The nervous system and its recovery. Important aspects of practice.


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Man as a living being has two characteristic components: an organism and a psyche. The psyche is a property of the nervous system. The nervous system is a set of structures in the body that unites the activities of all organs and systems and ensures the functioning of the body as a whole in its constant interaction with the external environment.

In fact, humans have two nervous systems: central and autonomic.

The central nervous system governs a person's relationship with the outside world. It includes: the spinal cord, cerebral hemispheres, which are connected with the diencephalon, midbrain, hindbrain, medulla oblongata, cerebellum. The autonomic nervous system controls the activity of the internal organs.

Our body initially has great abilities for self-healing, which means that even if you are extremely exhausted, you have every chance to become an energetic, full of life person again.

What are the specific steps that need to be taken to build up a powerful nervous force?

The first is meditation (about meditations in future articles). Set aside a time every day when your brain can be brought into a state of complete calm. There is no need to learn complicated techniques, memorize exotic mantras. Just sit in a quiet place in a comfortable chair with your back straight. It is good to look a little at the burning candle, it will help to concentrate, focusing your attention on the candle flame. Then breathe slowly and deeply, trying to relax all your muscles. Mentally tell yourself: “I will be calm, carefree and happy today. I will smile more. Under no circumstances will I be angry with anyone, no matter what he does or says to me ... "

Formulate your short-term and long-term goals in your life. Each worthy, constructive goal, bright, attractive idea inspires, fills the nervous system with energy, improves the vital activity of the whole organism. You will notice that after meditation you have an inner joyful feeling, your strength is restored, you feel rested, peaceful. It is enough to devote half an hour of meditation every day, and your nerve forces will steadily increase.

A prerequisite for the restoration of the nervous system is a good, full sleep. You will be full of energy during the day, if your night was calm, you slept deeply. However, you need to properly prepare for a night's rest. How to do it?

You need to try not to overwork during the day, and you cannot go to bed immediately after active work. Give your brain time to get ready for sleep, give it a chance to relax a little. And not in front of the TV, where pictures of violence flashed, replaced by annoying advertisements. The best way is pleasant conversation or light reading.

Never overeat at night! This is very important - sleeping on a full stomach will never be complete. Dinner should be light, you need to eat no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.

If possible, sleep with the window open so that the fresh air will help relax your body and brain.

The bed should be comfortable, which does not mean overly soft. The pillow should also not be too lush, ideally orthopedic, so that there is no curvature of the cervical spine.

Do not use sleeping pills, they only exacerbate the situation, addiction develops to them. You can drink a soothing herbal tea if you feel overly aroused.

Remember, deep, refreshing, rejuvenating sleep is the best way to stay healthy.

Correct, and therefore natural, nutrition is another important condition for strengthening the nervous system. Eating naturally, you supply your body with all the necessary nutrients (vitamins, macro - and micronutrients) that help restore nervous strength.

A healthy nervous system is impossible without exercise. It is believed that there is nothing better for strengthening the nerves than walking at an energetic pace for a distance of 3 to 8 km. It is useful at any age, and if you feel that such a distance is too much for you, start with a small 1.5 - 2 km; then gradually increase the distance. Vigorous walking will make your blood run through the vessels faster, normalizing your breathing. The pleasant fatigue after the walk will help you sleep better and awaken a healthy appetite in you. Remember - walking is especially useful, and secondly, running.

Daily exercise is disciplined, which means it helps you become more balanced. You will notice how you will become more relaxed about problems that previously led to emotional outbursts. Vital energy will fill your entire body, nerves will become stronger, and resistance to ailments will increase.

Correct breathing is another condition for strengthening the nervous system. As you know, there are two ways of breathing. Chest breathing is the natural way a person breathes during physical exertion. With it, the chest works, which expands during inhalation, and contracts during exhalation. Diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing is manifested mainly in a calm state. Compared to chest breathing, it provides a more complete oxygen saturation of the blood, performs self-massage and improves the functioning of the abdominal organs, improves intestinal motility, and has a calming effect on the nerves.

By paying attention to diaphragmatic breathing exercises, you will greatly contribute to the restoration of health. It is better to start training while lying down - it is easier to breathe this way, and then gradually introduce into the habit of breathing with your stomach, sitting and standing. Of course, at first you will have to consciously control diaphragmatic breathing, but gradually you will achieve automaticity. Slow diaphragmatic breathing prolongs life. Breathe right and live long.

Water procedures strengthen the nerves well. With their help, you cleanse the pores of the skin, which means that more harmful toxins will be excreted from the body. In addition, when you take a shower, the nerve endings on the skin are stimulated, depending on the temperature of the water, the shower can be both stimulating and soothing. Cold water is a great way to strengthen your nervous system, so accustom yourself to daily cold douches. In the evening, before bed, a soothing warm shower or bath is best. Be sure to include swimming in your life - one of the best physical exercises.

There should be a place in your life for both tension and relaxation. They should alternate, and then there is a strengthening, training of the nervous system. After all, pulsation is a natural state for our body, and, like the heart, the nervous system must have its own rhythms of tension and relaxation.

Finally, a positive attitude is a great medicine. Maintain a sense of humor, do not forget about friends, try to see the world in all its diversity, contemplate the beauty.

The modern world is cruel, but it also offers tremendous opportunities to receive positive emotions. Enjoy life, and then your nervous strength will be strengthened day by day.