The schoolboy was divorced by scammers while he was playing GTA Online


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According to our information, the server moderator fraudulently issued a loan for 250k rubles for a 17-year-old guy.

The robbery occurred on November 9. Vova P. had fun playing games-stealing cars, spending virtual cash, shooting at helicopters, and pretending to be a real gangsta. Suddenly, a moderator contacted him and threatened to block his account for allegedly using an unlicensed version of GTA. Vova was embarrassed and agreed to turn on the screen demonstration on his mobile phone at the request of the fraudster. To confirm that he is not a cheater and is playing on a license.

Under the pressure of the fraudster, the young man went to the bank's application. And then the phone was flooded with messages with code passwords for accessing your personal account and confirming money transfers. The guy immediately turned off the gadget, but it was too late: Internet gangsters had already managed to issue a loan of 250 thousand very real rubles for it and even withdrew 50k. Now the case is being investigated by the real police, a check is underway.