on their own with their own environment, and then the geometric progression will catch up.
