The police eliminated the cyber group involved in hundreds of fraud cases


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Law enforcement agencies of the kingdom closed a criminal gang engaged in fraud through the Internet. So, during the police operation called "Kalinka-Tyran" in the Romanian capital, the leader of the group was arrested, against which more than 300 complaints were sent and 33 arrest warrants were issued.

It is noted that the investigation in this case lasted from August 2021. Spanish police conducted an analysis of hundreds of bank accounts, where transactions worth 10 million euros were identified. The Romanian leader of the group, who is considered one of the most active cybercriminals in Europe, has already been extradited to Spain.

Spanish investigators said that criminals stole personal data of 55 people to open bank accounts. Cybercriminals used various methods of deception, including hacking accounts in the WhatsApp messenger and sending messages asking to borrow money, as well as numerous scams with rental housing, collecting prepayment and immediately disappearing.

Criminals used an industrial printer to print false documents, which they then used to open bank accounts. The funds received were legalized through the purchase of cryptocurrencies.

In addition, the criminals are responsible for issuing micro-loans and opening bank accounts using other people's documents, phishing and smishing to obtain bank details and confidential data of victims, and messages in the "son in trouble" format with requests to send money promptly.

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