The Secret of True Wealth


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Are there many among you who love their job? The problem is that most people in the world are guided by false motives when choosing a place to work. And they spend most of their life on it.

As a child, you may have been taught that it is very difficult to get money. Growing up, you live according to this scenario and continue to go to your unloved work, giving energy to different structures instead of doing what you love to your heart.

Very often, when thinking about leaving hiring, a person is driven by the fear of remaining poor, hungry, fear of responsibility for their actions, distrust of the world and disbelief in their divine nature, and sometimes suggestion from outside, that is, a false motive.

True motive represents your soul's desire and energizes life. A false motive arises as a result of the loss of connection with the Source and a distorted perception of life, when you go into dogmas, stereotypes, or they impose on you what to do, and you waste energy.

Living from true motives, you will get what you need and not get what you don't really need. But if you have no leads for it, then you will not even notice that you are not getting it. You won't care.

You may really want to be rich, and you constantly think about making money. And they don't give you money. So be happy with no money - just give up this idea.

It is clear that there should always be something to pay for housing and feed the family, but the egregorial structures in the field of which you are forced to feel stress about this.

They feed on the energy of your negative emotions, creating the illusion that you should be freaking out and nervous. In order not to succumb to these provocations, you need to completely free yourself from the hook on money and false motives in this area.