The Russian FSB has agreed with the US authorities to jointly identify cybercriminals


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Director of the special services Alexander Bortnikov told reporters about it.

Russia will work with the United States to identify ransomware hackers as part of an agreement between the presidents of the two countries. This was announced at the opening of the IX Moscow Conference on International Security by FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov.

“We carry out actions within the framework of the agreements that were implemented between our presidents. So we will work together, we hope for reciprocity, ”Bortnikov said.

“We do not exclude the possibility that terrorists may carry out cyberattacks on objects of critical information infrastructure. In this regard, we see a particular danger in the complexity of timely identification of the true source of the attack and the possibility of provoking acute interstate conflicts, ”Bortnikov emphasized.

The head of the FSB of Russia believes that only the consolidated efforts of all security services in the vastness of cyberspace are capable of effectively and quickly, subject to timely mutual information and well-coordinated work, to identify a possible terrorist act. Therefore, the FSB hopes for the support of their initiative from the leading powers and their specialized services.