The main schemes of fraud in the labor market


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"Never and under no circumstances pay for employment!" — experts who are well aware of the pitfalls of the labor market tirelessly repeat, but many job seekers still fall for the bait of scammers and suffer significant financial losses.

What are the most common fraudulent schemes in the field of job search?

Scheme 1. Charging for vacancies.

Recently, many dubious commercial employment services have appeared that promise to help candidates find employment for a fee. In fact, the applicant is simply printed out vacancies from open sources or even sent to interviews at non-existent addresses.

When contacting employment consultants, carefully study the list of services they offer and do not pay for information that is freely available — on the Internet or in print media. However, you should not confuse such commercial services with consulting companies specializing in interview training, career guidance, etc.

Scheme 2. Guaranteed employment.

If you hear the phrase "guaranteed employment" and at the same time you are offered to pay money for such a guarantee, then this is 100% a scam!

There can be no guarantees in the employment process, unless the company promising such employment belongs to your close relative.

The services of a recruiting agency are always paid for by the employer, and recruiters cannot influence the choice of the customer. This is accepted all over the world, a similar practice exists in our country, so reputable recruiting agencies do not take money from applicants. Your employment is only your merit, so you do not owe anything to the recruiting agency.

Scheme 3. Selling positions.

Trading positions is a criminal offense. In this case, by collusion between the employer and the intermediary (for example, an agency employee), the company accepts a candidate who has previously given a bribe. As a rule, such situations arise in large organizations whose shareholders do not control business processes. Perhaps, in this way you will really get into the company, but you are unlikely to work there for long, since you will have to make room for the next solvent applicant.

Scheme 4. "And you go study".

Avoid advertisements for an ideal job, for which everyone without exception is hired and for which they promise a high salary. Such vacancies are published by scammers extorting money from applicants. There is no such thing as a free lunch!

In reality, the authors of such advertisements will not offer you any work, but they will certainly try to convince you to buy some educational materials, an insurance certificate, or transfer money to a specific pension fund.

Scheme 5. Paid calls and SMS.

You may also come across very attractive vacancies without specifying the employer's contact information. To contact the HR manager, you will be asked not to send a resume, but to make a call or send an SMS, after which a certain amount will be debited from your mobile phone account.

This scheme has variations. For example, you may be invited to fill out a questionnaire in the HR department and only then asked to send a paid SMS - supposedly so that you can find out about the fate of your application.

Another option: you receive a letter from a supposedly large and reputable organization, in which you are informed that your candidacy has passed the competitive selection for admission to the staff. However, to comply with all the formalities, you need to register on the site. To register, you are asked to send an SMS - of course, the message is paid.

Scheme 6. Instead of a salary - credit obligations.

If you unexpectedly received an optimistic letter about admission to work in a well-known company, think - are you dealing with scammers? Sometimes the authors of such a message offer to send them a copy of your passport (supposedly for employment), and then in response send some papers for signature. An attentive applicant will notice that instead of an employment contract, he is being asked to sign nothing other than... documents for a bank loan.