The new photonic chip promises many discoveries in medicine and materials science


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A quantum simulator is becoming a reality thanks to a breakthrough discovery by scientists from the University of Washington.

Today, the world is on the verge of creating a quantum computer capable of solving problems that are inaccessible even to the fastest modern supercomputers. Quantum technologies can dramatically change the areas of cybersecurity, drug discovery, and materials science.

One of the areas of research in this area is the creation of a "quantum simulator" – a device that can simulate complex molecular interactions, helping scientists in medical research.

For a long time, the creation of such a device was impossible due to a huge technical obstacle. Recently, a group of scientists from the University of Washington, led by Arka Majumdar, presented a new type of silicon photonic chip, which can become the basis for creating a practically applicable quantum simulator.

"We have demonstrated that photonics is a leader among quantum simulators. Photonic chips have already become a reality, " Majumdar said.

The main advantage of the photonic chip is the ability to scale and program it, as well as reduce production costs. The center of the new chip is a "photon coupled resonator array" that allows efficient photon control.

The team of scientists made a number of technical innovations, including the creation of an algorithm for detailed characterization of the chip and a new type of architecture for its programming. These innovations on a photonic chip represent a real breakthrough.

In the future, the researchers plan to refine their chip, optimizing it for standard production capacities. Majumdar and Saxena expressed confidence in the prospects of their project: "The study demonstrates the real possibility of using photonics to create quantum simulators. This is a good incentive for the scientific community to move in this direction."

The scientific community looks forward to the team's continued success in implementing an innovative technology that promises to revolutionize the world of quantum technology.