The singularity will come in less than 10 years, says an AI veteran


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Prepare for a world where machines will start thinking for themselves.

A new revolution is brewing in the world of technology: artificial intelligence (AI) is approaching the moment of singularity — the point when machines will begin to surpass human intelligence and get out of the control of humans. Experts and theorists have long believed that this point is still decades away, but Ben Hertzel, CEO of SingularityNET, says that the emergence of artificial general intelligence (AI) is a matter of the next few years.

Hertzel, PhD in mathematics and a leading AI expert, believes that progress in developing large language models such as Meta's Llama2 and OpenAI's GPT-4 has significantly accelerated interest in AI. This attracts attention and resources, both financial and human. More and more young and talented people are eager to contribute to the development of IOI.

A technological singularity is a hypothetical moment in the future when technological growth becomes uncontrolled and irreversible, leading to radical and unpredictable changes in civilization. Despite the skepticism of some experts, Herzel believes that the development of AI is a natural stage in the evolution of mankind, like the transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to agriculture.

However, such changes are not always unambiguously positive. Hertzel notes that while life has improved since then, new problems have also emerged, such as neuroses and mental illnesses.

The development of AI, according to Herzel, is driven not only by the thirst for profit or military interests, but also by the desire for knowledge. Artificial general intelligence, which can learn and perform any intellectual task, like the human brain, remains a complex and not yet achieved goal.

Among those who seek to create an IOI is Elon Musk, who launched xAI in July with the goal of creating an unbiased and transparent IOI. Its first chatbot, Grok, is already undergoing public testing.

The goal of SingularityNET, as stated by the company's chief operating officer Janet Adams, is to move towards a positive singularity in the interests of all mankind. Robotics plays a key role in this process.

AI developers are trying to introduce "human values" into generative AI models, but Herzel cautions that values change over time. According to him, it is not necessary to strive for AI to follow exactly the principles that we consider correct today, because in 20 years our ideas about correctness may change dramatically.