? The fear of carders is an illusion


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Most of the things we fear will never happen. But even if they do happen, they often turn out to be not as bad as they previously thought.

For many of us, fear is the worst thing that can happen, but in reality, reality is not so bad.

There was one person, Richard Feynman - one of the creators of the world's first atomic bomb and a Nobel Prize winner in physics. This is a man who not only lived an amazing life, but also became famous for challenging his fears.

Once he ended up in Mexico by a funny coincidence, where he got to one of the street carnivals. These scenes haunted him for a long time and what do you think he did? I decided to learn how to play drums. A few years later, in one of such carnivals, he himself took a direct part, and a little later became famous as a drummer without musical education, putting African dances at a ballet school.

True, these achievements in history have been overshadowed by discoveries in quantum physics and dynamics. But that's not the point.

The bottom line is that by taking a small step towards your fear, you can find yourself and find “destiny”, because everything will not happen in the way you imagine. Well, at least expand your horizons and experience.

Afraid to talk to a stranger on the street? Want to start doing something new? Do you want to jump with a parachute? Do you want to write a book but are afraid of not coping? This list of questions can be continued indefinitely.

The moral is that if you start to fade in fear, take a step towards it. You will not only be able to surpass yourself, but you will also definitely discover something new for yourself. Just take a step and watch.