The main rules of partnership in carding


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1. The carder partner does not just invest his capital. In carding, a partner must be involved in the overall work of creating, promoting, and regulating your business. Otherwise, he will simply be an investor who does not take any part in the life of the carding project.

2. The partner carder has similar carding positions. In another scenario, your carder partner will move in the opposite direction, which will completely destroy your project.

3. Carder partner does not take 50%. This is not a friendship where everything is equal. In the event of a controversial situation, it is important to quickly choose the right direction for further action, and disputes will only worsen the situation. Of course, this point can be disputed: there are such campaigns where an idyll reigns in the relations of the entire team (including the main one) and decisions are made quickly and jointly.

4. The carding partner is assigned an account on the carding forum. Although trust is an important component of a partnership, trust alone will not get you far. In a partnership, a mandatory contractual agreement is required, the division of responsibilities, the investment of capital of each of the participants in the carding project, the procedure for distributing profits, etc.

5. The carder-partner clearly knows his job. It is necessary to immediately distribute responsibility between partners in carding, strictly follow the agreed instructions on the distribution of capital, areas of activity in the carding project.

6. Carder-relative is not always a good idea. It is important to understand that we always treat loved ones differently than others. Sometimes it is simply impossible to have a harsh attitude towards a relative or friend when a problem arises due to his fault. It also happens that a relative “sits on the neck” of his partner only because he does not feel the possibility of punishment for his actions.