The number of credit card transactions in the world has grown


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The expansion of the global credit card market and the emergence of more and more innovative online payment methods resulted in 205 billion card transactions last year, up 13% from 2012. This is reported in the report of the research company RBR.

Over the same period, the number of payment cards in the world increased by 11% - up to 10.8 billion pieces. This figure is projected to continue to rise in the coming years. “If the average number of card transactions in the world reaches the level currently observed in North America and Western Europe, the total number of payment transactions per year will soon reach half a trillion, even without a significant increase in the number of payment cards. And it will happen sooner rather than later, ”the report says.

If we talk about the most popular brands of payment cards in the world, then, of course, Visa and MasterCard are in the lead: Visa controls 24% of the global card market, while MasterCard accounts for 18%.

North America and Western Europe account for 63% of all card transactions, despite only 25% of cards in use in these regions. The Asia-Pacific region accounts for 21% of all card payments, although the region uses more than 50% of all cards in the world.

China showed the most rapid growth in the number of active payment cards (19% in 2021 compared to 2020). And the Indian RuPay has become the fastest growing payment card system.

We will remind, recently it was reported that the volume of remittances in the world increased by 5%.