The magic of manipulation


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The first thing an infant learns is to see, move and manipulate the parents. We absorb the ability to manage people with mother's milk. If you shout loudly, they will feed you, if you gag with tenderness, they will kiss you. Strategies evolve with age.

But there are people who have achieved perfection in manipulation. They manipulate how they breathe. For them, this method of communication ceases to be a means, but becomes the only communication channel. Everyone suffers from this unhealthy behavior.

This newsletter will be useful for those who would like to break the vicious circle of "manipulator - victim" and make their relationships with others healthier, more harmonious and effective.

Office magic

Manipulation is an illusion. You are a fool, summoned from the hall under the bright rays of the spotlights. If the magician said that the dove is up your sleeve, so it will be. The illusionist is your opponent. He is always right and all in white. Whatever you do, he has it planned.

For the second month, manager Alina has been asking manager Masha to replace her in the store on weekends. Every time Masha wants to refuse, Alina talks about a difficult period in her life, her recent separation from her boyfriend and a sick cat.

If Masha sharply refuses, the next day all employees will condemn her for "cruelty."

If it comes out again for replacement, it will be considered a rag.

Manipulation, like any trick, only works if you distract the viewer's attention. Therefore, it is difficult to realize that you are being manipulated.

There is nothing dangerous about helping a colleague. But you need to stop in time before you sit on your neck.

In the famous book Games People Play, American psychiatrist Eric Berne described three types of manipulators: Victim, Savior, and Aggressor.

His student Stephen Karpman combined these types into a relationship triangle. Research has shown that any person who succumbs to manipulation becomes one of the figures in this closed loop.

The victim suffers, the Savior tries to help her. The victim needs more and more help and becomes the Aggressor. And the Savior turns into a Sacrifice. If everything is left to chance, each member of the triangle turns into a manipulator.

The Stockholm Syndrome occurs - a state where the hostages begin to sympathize with the terrorists. And the one who suffers from manipulation can no longer exist without it.

Sleight of hand

It is useless to catch a manipulator on a "hot" one. Manipulation is based on momentary illusion and leaves no evidence or witnesses. You cannot prove that the magician was bluffing even if you catch him by the hand. The magic can only be dispelled by determining how focus works.

Any manipulation parasitizes on three principles:
- pseudological connection,
- low self-esteem,
- lack of evidence.

Incorrect logical chains were popular even among the orators of Ancient Greece. Sophists - paid eloquence teachers - became famous for convoluted evidence, where individual theses were not always linked to conclusions.

The thief only takes good things. Striving for good is good. So stealing is a good thing.

We are used to the fact that proofs are followed by a conclusion, individual examples create a general rule. Therefore, in complex reasoning, we easily overlook the violation of communication.

The manipulator takes advantage of this. Attention scattered, and we no longer noticed from which sleeve the card appeared.

Pasha works in the advertising department, Misha works in the customer service department. Pasha was assigned to make a presentation on the sales of a new product. He calls Misha and says that Misha must send him a sales schedule and a diagram of buyers by age, gender and place of residence - without this information, it is impossible to develop advertising proposals.

Since the presentation is needed by the authorities tomorrow, Misha will have to postpone his business and do some research. Misha will help Pasha, he did not notice that the cause is not connected with the effect.

The fact that there is no presentation without information does not mean that Misha should draw the diagram. Pasha can do this according to the data provided.

We successfully complete the missing logical connections ourselves. And we feel guilty if we do not have time to do the work for others. We will always find something to reproach ourselves with. And the manipulator takes advantage of this.

Projection is shifting one's flaws onto others. The manipulator blames us for everything. And we are ready to agree, because we ourselves do not give ourselves a descent.

The more attentively you look inside yourself, the less you look around and do not notice the control from the outside.

Pathological liars often accuse their victims of lying.

Non-punctual people are the loudest about being late.

Bad workers have “ineffective bosses”.

Problems at work are blamed on “terrible” colleagues, not their own incompetence.

It is difficult to knock the ground out from under the feet of a self-confident person. So, you need to make him doubt.

Before an attack, manipulators often carry out "love bombing". Praise and idealize you until you take it for granted, and then only begin to celebrate your mistakes. Not understanding what has changed, you start digging in yourself and dig a hole yourself.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological violence that makes the opponent question the reality of what is happening.

The term appeared in 1944 after the release of the American movie Gas Light. According to the plot, the heroine was driven to madness by the barely noticeable flickering of gas lamps.

“It seemed to you,” the interlocutor says. People are really prone to make mistakes, to perceive reality subjectively. You really could only think that a colleague is playing against you. It is impossible to check whether you are wrong or not.

Manipulation most often occurs in words. Only your opponent knows the truth, and he claims that he is sinless.

Such people are constantly checking other people's boundaries: exploring how far they will be allowed to go. The more they get away with it, the more they attack.

If the victim manages to escape, the manipulator will apply the "vacuum cleaner technique" - change the appeal and start making friends, making small gifts and by any means pulling the victim back into the web of influence.

The wrong side of the trick

The manipulator's job is to get you to make a decision that is beneficial to him. Just as Woland taught Margarita never to ask for anything, so the manipulator wants to get what she wants, but not give a specific order.

German psychologist Frederic Perls believed that manipulators act unconsciously: not trusting people, they try to control them.

Sociologist Erich Fromm called this the need for proven love - when loyalty needs to be constantly reaffirmed.

This does not mean that the manipulator is in a leading position. Raising a white flag means forcing an enemy ready for war to accept a truce.

If you notice that you are being persuaded to make a decision, ask politely again about it directly.

If your opponent convinces you that it seemed to you, then there is an official reason not to adhere to this position.

You can save yourself from manipulation by reciprocal manipulation.

The manipulator needs something - pretend that you do not understand, and he will have to move on to active actions that will give him away.

Agree without specifying, repeat a polite refusal, "mirror" the enemy's action. The main thing is not to overdo it and not become a "monster" yourself.

Being a manipulator is bad. But not because this style of behavior is condemned by society. The manipulator loses touch with reality and does not know any other tactics to achieve what he wants.

Manipulation is impossible without fraud, lies, the theater of one actor. And it is very difficult to break out of this swamp.

According to the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, the complete opposite of the manipulator is the actualizer.

This is a free, open and healthy person. She achieves her goal with "clean" methods and does not add dependency to people.

Manipulators reasonably do not trust people. People are not intuitively ready to voluntarily support the manipulator.

The sins on which the manipulators parasitize - low self-esteem, insecurity - are equally related to themselves.

The manipulator lives in a state of constant war with the world. Being a manipulator is bad because it is not profitable. The cost of managing people is much greater than the return itself.

Top hat, rabbit and magic wand

The art of manipulation, like the art of illusionists, has been honed over the years.

Manipulation can be of different scales - you can change public opinion at the country level, you can control boyfriends within the sandbox. There are many receptions.

There is only one weapon against them: no matter what tricks and tricks are shown to you, be sure of your own position.

Social proof method. They want to convince you that the correct answer is the majority answer. Abstract, weigh the pros and cons, take responsibility for the decision.

The transition to personalities. Opponent calls not to believe your professional experience because of your appearance / personal status / character traits. Do not react to jabs and politely return the conversation to the area of professional discussion.

Reciprocal exchange rule. You are being rendered a small favor, which you did not ask for, in order to make you a debtor. Accept the gift, but remember that you yourself are helping the person feel like a rescuer. So you are quits.

Benjamin Franklin Method. You are asked for little help and are disproportionately thanked to make you feel like a benefactor and treat the petitioner with condescension. Provide help for free. Patronage is a form of destructive pride.

Emotional explosion. You are thrown out of emotional balance and then forced to make decisions. Take the time and give an answer only when you are able to adequately measure risks and calculate losses.


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Introductory article on manipulation: goals


There are a lot of different techniques and methods of manipulation, but few places and what is said about the purposes of this very manipulation. You ask, what are these goals for? After all, everything is clear anyway: squeeze out more money, breed a chick more abruptly for sex and other delights of life.
This is all clear.
And what if I tell you that by manipulating people, you, without knowing it, can achieve more in communicating with them. And the keys to it all are goals.
When communicating with certain people, we usually clearly understand (someone, of course, does not understand) why we are communicating: to get a discount, dilute it for suction, resolve the issue with the dealer about weight and bonuses, etc. But these goals are optimal for us, they are our weakness and they are our strength. Why weakness? Because we have not planned what we can intentionally lose in order to achieve the optimum. And if we have planned an optimum, then we understand the minimum in relation to it. In addition, we have not thought about it, but what more can we get if a person is led by us? After all, if it works out, why not take what opens up before you?
The formula is quite simple and can be applied after reading it. You need to start by setting goals.

Minimum goal: This is how you understood, that little that you can achieve in communication and without which you cannot leave. In the future, for the sake of achieving more, you are free to sacrifice this achievement for the optimum.
Optimum goal: Here, you collect everything for which you started this communication. That is, your main goal.
Maximum goal: In the maximum goal, you invest what you do not expect from yourself or what you want to receive from a person, but you do not have the courage or skills to ask for it.
Personally, I recommend that you think over and plan each step before communicating with the person we need, run various scenarios and assume his behavior in the event of a particular phrase or gesture (or all together). And after the analysis, always work to the maximum goal. Since when the maximum is reached, the optimum and minimum goals are achieved automatically.
Mental planning is also suitable for casual communication. And for work and serious meetings, I recommend rewriting them on paper at least twice. After the first time, you will draw a picture of your actions, the second time you will see what you missed the first time and can fix it.
Set goals, manipulate, subdue people, but remember: "When a person is focused on something, his attention is deconcentrated in everything else." Be attentive and successful in your manipulations.


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Four sources of manipulation​


In us, in our misunderstanding of ourselves, lies the ability to manipulate us.

1. We are driven by our NEEDS.
2. Each of us has some WEAKNESS.
3. Each is characterized by some ADDICTIONS.
4. We are all accustomed to acting according to the rules, observing RITUALS.
All this can be used (and is used!) By manipulators.

Classification of needs
The following classification of human needs, proposed by A. Maslow, is generally recognized.
• Physiological needs (food, water, shelter, rest, health, desire to avoid pain, sex, etc.).
• The need for security, confidence in the future.
• The need to belong to some kind of community (family, company of friends, like-minded people, etc.).
• The need for respect, recognition.
• The need for self-realization.

At the same time, psychologists have established that positive emotions are of tremendous importance for human mental health (and hence physical health).
Meeting each of the above needs brings positive emotions. However, there are things, circumstances that also give us similar emotions, but not related to any of the five types of needs. For example, good weather, a beautiful landscape, a funny scene, an interesting book or conversation, favorite activities, etc. Therefore, we consider it possible to supplement A. Maslow's classification with one more, sixth type: • the need for positive emotions.

The following ad copy appears to be familiar to everyone who watches television:
Food is pleasure. Delight in taste. But every time you eat, the acid-base balance is disturbed and there is a danger of caries. Chewing gum "Dirol" with xylitol and carbamide protects your teeth from morning to evening!
The creators of this ad appeal to the physiological pleasure of eating and demonstrate a desire to satisfy listeners' needs for healthy teeth, to protect them from toothache.

This human need is the basis of one of the most profitable types of business - the insurance business. Professional insurance agents will first intimidate the client in order to then insure him against all possible misfortunes.
Fear is a watchdog that gives voice when danger approaches.
Much more witty than insurance agents, he used the unforgettable fear of Hodja Nasreddin. Someone suspected neighbors of stealing their wallet. None of them pleaded guilty. Khoja gave each of them a stick of the same length and said: "Tomorrow you will all come to me with these sticks, and I will find out which of you is guilty: from the one who stole the money, the stick will lengthen by a quarter overnight. "
Night has come. And the thief did not sleep and thought, seized with fear: "Until tomorrow my stick will increase by a quarter, and I will be exposed."
He calmed down only by shortening his stick just as much as it should have grown.

Defending our opinion, we accept responsibility for its correctness. Succumbing
by all accounts, we disclaim responsibility.
Everyone understands stories from school childhood like this one.
The lesson was disrupted, the whole class fled from it. The incident is being investigated.
Head teacher: "Ivanov, why did you leave the lesson?!"
Ivanov: "Everyone went, and I went."

Flatterers use this need in the most unpretentious way. "Grandfather" Krylov very accurately described the power of this technique:
How many times have they told the world
That flattery is vile, harmful,
Yes, only not for the future.
And a flatterer will always find a corner in his heart.
In most cases, the object of flattery understands that he is being flattered, but the very fact of praise is pleasant to him, since it indicates dependence on him, a high social status, and a desire to win his favor. Meeting the need for respect and recognition works wonders.

In accordance with A. Maslow's classification, this need is the highest level. Her gratification is also used to covertly control a person.
Self-realization is manifested in achievements. All kinds of documents are a reflection of these achievements: award sheets, certificates of professor and associate professor, diplomas of doctor, candidate of sciences, graduate of a university, technical school, certificate of graduation from high school, certificates of commendation, etc.
The importance of these attributes of success is different, as well as the success itself. But we keep everything that testifies to some of our (albeit very old and not God knows what) achievements: letters that have turned yellow from time, badges about sports categories, pennants of competition winners, trophies of sports prowess.
Accordingly, we love to receive all kinds of confirmation of our success. Experienced leaders use this circumstance to manage people.

Their power is immense because a good compliment raises the mood of the "subject." And the speaker of compliments becomes a welcome, pleasant interlocutor, since he satisfies the “object's” need for positive emotions.
Women, as being more emotional, do not hide their need for compliments.
Moreover, courtship is impossible without compliments.
However, the experience, confirmed by the opinion of psychologists, shows that men are even more "bite" on compliments. Due to their inexperience, they are much less demanding on the quality of the compliment, they can succumb to banal flattery.