The man was called by unknown people with an offer to earn extra money online at stock trading


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A 35-year-old resident of the Minsk region, hoping to make a lot of money on stock exchanges, made loans and borrowed equipment in installments for sale, but became a victim of scammers. For half a year swindlers "divorced" the victim for more than Br40 thousand. This was reported in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

The man was called by unknown people with an offer to earn extra money online at stock trading. The offer seemed very interesting, and the victim registered on the site indicated by the scammers. Fortune smiled on the man from the very beginning. He invested money and successfully "earned" even more. Large amounts of money kept appearing on the screen. As it became known later, the victim of scammers was not happy about the profit at all: the attackers simply displayed pictures with impressive amounts on the screen.

Excitement and the desire to "raise" a lot of money prevailed over common sense - the man could not stop. The victim thought that he earned twice as much as he invested. When it came time to withdraw the "earned" amount, he was unable to do so. However, scammers so competently influenced him that the resident of the capital region continued to participate in non-existent auctions. The realization that something was wrong came to him after six months, when for a long time the man could not withdraw money.

The victim of fraudsters turned to the police, where his suspicions were confirmed: he fell for the deception of cybercriminals. The victim was so caught up in the bidding process that he could not name the exact amount invested. Law enforcement officers established it independently-over Br40 thousand rubles . To "make money" on the stock exchange, the man made loans in different banks, took out equipment in installments and sold it. Investigators opened a criminal case.