The main mistakes of carders when using anti-detect browsers


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Some carders only start using the anti-detect browser and face problems. For example, social networks instantly ban warmed-up accounts, a digital fingerprint is not read as unique, and so on.

As a result, they think that this is due to incorrect operation of the anti-detector. In fact, most often the problem is in the actions of the arbitrators themselves. We have compiled the main errors and explained how to avoid them. 👍

⛔ ️ Error # 1. One proxy for multiple accounts at once​

What is the error? - Carders use the same IP address for several accounts and browsers at once.

What it leads to. - Anti-fraud algorithms of the traffic source see data matching for different accounts and conclude that they are related to each other. If one of the accounts violates the site's rules, all other accounts will also be suspected or even blocked altogether.
As it should be. — Use a separate IP address for each account. The same applies to phone numbers, email addresses, payment cards, etc. — the information in the accounts must not match. If you have unique data for each account, the risk that the traffic source can find a connection between them will be much lower.

, Error No.2. Incorrect proxies are used​

What is the error? — Some carders buy cheap proxies or even use free ones. This is often done by novice carders who have a limited budget.

What it leads to. - Cheap proxy IP addresses are most often already blocked and are included in the ban list of the largest traffic sources: search engines, social networks, etc.

As it should be. — Although there are users who work with cheap proxies for years and don't get banned, these are rather exceptions. Mobile and resident proxies are better suited for traffic arbitration. For more information, see our article how to choose a proxy for the anti-detect browser.

🙅🏻‍♂️ Mistake #3. They don't use proxies at all​

What is the error? - The carders creates a fingerprint in the anti-detect browser, but does not use a proxy.

What it leads to. - Although the browser and device fingerprint changes, the connection and location information remains the same. You can verify this by conducting a simple experiment:
  1. Open pixelscan in your normal browser and the anti-detect profile of a browser that doesn't have a proxy.
  2. You will see that your browser and operating system settings may differ(highlighted in blue), but the IP address will match(in red):

Pixelscan Scanning

(Report of a recent attack on Dolphin{anty} servers)

Because of this, site security algorithms link all accounts that have the same data, which leads either to instant blocking, or it will happen in the future when one of the accounts violates the rules.

As it should be. — Use a proxy to prevent your digital fingerprint from matching the data of other accounts. Some carders say that they use the simplest Datacenter proxies and have been working without bans for many years, but this is rather an exception.

😤 Error #4. Attempting to use an anti-detection tool during a crash​

What is the error? — Try to add new data to your accounts, launch advertising campaigns, and basically try to work with anti-detection during a crash or attack.

What it leads to. — At best, you simply won't be able to log in to anti — detect, and at worst, you may lose your account.

As it should be. — We promptly notify you of all anti-detection news and updates in our telegram channel. In particular, we write to you if problems arise or attacks occur — this is rare.

For example, on February 17, the day of sales in Coinlist, our anti-detection Dolphin{anty} was attacked. Because of this, some users had difficulty working for several hours. Although the problem was not caused by our fault, we automatically charged all users an additional free day of work for the inconvenience caused.:

😒 Error #5. Without having to set up a digital fingerprint yourself​

What is the error? - In Dolphin {anty}, the user can get a ready-made digital fingerprint in one click or, if desired, independently configure individual fingerprint parameters. Some carders rely on unverified recommendations on the Internet and manually change their fingerprint parameters.

What it leads to. — Some parameters may not look realistic, which means that the site's security systems will realize that this is not a real user. This may result in your account being banned.

As it should be. — We don't recommend setting up a digital fingerprint yourself if you don't know for sure how different parameters relate to each other. The fact is that each parameter that is included in the digital fingerprint is combined in a special way or even associated with other settings.
If you configure them incorrectly, you may end up with a fingerprint that will immediately let anti-fraud systems figure out that you are hiding your real fingerprint. Given that Dolphin{anty} anti-detection uses only the digital fingerprints of real users, our fingerprints will definitely pass the anti-fraud system check.

💢 Error #6. Using invalid user agents from purchased accounts​

What is the error? — When selling an account, the seller most often sends cookies or a user agent to the buyer. This is necessary so that the buyer can use the account without entering a username and password: this reduces the risk that the site's security systems will see that another person is trying to log in to your account. But sometimes it happens that the seller provides the wrong data.

What it leads to. - Site security systems immediately see that incorrect data is entered and block the account.
As it should be. - Buy accounts in trusted stores with a guarantee for your accounts. Such stores are also not protected from human factors, but in case of problems, you will be able to easily replace your account during the warranty period. If you buy accounts from private sellers, there is a chance that there is no guarantee and they will refuse to replace you.

⭕ ️ Error # 7. Use a different OS in a digital fingerprint​

What is the error? - Sometimes carders create an account and browser profile on one operating system, and specify another in the fingerprint. For example, an account was created and will run on Windows, but the fingerprint specifies macOS.

What it leads to. — When reading the system settings of the anti-fraud system of the traffic source, you may notice that although you have a digital fingerprint of macOS, in fact the fonts are from Windows. Because of this, the account is either suspected or blocked altogether.

As it should be. - Unfortunately, so far no browser anti-detection can 100% solve problems with fonts.

The fact is that each operating system has two types of fonts: general and system fonts. Common ones include, for example, Arial, Times New Roman, and Verdana, since they are available on all operating systems. But the system fonts are unique. For example, macOS has its own special system font, BlinkMacSystemFont, which Windows doesn't have.

As a result, when you create a profile with a macOS fingerprint on a Windows device, security systems see a font mismatch.

There are several ways to solve this problem:
  • Create digital fingerprints on the same OS that your account was created on and that you will work with. If you work in a team, ideally, all users should have the same operating system. For example, if you have Windows OS and you will be using it to work with your account, then specify Windows in the fingerprint as well.
  • Use Linux. Install Linux as the second operating system and download all available Mac OS and Windows fonts to it. Next, configure these fonts and create your fingerprint with this OS. The fact is that Linux is a more flexible system, so by loading all sorts of fonts into it, you will reduce the risk that security systems will detect you.