The psychologist told how to avoid the “fishing rods” that carders use to catch you


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In just one week, residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory enriched swindlers in the amount of over 101 million rubles. And in total, since the beginning of the year, according to the regional prosecutor’s office, the damage from the actions of carders for residents of the region amounted to almost 1.9 billion rubles.

The “crown” method of carders is to lead a person to emotions of fear and anxiety. After this, it is easier for him to control his victim.

The numbers are, of course, staggering. At the same time, victims of attackers often make excuses: “I don’t understand what I was doing - it was like an eclipse came over me,” “Everything inside protested, but I still gave the money, as if someone was controlling me,” “I was in a fog, I don’t even remember.” how the loan was processed and transferred"…

What tricks do carders use to fool people? Hypnosis? Neurolinguistic programming, about which there is so much talk? The Rossiyskaya Gazeta correspondent talked about this with the acting. Director of the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology of the Siberian Federal University, Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor Olesya Volkova.

They cause fear​

Recently, the term NLP, that is, “neurolinguistic programming” in relation to the actions of carders, has been heard more and more often. Do criminals really use this psychological method?

Olesya Volkova: NLP is a method of psychological influence that helps program a person to take actions that he would not want to do voluntarily. In other words, it is a type of human manipulation. With its help, one person obeys another, and unconsciously, with the help of certain lexical structures. For example, one of the techniques that people associated with NLP use is called the “three yes effect”: if someone answers “yes” to three questions in a row, then the fourth time they can no longer bring themselves to say “no.” This technique has long been actively used both in network marketing and in carding schemes.

In general, if you analyze the various techniques that carders work with, then one of their main common tasks is to provoke a person into uncontrollable emotions, most often unpleasant, and this is best achieved through intimidation. That’s why the “your account has been blocked” or “your son got into an accident” schemes are so popular among criminals. The main thing for a carder is to cause fear, because in panic a person loses the ability to think rationally and is completely subordinate to emotions. And then, with the help of different techniques, different combinations of words, criminals provoke a person to certain actions. This is a whole science. For example, to intimidate, they almost always use verbal pressure techniques - a lot of imperative verbs: “You must,” “You must,” “Do this and that immediately.”

Who gets hooked most often?

Olesya Volkova:
The main risk group is, of course, pensioners. Although young and middle-aged people, educated and literate, should not be arrogant either. They also fall for fraudulent carding. As a rule, the victims are people built into the System, performers in the mechanism of operation of a large apparatus - doctors, teachers, representatives of social professions. They are used to obeying, trusting the System, and doing what they are told. Qualities that are useful in the service in a situation with carding work to their detriment.

And who has more chances to emerge victorious in a fight with a carder and defend their savings?

Olesya Volkova:
Someone who knows how to fight back, resist and say no. As a rule, this is an individualist who is not a “cog in the system.” He sees nothing wrong with simply hanging up, ending the conversation. By the way, few people can do this - after all, it is inconvenient for us to offend a person, and we first of all think about the comfort of the person who is calling, and not about our own safety.

Grounding will help​

How can you learn to say “no”?

Olesya Volkova:
Constantly remind yourself that you have every right to do this. Don't be afraid to be impolite when talking to a carder. Remember that at the other end of the line there is a criminal, and he has no moral and ethical standards; his only task is to appropriate your money. It's strange to be polite to such a person.

From practical advice. You can write yourself a “reminder”: “What should I do if they call and say that something is threatening me?” Keep it with you - what if it comes in handy? You can practice saying “no” - believe me, it will not be easy for you at first. By the way, try to make a game out of this with elderly relatives: as if you are calling them and offering something, and in response they must say “no” or hang up. In general, training is the best way to learn how to defend against carders.

Another option: if you are unable to firmly refuse the caller or hang up immediately, prepare in advance answer options - minimally emotional and maximally detached. “Thank you, this information is not interesting to me,” “Thank you, I’ll call the bank now and find out everything,” etc. Try not to answer calls from unfamiliar numbers. Remember: starting to talk with a stranger is the same as opening the door and letting him into your apartment.

A very important point when they try to manipulate us is to try to distract ourselves. Smell a flower, look out the window, drink water, take a few deep breaths - that is, switch to something else. Perform any action that, as they say in psychology, “grounds” a person, that is, gives him more support and self-confidence.

Border is locked tight​

Why is it so difficult for us to refuse a swindler? Be firm, even knowing that the call is from a carder and we are risking our money?

Olesya Volkova:
The inability to say “no” is actually a very big problem inherent in our mentality. We Russians have enormous difficulties with psychological boundaries: we easily let people into our home and soul, this is our cultural feature. For too long we lived in a society where it was not customary to lock doors, where you could always come and visit. We were proud that we could knock on our neighbor at three o'clock in the morning and ask for help. This is considered the norm in Russia, unlike, for example, the West, where the main postulate is: “my home is my fortress,” where everything is based on the belief that the territory of another person is inviolable. We can't do that, and it gives carders a loophole. Our internal borders, alas, are not locked.

That’s why it’s so important to learn to defend these boundaries. And it’s not even about carders, it’s just a sign of psychological maturity. You shouldn’t be embarrassed to say it as it is, how you feel: “no, I don’t want to go visit you today,” “no, I’m not ready to open the door for you now, I want to be alone,” “no, I won’t go with you to cinema because I'm not in the mood." It is important to be able to choose yourself, to stop wanting to please everyone in the world, to be convenient for others, to guess the desires of everyone around you. This is no less important than being attentive and careful to other people. And we need to learn now, because criminals do not sleep: we live in the age of information technology, so attackers, with the help of information and technology, will increasingly try to penetrate our borders in order to offer something or, conversely, take something away.

So, there is still no code word or phrase after which a person’s eyes glaze over, and he can’t help himself but go and obediently carry the money?

Olesya Volkova:
There are no universal ones, this is 100 percent. There is no such thing as a carder snapping his fingers while talking on the phone and you falling into a hypnotic state. Criminals cleverly use another method, as I already said, they bring out the emotions of fear and anxiety. After all, when a person is afraid, his psyche reacts at the level of a five-year-old child, who can be taken by the hand and taken anywhere. Therefore, if they called you and started to scare you, the main thing to do is not to let them turn on your inner child.

By the way, these situations, from a psychological point of view, reveal an even deeper problem: if we do not control our life, then anyone can do it for us. In a sense, carders even do us a favor - they point out our vulnerabilities and weak points that need to be worked on. Their call is a reason to ask yourself questions. Do I have weak psychological boundaries, do I not know how to protect myself? I want to be convenient for everyone even at the cost of losing my own money? I believed that no one would deceive me - was I too arrogant? So work on yourself. Understand yourself. Analyze your vulnerabilities. Protect yourself and your boundaries.
