"The loan is approved for you, the courier will bring the contract"


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John Smith:
I tried to get a loan from several banks, but they all refused me and refused. I was about to go to a friend and borrow from him when a call came from an unknown number. The girl introduced herself as an employee of a certain credit organization and immediately said: "Our security service has approved a loan in your name." I also mentioned the loan amount - $ 1000, and the interest - about 20, I don't remember exactly.
Money can be received by issuing a new card, and for this transfer $ 50. I live in the New Yourk region, and the company's office is in New Yourk, so you can't do without a blitz translation and courier delivery of papers. The employee explained: how I will transfer the money, the courier will arrive in 20 minutes with a prepared contract.
I promised to call back and asked what the official website of the company was. From the same number that the girl called, a link came, and I went to the Internet. On the so-called official website, instead of a hotline phone, there is a mobile phone, and it was not possible to find detailed conditions for the loan, no matter how hard you try. And when you hammer in a search engine "what kind of company is this", you find a sea of negative reviews - they say, these are scammers.
I suspect that my number got into the database of this dubious office. They call the "refusenik", they are encouraging, he is ready to give symbolic money, if only to receive a large sum. There will be no courier, of course. A thousand people will agree - two million are in the pockets of crooks!

Financial Culture Expert:
Fraudsters take advantage of a critical situation in which a person has fallen: urgently need money for treatment, car repair, funeral. When banks refuse, $ 50 "for courier services" seem insignificant against the backdrop of an imminent receipt of $ 1000.
Those at risk are also those who take out a loan out of curiosity: since this can be done in a couple of clicks, why not try it? Confidential tone and assurances that the loan has already been approved specifically for you, fuel curiosity.

How to recognize scammers?
  • They ask to make a prepayment. Financial institutions do not require any prepayment, loan approval commission, insurance payment, courier or postal service from the borrower. If the client has to pay first, he is facing scammers. Until the conclusion of the contract, you do not pay anything, and after that you are obliged to return only the loan amount with interest.
  • An uninformative site. Address, hotline *-800 ... or city number, e-mail, information about the license issued by the Bank and confirming the right to operate - the required minimum of information. You can check the license here. If the calling organization is not in the register of the Bank, transfer all data about it to the police.
  • Confusing loan conditions and zero requirements for the borrower. Key points - the interest rate on the loan, forfeit, the timing of the issue - financial organizations clearly prescribe and do not hide. If you cannot find this information on the site, you are in front of scammers. In addition, the issuance of a new card is not a prerequisite for drawing up a loan agreement. In addition, banks and MFIs check the client's credit history - if the organization does not care about it, they deceive you. Submit a report to the police and tell them all the information about the scammers - this will help stop the activities of intruders.
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