The other side of the Internet. How not to become a drop (money mule).


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In general, after this post I decided to write a second article. There were a lot of questions, many off topic. There were also many commentators who were “supposedly on topic.”
In this article I will try to tell a minimum about drops: who they are, how they become them and what the consequences are.

1. Concept.

Drop is a dummy intended for the intermediate acceptance of goods/bank transfers/parcels/etc.
Drops can be adjustable or non-adjustable. The only difference between them is that the non-divorced ones realize the gravity of the acts they commit and deliberately do it. You say, “who in their right mind would expose themselves?” Yes, many people. From students, schoolchildren, low-income people... In general, when there is a lack of money. The first ones do not know that they are committing a crime. They think they really work, get paid, etc.

2. How to become a drop.

Yes, very easy. They may contact you, you can look for a job, etc. In shadow markets, very often people themselves want to become drops. It's absurd to expose yourself for money. But there are all sorts of situations in life.

Actions of the drop when cashing out: accept money, withdraw money, take a percentage, send the rest to the customer. This is how they work (they worked) according to this simple scheme. With a bank transfer everything is almost the same. On the Internet (and even in newspapers), you can often see advertisements for employees needed for large foreign companies. When communicating, the employer tells a colorful story that the company is large, but for transferring money from another country they charge exorbitant interest rates. Therefore, they are looking for people who will transfer small amounts (50-100 thousand rubles, the amounts vary).

When sending goods, they also come up with a nice story, saying that we have a large store in the country, but delivery fees are expensive, they don’t ship in bulk, etc.

The actions are as follows: give your address, accept the parcel, forward the parcel to the desired address\handle it (and there are such), receive a reward. The contingent is the same as above, but more drunks, drug addicts, etc. are added. The main thing is to have a passport and registration (not always required).
You may ask, “What prevents the drop from keeping the goods/money?” Yes, nothing interferes. Only the consequences are different. Divorcees will do everything thinking that they have a good job. Non-divorced people will be aware that the “employer” has an address and information about him.
There were many cases of cheating by drops. The consequences are different: the arrival of the “brothers” at the address, blackmail, “dirt”... Dirt means a lot. They can send money to yours from a RU card, or order “gifts” in the form of an iPhone to your home from a RU card, etc. Only the consequences are dire. In such cases, they quickly organize mask shows at your home/work.

Drops may also be needed for other things. For example, buying sim cards.

You can even become a drop by accident, withdrawing your money from an ATM, or simply passing nearby. Different people, guys/girls/grandmothers/grandfathers, may come up to you and ask you to withdraw money from his card, because... He supposedly doesn't know how. It’s hard to believe, but this also happens very often. Especially if the person looks like a provincial, or is already aged.

“Employers”, also known as “drop managers”, often take care of their non-divorceable drops. They can give advice on what to do, how to behave correctly when detained, they can even pay for a lawyer (very rarely). BUT do not forget that drop is just a consumable item. Often disposable people who are needed to make money for others.

3. Consequences.

The consequences are different. I won’t talk about the timing, but the most common articles are fraud and theft. Sometimes, the police officers themselves intimidate and beat up the drops (not often, and it happened before) so that they would leak the organizer. You can, of course, come up with various stories, a la I was walking down the street, a guy offered to make money and off we go. BUT, the police are not children, and they have seen a lot. 99% that no one will believe you, and they will also attribute all the actions of the “employer” to you. This makes it easier than going through all the IP addresses to look for an organizer. On the same darknet they write that no one is protected from the police. They catch you for the slightest mistake. The way it is. No one will play with toys with you.

Ask questions in the comments. I'll try to answer in the next post.
