The lawyer was robbed of hundreds of thousands of rubles after changing the SIM card


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An Indian lawyer from Delhi became a victim of sim-swapping, although she did not tell the scammers any of her data. According to the Indian Express, the woman lost hundreds of thousands of rupees (1 rupee = 1.11 rubles) transferred from her bank account, but she did not receive any one-time passwords.

This story began for a 35-year-old fraud victim with three missed calls from the same number. Later, she called back to this number from another device: she was informed that she was being harassed by the delivery service. The lawyer was informed that a parcel arrived in her name from a friend and asked to specify her home address. She did this and even received this package from the courier the next day.

However, on the same day, a much less pleasant event occurred — two large debits were made from her account. She immediately contacted the police. Investigators concluded that this was a fraud involving the substitution of a SIM card, but Indian operatives do not yet know exactly how it was implemented.

Sessions that did not belong to the lawyer were found in the browsing history of the victim's browser, which is apparently synced with other devices. In particular, sites and services unknown to her were visited. In addition, on the day following the fraud, the lawyer received a call from an unknown person who introduced himself as an employee of the cybercriminal laboratory. He asked to send him a detailed bank statement, but was refused. It was later determined that the laboratory did not make such a request.

The publication notes that this is the fourth such case of fraud with the substitution of SIM cards in Delhi. Each of the previous ones was accompanied by ambiguities or mysterious circumstances.