The psychologist named six types of people who are more likely to fall for carders


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How do telephone carders operate? Some are threatened, others are persuaded with kind words, but they are always prepared for one thing - the loss of personal data and money. The project against scammers “Moshelovka” and psychologist Ekaterina Verchenova figured out which types of people are easiest to convince, intimidate and force to act as directed. Check if you are among them.

Anxious type​

— Such people have a predominant tunnel (inflexible) mindset. Due to fear and increased anxiety during a dialogue with a scammer, it is difficult for them to concentrate on the facts and correlate them. When they hear negative news, the ground literally disappears from under their feet, and they stop thinking sensibly. An anxious type reacts very quickly to any information related to pressure, intimidation, and a limited amount of time to think,” said psychologist Ekaterina Verchenova. — A person becomes worried about his wrong actions, and he falls for the carder’s bait, trying to trust the verified information of an “investigator” or a “bank employee.” And of course, he strives with all his might to close the financial hole, as long as everything is fine.
Hook: “Your personal photos/passport details will appear on the Internet. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow the link that we will send you.”

Cycloid type​

According to the psychologist, these are people of mood. Everything will depend on what period of his life the carder called him. If this is a period of increased vital energy, perhaps the person will be able to cope. But if there is a decline, which is accompanied by irritation, apathy, and withdrawal, this will play into the hands of the carder. At this time, it is difficult for the victim to switch from one thought to another. Thinking seems to be numb, it is difficult to separate reality from fiction. A person at this time is not able to quickly process information. He gets confused easily and cannot analyze. Such people often become victims of fortune tellers who find their future victim in the crowd literally by one facial expression.
Hook: “Urgently tell me the code from the SMS! There is no time to think if you want to save your savings.”

Emotive type​

“Spiritual, gentle people are usually not confident in themselves, have difficulty making a choice, do not know what they want, and, as a result, are easily suggestible,” said Ekaterina Verchenova. Carders take advantage of this when they describe negative developments and offer help.
These people cannot give a tough rebuff. It is difficult for them to enter into conflict, especially since they assume that they are talking with an expert, whose opinion is law for them. It is easier for them to follow someone's instructions than to decide for themselves. The second trap for such people is that they cannot help but respond to the pain of others. Living according to conscience is their life credo.
Hook: “Your nephew was in a car accident. We urgently need money to send him to the hospital and get the necessary medicine.”

Dysthymic type​

In other words, slow pessimists. These are thorough people, with a serious approach to business and high moral principles, conscientious and fair. They do not recognize haste and pressure; it is difficult for them to decide on something urgent. Their pain point is low self-esteem, and attackers can take advantage of this.
Hook: “Who, if not you, will fight back against carders and protect the corporation from information leakage? But it’s important to be on time!”

Demonstrative type​

In contrast to the dysthymic personality type, there is nothing more attractive to people with this personality type than the opportunity to impress friends, colleagues and loved ones. They are self-confident and do not see barriers. Hence the low level of critical thinking, accepting flattery at face value. These people are bad at assessing risks.
Hook: “You can make a million in three days. Can you imagine how surprised your friends will be? You will definitely become the hero of a TV show!”

Excitable type​

— Risk and extreme are their element, so such people are always internally ready to get involved in an adventure. They are characterized by mood swings. They can be annoyed by everything - from a noisy air conditioner in the office to a “stuffy” colleague. Moreover, they will not choose expressions and will express dissatisfaction, as they say, from the heart,” the psychologist explained.
Such people have difficulty concentrating and do not like to work. These are “ideal victims” for carders who will press for the opportunity to get a lot of money with a minimum of effort.
Hook: “How much can you sweat in the office for pennies? It's time to love yourself and make the right choices. You will sunbathe in the Maldives, and the money will work for you.”

Psychologists and police never tire of reminding you: you shouldn’t talk to strangers in instant messengers, especially if they offer you an easy way to make money. These are carders.
Read our other material on this topic. News about how telephone carders once again defrauded one of our fellow countrymen of several million rubles has become terribly commonplace. It seems that warnings that you may be deceived are heard literally “from every iron.” But again and again we hear about new victims. “The Bee” figured out what makes people, even those who know about the danger, fall for the bait, and what psychological techniques the scoundrels use to break the resistance of the mind .

(c) Author: Alena Livneva