The Hidden Facets of the Digital Era: How Payment Innovation Affects People's Lives

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Deputy Chairman of the Board of Oschadbank spoke about the trends in the development of payment technologies.

payment technologies

The Hidden Faces of the Digital Era: How Payment Innovation Affects People's Lives.

Lydia Kulyba, during her speech at PayTech 2019, emphasized that this year the dynamics of the use of smartphones in the field of cashless payments is increasing. According to a study by GfK Ukraine, 56% of the population use a mobile phone to find information about a product; 49% - make online purchases on websites; 51% make purchases through mobile apps.

Thus, the lifestyle of many citizens is being digitized. The population is more willing to accept and trust technologies, which, as practice shows, make life much easier. According to Anton Tyutyun, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Oschadbank, who is also taking part in the PayTech 2019 conference, people can no longer live without smartphones.

Losing a phone is perceived by most as much more difficult than breaking up with a partner. When you lose your smartphone, and it is also tied to online banking, you cannot carry out certain payment transactions. Accordingly, even the temporary unavailability of a smartphone entails discomfort.

Anton Tyutyun with a report on the development of new payment technologies at the PayTech 2019 conference.
Anton Tyutyun voiced some facts related to Oschadbank's connection to the Apple Pay payment service:
  • interest in Apple Pay was so great that during the three days since the launch of the service in Oshchad, more customers have used it than a year before using other digital wallets;
  • within a year after the introduction of Apple Pay at Oschadbank, the number and volume of transactions increased by 331%;
  • the volume of transactions made using Google Pay and Apple Pay exceeded UAH 1 billion in a year;
  • so far there has not been a single case of fraudulent use of a mobile wallet;
  • on average, each active card registered in Apple Wallet accounts for about 15 transactions per month.
These data prove how much a person gets used to how the world is changing, and innovations are becoming familiar things.

The average check of a transaction made using a mobile payment service is twice as high as when calculating with a physical card

In addition, the number of wearable devices with the payment function is growing. Almost all new phones have an NFC module and settlement operations are becoming an integral part of them. Moreover, not only smartphones have NFC, payment functionality is already being introduced into cars.

Who is "driving progress"?​

According to Tyutyun, millennials and representatives of generation Z are now driving the digital transformation process. The speaker outlined the key needs of these generations, which became the main impetus for the implementation of innovations in payments.

Millennials are the first generation to be born when almost every subject on Earth had a digital equivalent. Therefore, they support the development of innovative technologies, including in the field of finance. Millennials do not recognize any conventions, authorities. They have no value of their own: an apartment, a car can be rented. They do not recognize the standard attributes that were important before - dress codes, diamonds, expensive watches, etc.
Millennials and Gen Z are driving technological progress.

Representatives of generation Z, according to Tyutyun's description, are afraid to miss something. So technology also needs to evolve to keep pace with the impulses of young people. The influence of Gen Z cannot be underestimated. Today their opinion is taken into account and accepted. Here are some facts:
  • 71% of parents already take into account the opinion of their children under the age of 21 when deciding on any purchase.
  • 65% of parents are already consulting Gen Z about which tour to choose for their vacation trip.
  • 32% of parents ask their children for their opinion on the purchase of furniture.
  • 29% of parents listen to their children when buying a car.
Tyutyun stressed that now for millennials and generation Z, taking an extra step is already a problem. They want everything to be “simple, fast, here and now.

Generation Z is characterized by low attention span. According to various studies, it is only 8 seconds. They must have time to do such, at first glance, a simple operation, how to insert the code that came to them in SMS into a specific field in the mobile application in order to confirm the payment transaction. But, this is already difficult. Therefore, you need to make transactions seamless.
Anton Tyutyun
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Oschadbank

The aftermath of the digital age: what the future holds​

Consequences of the digital era: what the future holds. Photo:
The digital era, according to Anton Tyutyun, is wonderful. After all, we will be able to receive services much faster, we will not have to go somewhere, everyone will forget about the bank branches. These changes will be the norm in the near future as Gen Z calls for it.

But the most important thing is that we will be deprived of the most basic value - privacy.

The speaker gave examples of how technology affects the life of mankind today. While such innovations are exciting, the consequences of large-scale implementation are truly daunting.

So, in 2021, about a thousand people agreed to participate in the experiment and were allowed to implant a chip between their thumb and forefinger. Today there are already 5 thousand such people.

In China, it is no longer being seriously discussed, but the introduction of a system of social rating of citizens is beginning: points will be deducted for misdemeanors, and they will be counted for good behavior. If he allows himself not to repay the loan on time, to delay the payment of the communal apartment, or his behavior in a public place does not correspond to the system, he will have to pay a fine. As a result, a person with a low social rating will not be able to count on work in government institutions, to book a place in a decent hotel, and will undergo a more serious inspection at customs.

It even sounds a little strange when one of the basic values - freedom - is taken away from us. Nevertheless, we cannot resist the movement of global corporations. This will happen without our desire, since huge capital and technologies are involved. The states will want, in the end, to control the voter, the data will be transmitted to all special services and the ruling elites will be able to control the choice of citizens. This is my opinion, this is not any research

According to Tyutyun, the most important thing is not to lose the right to privacy, emotions and self-expression. He believes that privacy will become expensive.

Facebook, perhaps, will introduce a fee so that we do not see the algorithms, but form our own feeds. Banking services will become expensive in the branches, of which there will be few, but they will provide a very high-quality and professional service. Therefore, everything personal will increase in value. We will all have to live with this

The speaker emphasized that today one can see how the basic values are changing.

If 10-15 years ago a person who had a smartphone was considered cool, now we will respect those people who can refuse it for a while.