The phenomenon of spilled blood or how blood remembers odors


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No matter how much states try to restrict the criminal life of society, every time in the news bulletins one can notice not very pleasant messages about the crimes committed. Alas, this is a serious and extensive sphere of social life, to some extent an integral part of it, because, unfortunately, certain problems lead to sad consequences. Someone cannot cope with a psychological problem, someone with addiction, someone despairs and rushes to all the hard, etc. However, all such people have one thing in common - they become criminals.

A criminal is a person guilty of committing a crime, while it can be committed intentionally or accidentally (in legal terms, intentionally or negligently). In our country, such phenomena are regulated by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

If any malicious act is committed, experts come to the rescue, trying to understand what happened, namely: to find evidence, establish the victim and the conditions for causing harm to her, find the perpetrator, understand his motives, and much more. An entire section devoted to the study of the preparation, commission and study of crimes is called forensics. Students of the relevant specialties study this discipline in universities.

The title in the title of the article is precisely related to the field of forensic science. We will find out below what the phenomenon of spilled blood is, how and why it works in practice.

The phenomenon of spilled blood is manifested in three basic concepts: smell, blood, dogs. It would seem that they are not particularly related to each other, but forensic science has found a way to connect them. So let's get started.


Chances are you've heard that everyone has a unique body odor that doesn't depend on the clothes they wear or the food they eat. Plus, you won't find two people with the same body odor. It's like a kind of unique code of molecules emanating from a person. By the way, there is a special science that studies the mechanism of odor - odorology, which is subdivided into medical, forensic and psychological. And in this context, we are most interested in the second one.

The ability to perceive odors is closely related, as you might guess, to the activity of the brain. When we inhale a smell, receptors begin to work, transmitting information about the smell to the hippocampus (also called the olfactory brain), where this information is analyzed and stored. Thus, in further practice, we realize that the lilac bush smells good, and the sweaty neighbor in public transport does not.

A very important fact: humans have less receptors for smelling than animals, about three times (humans - 350, dogs - about 1,000). Evolutionarily, this happened due to the greater use of homo sapiens in everyday practice of visual and auditory receptors.

How does this relate to forensics? The connection is manifested even in the fact that dogs are excellent "sniffers", in fact, therefore, their olfactory skills are actively used in their work by law enforcement agencies. In addition, if each person has his own unique, inimitable, individual smell, this means that he can be identified by smell. Do you dare?

Let's go back to the criminals. If you add up the conditions:
  • “Everyone has their own smell”;
  • “If a person touches an object, his smell remains on this object for some time”;
  • "Dogs have excellent odor identification abilities."
... you get the following: the smell of a person can be used in solving a crime with the help of dogs.

Criminological odorology, along with forensic science, has actually widely used this knowledge for a long time. For example, in Russia there is a database of criminals smells created by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). This Bank contains items from crime scenes, found by cynologists with dogs. These items are placed in sealed containers with a special solution, stored in rooms with low temperatures, which allows you to keep the smell for two years.

Thus, we come to the conclusion: the smell of a criminal is the most important characteristic of the crime under investigation. However, you should not underestimate the role of the victim in the ability to find the hiding violator of the order, even if she is dead. Let's turn to the next section.


Whether a curse has been imposed on a person, what diseases his descendants will suffer, the astral origin of the soul - these and many other mystical phenomena, according to many people, can be learned from such an unusual liquid as blood. Many esotericists, theologians, parapsychologists and even philosophers believe that this seemingly ordinary biochemical substance has an indicative information base, thereby mystifying its functions.

In the usual sense, blood is a mobile connective tissue, consisting of its liquid part, plasma, and shaped elements: erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets. The most important function of the blood is to deliver oxygen from the lungs to the cells, as well as to maintain the homeostatic state of the body (stability of acid and water-electrolyte balance). There is also a branch of medicine that studies blood, it is called hematology.

However, returning to the unusual properties of blood, it should be noted that its unusual properties were recognized in ancient times. For example, the ancient Scythians, concluding a contract, inflicted cuts, decanted blood into bowls and drank it. Shamans of Kamchatka, Siberia and South America performed a ritual of bloodletting over the sick, thereby expelling evil spirits - the sources of the disease. In the Scandinavian countries, the blood of a killed animal (usually strong, powerful) was sprinkled on a sick person, believing that in this way the forces of the animal were transferred to him.

Of course, such events have largely ceased to exist in practice with the development of science and medicine (although no one has canceled traditional medicine, which retains some elements of traditional methods of treatment), one cannot completely reject certain specific properties of blood.

In forensic science, blood is interpreted as a material capable of absorbing the smell of a criminal. This is due to its ability to absorb odor molecules. And since each person is a separate code of gaseous molecules, the blood “remembers” this code and, more importantly, saves it for a certain time. Thus, the culprit can be identified by the blood of the victim. This is called the phenomenon of spilled blood.

Let's now see what role dogs play in this whole process. We propose to see this on real examples from forensic practice. We warn you right away: this information is not for the faint of heart.


As already noted, dogs have a very sensitive scent, which is why they began to be used as bloodhounds in the middle of the 18th century. Specially trained dogs each year reveal a huge number of robberies, rapes, murders, drug trafficking, explosives, weapons, are used in the production of odorological examinations. Let's consider a specific case taken from practice.

On May 9, 2016, not far from Yekaterinburg, a certain Sergei Kulikov beat a pensioner to death at his summer cottage, while leaving no evidence behind him, there were no witnesses either. However, a newspaper with a blood stain of the victim was removed from the scene of the crime, as a result of which an odor examination of the caked spot was carried out: the smell was first evaporated from the newspaper, then the dog was allowed to sniff it, pointing to Kulikov. Thus, as his lawyer noted, "the dog decided the fate of man" through the phenomenon of spilled blood.

Another crime related to domestic violence is described as follows: the husband (suspect) killed his wife with a hammer, ostensibly expelling evil spirits from her. The entire hammer handle was covered with caked blood, which made it possible to send it for a smell examination, where it was subsequently moistened, softened, evaporated and sent for processing, which made it possible to reapply the phenomenon of spilled blood.

In 2011, in the city of Lesozavodsk, a seven-year-old girl left the store a little earlier than her mother and disappeared without a trace. As it turned out, the pedophile stole the child, raped her, took her to the forest and strangled her with a scarf. DNA examination could not bring significant results, but the smell bore fruit: the girl's blood absorbed the killer's smell, which served as a way to find the criminal with the participation of the dog's sensitive nose.

As you can see, the phenomenon of spilled blood is excellent for identifying a person who has committed a crime. Of course, many experts argue and refuse to use a dog's scent as the only sure evidence of guilt. Nevertheless, the error probability of such a "biodetector" is reduced to a minimum value.

By the way, you can read in more detail about the phenomenon of spilled blood and other practical cases of its application in this article.

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Of course, the phenomenon of spilled blood serves as a serious support in the practice of criminologists, and indeed, people associated with solving a crime. However, I would like the crimes to be committed as few as possible, especially those grave and cruel, which were mentioned above. Therefore, live in peace and joy, love life and avoid negativity.

We wish you every success!