The FBI Wanted: The Most Dangerous Cybercriminals

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A quarter of a century ago, the first charge of computer fraud was filed. Since then, this craft has become super profitable.

dangerous cybercriminals

The FBI Wanted: The Most Dangerous Cybercriminals

On July 26, 1989, American student Robert Morris, at the age of 24, was accused of creating and running a computer virus. The charge was followed by the first criminal prosecution of the creator of the virus. The payment of a fine of $ 10 thousand and 400 hours of community service did not prevent Robert from continuing to work on computers. Today he is an Adjunct Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

However, not all hackers can boast of such a career. Most often they are wanted and then jailed.

Editorial PaySpace Magazine has compiled a list of cybercriminals, who now wanted by the FBI on charges of financial fraud computer.

Reward: $ 3 million for information leading to arrest

Accused of infecting computers with the Zeus virus. This malware made it possible to obtain bank card details, passwords, identification codes and other data required to access bank accounts. The virus has been used to infect over 1 million computers. And the damage from the operation reaches $ 100 million. The case has been investigated by the FBI since 2009.

Reward: $ 1 million

Accused of organizing fake online auctions for the sale of non-existent luxury items: cars, watches and others. Popescu and his accomplices managed to earn $ 3 million in this way. Almost 800 users suffered as a result of fraud.

Reward: $ 100 thousand

In 2012-2013, Alexey Belan allegedly hacked into the computer networks of three major American trading floors in Nevada and California. By stealing user data and encrypted passwords for millions of accounts. The accused tried to sell this data.

Reward: $ 100,000

Wanted for alleged involvement with the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), which supports the country's regime.

From September 2011 to January 2014, Dardar is said to have carried out numerous cyberattacks against the United States government, the media, and private organizations.

Reward : $ 100,000

Ahmed al-Agha is suspected of the same crime as Firas Dardar. June 12, 2014 in the United States against it was filed a criminal complaint accusing Agha in Hard Of enii plentiful 's law s , tie s with the penetration of computers in private and public organizations.

Reward: $ 50,000

It is assumed that Noor Aziz Uddin lan Vova international telecommunications scheme that deceived as people, companies and government agencies, including the largest x telecom operators United States and other countries.

The amount of damage from the activities of the hacker group amounted to more than $ 50 million .

Reward: $ 50,000

Farhan Ul Arshad is also wanted for involvement in the telecommunications scheme. Overall perstupnaya organization swept Pakistan, the Philippines , Saudi th Aravis th , Switzerland yu , Spain Yu , Singapore, Italy th and Malaysia th .

Remuneration: $ 20 thousand each

Wanted for alleged involvement in an international scheme in which scammers sold bogus software. Sometimes scammers infected it with a virus so that users had to pay a ransom to restore access to the computer. The operation affected Internet users in more than 60 countries. And the criminals illegally received about $ 100 million.

Last year, the list of the most wanted criminals in the world was also a native of Latvia, Peteris Sokhurovs. But in November 2016, Pēteris was detained in Poland with subsequent extradition to the United States. He is accused of participating in an international cyber group that infected users' computers with a ransomware virus. Presumably, in this way the fraudster embezzled $ 2 million.For information that would lead to the arrest of this criminal, the FRB promised $ 50 thousand.

The full list of cybercriminals who are on the FBI's wanted list includes more than 20 people.