The psychology of deception, or how to get scammed out of money


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Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap...
Folk wisdom

Nowadays, the world of fraud is very vast, diverse and varied. Almost every day new and sophisticated ways of deceiving gullible citizens appear. Anyone, even a very mediocre swindler, knows that each person has his own so-called “psychological pain points” that can be effectively influenced in order to control his behavior, as well as unmet needs that allow him to be manipulated. “Psychological pain points” include gullibility, kindness, loneliness, ignorance of certain issues, a penchant for so-called “freebies” and novelty. And much more. And of course, every individual has his own physical and psychological needs. Physical includes health, food, sleep and rest. Psychological to be loved, in demand, to have a need for communication and self-realization. Modern “swindlers”, “scammers” and “swindlers” know all this very well. The main goal of scammers of all stripes is, naturally, our blood money and nothing more. You can verify this by considering the following examples of so-called “money scams.” So, let's start with the most common scam on the Internet.

A “chain letter” is one of the oldest methods of online divorce, which arose by analogy with postal letters. Most often these are email messages stating that you allegedly won a certain amount in the lottery. And you only need to follow some steps to get the money. As a rule, these actions begin with the payment of a small amount in the form of the purchase of some product or service, which is mandatory. A lot of people go for it, hoping to get the promised amount. When else will you be so lucky?!... And only a small percentage questions the fact of winning. Such letters may contain information about an unexpectedly discovered inheritance that belongs to you. And here, too, it is necessary to fulfill some conditions, which necessarily include some kind of payment.

“Magic wallet” is a popular type of fraud, the essence of which is to transfer a certain amount to the specified wallet number of one of the payment systems. Then, supposedly, double the amount should arrive in your e-wallet. There are some individuals who say that they made a profit from this. But many more people lose their money there in the hope of profit.

“Business package” - the beautiful name of this “scam” covers up a very simple content: on some website you are offered to purchase such a “business package” for a small fee, for example, $20. This is supposedly your path to huge income. But having paid, you will only receive a guide on how to organize the same site where the offer was made to you, for selling similar “business packages”. The circle is closed.

“Job for $100 an hour” was invented as a way to scam people on the Internet by performing simple actions, for example, exchanging one currency for another. This is a “scam” in its purest form, because the money that you transfer to the specified site will not return to you, neither in the same currency nor in any other.

Very often you can come across offers for home work. Basically, they offer simple home-based work, for example, typing, processing letters, and so on. If home work involves typing, you will be offered a small task to determine your capabilities. The task will not be difficult at all. After all, you must believe in your strength. Which means taking the bait. Having sent the text, in response you will receive a letter in which you will be informed that you have been hired, but you need to pay a certain amount as a “deposit”, “for registration” and so on, there are many options. Do not do this under any circumstances! As soon as the money is sent, your “employer” will disappear. The second option is to process letters, but the scheme is the same, only “what to pay for” changes. For example, this is payment for “instructions”, entering you into the database, paying the “company” for your registration, and here the options may be a carriage and a small cart. Recently, advertisements have appeared offering the following home-working scheme. You register an online wallet, which will receive a certain amount, but you will have to distribute this money to other wallets. In this case, you will be required to pay for registering a wallet or obtaining a certificate (WebMoney).

It is necessary to remember that a serious company will never demand “money in advance” from you, and on the contrary, you have the right to demand a deposit for home work performed. Who is not convinced by the last piece of advice for bringing these crooks out into the open: ask for the company phone number or mobile phone, as well as the legal address of the company, believe me, after such questions you will no longer see or hear from them.

Deception and money swindling using a mobile phone is nothing new for a long time. No matter how much the newspapers write about scammers working under the scheme “your relative got into an accident - you need money to “agree”,” naive grandmothers still give their hard-earned money saved from an already small pension to the scammers and do not even think about calling their unfortunate grandson back, to double-check information about an imaginary accident. And who among us has not received in the form of an SMS the joyful news of winning several hours of free calls/a large sum of money/the latest innovation in the world of technology (underline as appropriate), for which you only need a mere “trifle”: call the “toll-free” helpline number/ purchase a renewal card and tell the organizer of the “promotion” its number/transfer a small part of the winnings to “settle formalities” (underline as necessary).

This scenario also occurs. A call comes into your phone, but is interrupted before you can answer it. Most of us immediately call back the number that called, and at that moment a considerable amount is debited from your mobile phone account for calling a paid number.

And now about one of the most popular methods of fraud .

Fraud of astrologers, fortune tellers, palmists, healers

As old as time, but also not losing its relevance. Many people want to look into the future, and scammers skillfully take advantage of this. Also, hint to any psychic that you have money and they will tell you how much damage, curses, and crowns of celibacy lie on you. And when panic overtakes you, they will rush to reassure you that everything can be removed for a reasonable fee. The same goes for healers. Having watched enough films, naive people, in case of illness, go not to doctors, but to healers who cure illnesses with eggs and other folk methods. Unfortunately, when the patient realizes that nothing helps and consults a doctor, the disease turns out to be advanced and it becomes much more difficult to cure. Scams of this kind are almost impossible to bring under an article of the criminal code, so these methods have been actively used by gypsies for many centuries.

And now a few examples from the life of non-standard “divorces”.

A certain citizen N., introducing himself to the residents as a gas service worker, asked for a glass beer or wine bottle in each apartment of a multi-story building to allegedly take gas samples. I handed over the collected bottles to collection points. In one Russian market, a group of scammers dressed in the vestments of the Orthodox clergy “blessed” goods for tidy sums to everyone for their successful sale. A pensioner from Belarus received an email from a man with “two suitcases” of American dollars. The grandmother was asked to help hold these suitcases for a few days for a generous reward. But before that, it was necessary to transfer not a lot, not a little, but several million rubles for transportation costs. The old woman got into debt, but paid the expenses. After transferring the money, the man with two suitcases of American dollars disappeared somewhere...

It is impossible to list all types and variants of fraud. But if you follow some tips, the risk of “divorce” can be minimized. So, how to avoid falling for scammers?

Know the basic schemes of deception of swindlers.

Do not believe intrusive advertising and convincing promises of instant profit out of nothing. Read brochures carefully, especially what is written in small print.

Don’t be lazy and scrupulously double-check information about employers, banks, firms, and enterprises offering you their services and assistance.

Treat miracles with caution - drugs, creams, pills, devices, methods. It is your legal right not to trust any innovation.

Do not enter into dialogue with so-called “free distributors” offering “quality” products at low prices. Quality products are never cheap.

Do not believe amazing programs for losing 20 kilograms in a week, quick and effective ways to quit smoking, drinking alcohol, and the like. Nothing comes quickly or easily. This is an elementary deception with “pumping out” money by manipulating people’s problems and their desire to get rid of them.

And finally, do not fall for the traditional Russian “freebies”, which is so typical of our nature. Always remember that free cheese really only comes in a mousetrap.

(c) Author: D. Anisimov, psychologist of the public health department of the State Institution “Rechitsa ZtsGiE”