The psychology of theft...


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If we take as a basis such a strict understanding that any manifestation of injustice on earth originates initially from theft, then the subject of our consideration, as such, the thief, turns into a generalizing category, therefore it is possible to study this phenomenon.

To discuss further, you need to decide what a thief is?

The fact that this is a man is, excuse me, clear to the horse. But when this most normal person turns into a thief, at what point in time and circumstances, is this the question?

Primitively, it can be formulated this way.
As soon as a person takes for himself, whether secretly or openly, what does not belong to him, that is, what he did not earn, what he did not make with his own hands, did not invent with his head, he a priori becomes a thief.

Now examples, and then conclusions.

A simple thief, on the first step.
A person stole some material value by sleight of hand - an obvious thief.

Thief on the second step.
A person who, by deception, lured money from another person is a first-class thief.

Thief on the third step.
A person who takes a bribe is also, whatever one may say, a thief.

Thief on the fourth step.
A man got into the pocket of the state, cut up the budget - this, don’t go to your grandmother, too, His Majesty is a thief.

Thief on the fifth step.
Taking advantage of the monopoly right to dictate prices, a person raises these prices and receives a free profit in his pocket - if this is not a thief, then who is it?

Thief on the sixth step.
A person recruits other people to work for him and pays them less than he should, and drags the profit into his hole - ask anyone on the street, is he a thief or a righteous man?

The following pressing questions arise from these examples above and remain open for now.

Why does a person turn from a normal person into a thief at a certain stage of his life?

Are all people prone to theft?

At what level of culture and education does theft decrease, and does it decrease?

Does an individual's propensity to steal depend on a person's nationality?

Is it possible to build civilized capitalism or socialism with a human face if a certain part of the population is mired in theft, like in a swamp, and is not going to climb out of it?

Is justice possible in a society where there is a thief on every corner and the thief is in charge?

What should a person who is unable to steal do if everyone around him steals?

What kind of mood will a person have who understands that nothing can be done to destroy theft at the roots, because it has taken root to the very foundation, without killing everyone?

And the last question, is there any point in laughing at your rosy dreams about the future happiness of humanity?

And the conclusion is through fact.

Thieves surround us everywhere.
And you need to accept this as the natural state of a person shorter than you, and not whine about every occasion when you are bullied once again.

Learn to enjoy the sun, sky, sea, nature... and not people... there will be more use...
