The State Duma wants to "tame" Telegram: anonymous channels face registration


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The Ministry of Internal Affairs called Telegram the leader in popularity among IT attackers.

The main communication tool in IT crimes is the Telegram messenger, said Sergey Erokhin, deputy head of the Department for organizing the fight against the illegal use of information and communication Technologies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. He noted that interaction with Telegram is difficult and is not carried out in practice, since the server equipment and the company's legal entity are located outside the Russian Federation, in an inaccessible segment.

He also added that crimes in the IT sphere are latent, have an organized nature and have signs of cross-border nature. According to him, only in 2023 the number of serious and especially serious crimes in the IT sphere increased by 26%. He cited the use, transmission, collection and storage of information containing personal data, as well as the creation of information resources intended for its storage or distribution, as one of the reasons for the relevance and growth of crime in the field of IT.

"The creation and operation of commercial Internet resources designed to collect, accumulate compromised data, and provide their access on a paid basis is widespread. Customers are both members of criminal groups, as well as unscrupulous employees of private detective agencies, collection agencies and foreign services, " said Erokhin.

In turn, Andrey Svintsov, Deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, said in an interview with URA.Recall that the State Duma is discussing a project to block anonymous Telegram channels. According to him, Telegram channels in the future will have to be registered by analogy with electronic media, that is, get a license, a domain name, the presence of a legal entity and disclose their personal data within reasonable limits. Svintsov believes that such a system will help fight extortion, which is often committed through Telegram channels. He added that it is not yet possible to pass the law, as there are no mechanisms for blocking individual resources in Russia.

"As soon as it [the technology] appears, I think it [the law will be adopted]. Both administrators and owners of telegram channels will be forced to disclose their personal data within reasonable limits. This will probably go through the registration of Roskomnadzor. As a kind of analogy with electronic media, " explained Andrey Svintsov.

He recalled that earlier attempts to restrict access to Telegram led to large-scale failures and blocking of hundreds of other sites. "This created a fever on the Internet," added Andrey Svintsov.