The national police exposed the organizer of a fraudulent group of prisoners


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Dependents of the penal colony deceived citizens under the pretext of selling wood on behalf of a state body. The leader of the group was declared suspicious by investigators.

The criminal scheme was organized by a 35-year-old prisoner of a correctional colony in the Khmelnitsky region, who is serving a sentence for robbery. The malefactor attracted accomplices to illegal activity "at will".

The police found out that fraudsters placed ads on the Internet about the sale and delivery of wood. They were allegedly presented to buyers as operators of the State Agency for Forest Resources of Ukraine. The condition for purchasing products was one hundred percent prepayment. As soon as the funds were transferred to the bank accounts of controlled entities, the scammers stopped contacting the "clients".

The suspects were identified by operatives of the Criminal Investigation Department of the NPU. The activities of an organized criminal group have been suppressed. It is known that under this scheme, fraudsters deceived at least 14 citizens.

Law enforcement officers conducted eight authorized searches at the places of detention of the defendants and at the place of residence of bank card holders to whom funds were credited. Mobile phones, SIM cards, "draft" records and bank cards were seized.

Investigators of the National Police collected enough evidence and declared the organizer of the criminal group suspected under Article 190 (fraud). The Criminal Code of Ukraine. He faces up to eight years in prison.

Now law enforcement officers identify all persons involved in illegal activities, as well as other likely victims.

Procedural guidance in proceedings is provided by the Office of the Prosecutor General.