The Ministry of Digital Development proposes to introduce waste collections for foreign IT equipment

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The funds received will be used to support production facilities in Russia.

The Ministry of Digital Development of Russia is preparing a new initiative aimed at supporting domestic manufacturers of IT equipment. According to the initiative, it is planned to introduce a recycling fee for imported IT equipment that has Russian analogues.

"Waste collection is a measure that is already used in motor transport. It allows you to increase the cost of foreign solutions, if there are Russian analogues, in order to prevent unfair competition at prices," Maksut Shadaev said at the Infotech forum in Tyumen. According to the minister, the funds received from waste collections will be used to finance domestic producers.

In response to the remark that Russian equipment often costs more than foreign equipment and therefore is not competitive, the Minister noted that reducing prices for domestic products is impossible due to logistics costs and other factors.

"But we can raise prices for foreign goods. We will carefully raise prices for foreign products through waste collections and direct this waste collection to subsidize Russian producers," the minister added.

Shadayev also stressed that the Ministry of Digital Development is against the introduction of restrictions on parallel imports, which were previously discussed in the Ministry of Industry and Trade.