The "groom" from Germany threw a naive girl for 2.5 million rubles


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35-year-old designer Tamara from Dolgoprudny searched for design projects in Telegram, and found love. Handsome Denis said that he lives in Germany, is engaged in a window manufacturing business and runs 2 gas stations. He is also an investor and can help Tamara earn money.

Head over heels in love, Tamara started investing. In total, I invested just over 200 thousand rubles. But Denis began to have some kind of black streak. One day, he told me that my mother had become ill and needed urgent surgery. It costs about 2 million rubles to make it in Germany. Tamara readily accepted the loan and transferred the money to Denis.

After a while, the groom said that he was in the police. He was detained and the connection is still through his lawyer, Maxim Nikolaevich. The lawyer called and said that we need 350 thousand rubles for a bribe to get Denis released. Then Tamara finally began to suspect something. She refused to give money and demanded a personal meeting with Denis or his mother. It didn't grow together. Maxim Nikolaevich constantly found some excuses until he flew to the ban.

A few days later, Denis himself wrote and said that he gave 5 million for his freedom and was angry that the woman could not find a pathetic 350 thousand. Tamara went to the police. Now employees understand who is hiding under the name of Denis and why he uses the face of a very real Rostov entrepreneur, who does not know about Tamara.