The key to total self-control


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An article for those who are tired of depending on external factors and strive for complete power over themselves and their lives

I am sure each of you, who is at least a little fond of personal development, faced such situations when everything starts to go not quite the way you planned, or everything in general turns against you in a cardinal way.

For example, you decided to start saving money, say, for a pair of new sneakers for future jogging, but after a couple of weeks or even days something suddenly happens that requires urgent investments and after some painful torment you decide to get the accumulated capital and use it to patch up emerged hole.

Sound familiar? What do people do in this case? Well, as a rule, the majority starts to get nervous or freak out: "Well, I knew it, something is always happening to me!" Others may be more restrained and after a while will start saving money again, that is, they will make a new attempt. However, in the end, both of them will give up their attempts and never reach the goal.

What to do? The age-old question. What will keep us all afloat? What should everyone know who wants to change their life and become its full-fledged owner?

There is one very important aspect, developing which we can achieve stunning results in any endeavors. It's about Mindfulness. I can already hear your disapproving utterances). America, as they say, I did not open to you, right? However, I still strongly recommend that you read the article to the end, and perhaps you will realize the importance of what I am in a hurry to tell you.

Let me ask you a few questions:

What allows the ship's captain to reach his destination?

What allows the rider to get out of the tight corner?

What allows an athlete to re-enter the field / ring / court, etc., after another failure?

Each of the above (captain, racer, athlete) has something in common. They not only clearly understand WHERE they need to come, they not only know that it is IMPORTANT for them, they also clearly understand that no matter what happens, they will in any case achieve their goal if they are as Aware and focused as possible.

Now let's figure it out. Let's put everything on the shelves. The ability to organize and keep knowledge in order is also a very important factor in growth in personal development. Ok, let's go.

When I talk about Awareness, I see a certain structure, which consists of 4, as you have probably already noticed the components or layers:

1. A clear goal or dream

2. Understanding your values and principles. Or what is important to you

3. Ability and determination to constantly keep attention on what is important and meaningful to you

4. Reinforced concrete conviction that no circumstances or people can influence the result that you decided to get.

If there are not so many problems with the first three (although to whom, of course), then many questions arise with the latter.

I do not like to complicate and always strive to simplify, anyone can complicate, but making it easier is a real skill. That's why. Remember one simple thing:

You are not a product of circumstances, you are a product of your decisions. And you can only be influenced by what you ALLOW to influence you. Do you understand?

What is the secret to achieving goals? There are no secrets. NLP (neuro - linguistic programming) says that if someone can, you can. You just need to constantly make attempts and adjust them until the desired result is obtained. Point. Can you imagine how simple it is? But why do so few people still fail to achieve their goals? There are many reasons for this.

Everyone has their own. Many have no goals at all, they just go with the flow. Many people lack the ability to focus, some are not aware of their true values. Someone spends their energy trying to change what they cannot change in any way, for example, the weather (by itself) or the dollar rate or the behavior of this or that politician.

My recommendations:

1. Find what is of your greatest interest to you. Your Values can be your family, your loved ones, your dream, your health, the well-being of your children.

2. Understand what you are REALLY capable of influencing, and what you are not, do not waste time on the latter.

3. Cultivate in yourself the belief that everything is achievable, provided that the first two points are observed and a firm determination to cultivate this belief in yourself.

4. Act and stay flexible

But this is not all, although this is already more than enough for the implementation of the plan.

Next, I want to offer you one simple technique that will allow you to rise above the hustle and bustle and problems.

Eagle flight technique

Imagine that you are a sharp-sighted young eagle. You are flying over the earth and your gaze covers tens of square kilometers below you. Nothing has power over you. Only the rays of the sun warm you and the favorable wind caresses the feathers.

All your problems and difficulties are surmountable. No weather conditions or the yapping of enemies can break your rebellious will and faith in your strength.

There is only the sky, the sun, your goal and you.

If it rains, you can hide in the forest or the nearest gorge, but if someone decides to attack you, you only need to bare your claws, but I assure you, your appearance, full of determination and inaccessibility, will be enough for those around you.

Therefore, you continue to fly until you reach your goal, only occasionally stopping to refresh yourself and recuperate.

Will the eagle complain about the bad weather? No. He'll just wait until things get better and the sun comes up again. Will he fight the Hurricane? No. He cannot defeat the hurricane. He will also wait it out. Will he complain about the circumstances? No. The eagle cannot speak)

Be an eagle. Don't be a chicken.

We all need a foundation in the form of goals, values, focus, and the belief that anything is achievable.

Many people miss him today. But you are capable of creating it.

Understand one simple thing, you are only a particle in this world, and your problems and difficulties are nothing more than crumbs and grains of sand in this vast and immense world.

However, I believe that every person, in spite of his physical smallness in comparison with the Universe, has unlimited powers and in order to manifest this power everything comes down to only one single task - to awaken this power.

The Universe has no purpose to break you, it wants you to become stronger.

People do not seek to offend you - they are only full of resentment themselves.

Success does not run away from you, it wants to be attracted by you.

We are not weak because we are weak in ourselves, we are weak because we refuse to accept battle.

And we refuse to accept the battle only because we once believed that we were not capable of something and no one came to tell you otherwise. I am here to tell you: You are capable of a lot.

Mindfulness is not a philosophical term or skill that only a student of Tibetan monks can master. Awareness is the ability at the right moment, and then at every moment of being, to rise above existence and become “above” everything that happens to you. It is the determination to be stronger. It is the determination to be wiser. This is the determination and intention to draw knowledge, strength, courage and wisdom from nature itself and higher forces, wherever you are, at any given time.